Cheevo found in H > Dungeons > Rift: Storm Legion
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The Cheevo Dungeon Sinisters Chronicle Sinisters
The Cheevo

The Dreams of War cheevo is granted after you have killed all the Sinister Presence mobs in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons and Chronicles, and the Nightmare Tide Chronicles.
Killing each of the Sinister Presences will grant you a cheevo, it is this cheevo that is listed on the Dreams of War meta cheevo.
The Shadow of War
Archive of Nightmares
An Empyrean Haunting
The Dreams of Tyrants
The Sinister Presence
The Darkness of Deepstrike
Shadow of Strozza
Shadows of the Foundry
Tower of Nightmares
Forging Nightmares
Infernal Dreams
Nightmares of the Fae
The Haunting of Hammerknell
Dreams of the Dead
Nightmare Breaker
Awakening the Awakened
Killing the Sinisters
The Sinister are pretty easy to kill at level 70, however at low levels you may find yourself needing to dodge red or interrupt casts.
Dungeon Sinisters
Something Sinister This Way Comes
This quest is automatically picked up on your first kill of a sinister presence in any of the Storm Legion Level 60 Expert Dungeons.
Visit the rest of the Storm Legion expert dungeons and kill the Sinister Presences.
You can find information about the locations below.
This quest will autocomplete when you kill the last sinister presence on the list.
The Dreams of Tyrants
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Exodus of the Storm Queen.
You can find a full guide to Exodus of the Storm Queen here.

The Sinister Presence mob can be found in the basement library near boss 2
/setwaypoint 730 537
Kill the Tormented Blackstorm Assassin to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Archive of Nightmares
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Archive of Flesh.
You can find a full guide to Archive of Flesh here.

The Sinister Presence is on the bridge above the main room.
/setwaypoint 386 457
Kill the Tormented Horror to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Note: The Tormented Horror is only there after the third boss, Emphalea, is killed.
Shadow of Strozza
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Storm Breaker Protocol.
You can find a full guide to Storm Breaker Protocol here.

The Sinister Presence is found after the last boss.
/setwaypoint 2533 349
Kill the Tormented Grunt to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
An Empyrean Haunting
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Empyrean Core.
You can find a full guide to Empyrean Core here.

The Sinister Presence is found in the room where the 2nd boss is after you have killed the 2nd boss.
/setwaypoint 466 476
Kill the Tormented Drudge to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Forging Nightmares
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Unhallowed Boneforge.
You can find a full guide to Unhallowed Boneforge here.

The Sinister Presence is found in the room where the 4th boss is after you have killed the 4th boss.
/setwaypoint 792 575
Kill the Tormented Witchlord to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Shadows of the Foundry
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Golem Foundry.
You can find a full guide to Golem Foundry here.

The Sinister Presence is on the ledge where the C1-0N3 boss spawns.
/setwaypoint 549 624
Kill the Tormented C1-0N3 to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Tower of Nightmares
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Tower of the Shattered.
You can find a full guide to Tower of the Shattered here.

The Sinister Presence is in the tunnel to the north of the 3rd boss room.
/setwaypoint 545 411
Kill the Tormented Stormwatch Guard to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
The Darkness of Deepstrike
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Return to Deepstrike.
You can find a full guide to Return to Deepstrike here.

The Sinister Presence is found in the tunnel to the right, up the stairs from the second boss.
/setwaypoint 353 597
Kill the Tormented Titan to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
The Sinister Presence
Purge the Sinister Presence from Expert: Realm of Twisted Dreams.
You can find a full guide to Realm of Twisted Dreams here.

The Sinister Presence is in the instanced area after you kill the last boss, twisted Lord Twyl
/setwaypoint 1034 646
Kill the Tormented Bunny to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Chronicle Sinisters
A Twisted Recollection
This quest is automatically picked up on your first kill of a sinister presence in any of the Storm Legion Level 60/65 Chronicles.
Visit the rest of the level 60/65 Chronicles and kill the Sinister Presences.
You can find information about the locations below.
This quest will autocomplete when you kill the last sinister presence on the list.
Nightmares of the Fae
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Intrepid: Greenscale’s Blight Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: Greenscale’s Blight Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is in the hedge maze on the left from the entrance, next to the shamblers.
/setwaypoint 522 558
Kill the Tormented Blightleaf Guard to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Dreams of the Dead
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is on the patch of land between the Chronicle entrance and Plutonus.
/setwaypoint 735 977
Kill the Tormented Destroyer to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
The Haunting of Hammerknell
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is in the throne room with King and Prince.
/setwaypoint 572 388
Kill the Tormented Runeguard Soldier to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
The Shadow of War
Purge the Sinister Presence from the A Hero Rises Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the A Hero Rises Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is at the top of the slope leading to the Terminal Building.
/setwaypoint 1515 872
Kill the Tormented Marksman to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Awakening the Awakened
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Hive Kaaz’Gfuu Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Hive Kaaz’Gfuu Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is on the right side path between boss 1 and 2.
/setwaypoint 3596 3292
Kill the Tormented Ritualist to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Nightmare Breaker
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Planebreaker Bastion Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Planebreaker Bastion Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is on the same platform as the first boss, he will only appear after the boss is dead.
/setwaypoint 486 933
Kill the Tormented Empyreal Soldier to spawn the Sinister Presence and then kill it.
Infernal Dreams
Purge the Sinister Presence from the Infernal Dawn Chronicle.
You can find a full guide to the Infernal Dawn Chronicle here.
The Sinister Presence is on the platform leading to Rusila’s ship..
/setwaypoint 1576 1468
Kill the Tormented Longshot to spawn the Sinister Presence and kill it.