Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Celestial Matrix and Crifts Prophetic Amenders
Buying the Recipes Helm and Ranged Weapon Other Items
Upgrading your Helm and Ranged Weapon
Upgrade One – Footholds Upgrade Two – Invasions Upgrade Three – Rifts
Upgrade Four – Cosmic Trigger Upgrade Five – Stellar Trigger
Celestial Matrix and Amenders
Celestial Matrix and Crifts
Celestial Matrix
Celestial Matrix is a crafting material used in Planar Crafted Recipes. They drop randomly from Crafting Rifts. They can also be made from Celestial Motes. Celestial Motes also drop from Crifts, when you have ten motes you can combine them with a Tenebrean Planar Attuner to create a Celestial Matrix. Simply right click your stack of 10 Celestial Motes to combine them.
Celestial Matrixes are used to craft and then upgrade the planar crafted items.
You will need 3 Celestial Matrixes for the initial craft of each item, and then 23 Celestial Matrixes to upgrade each item. This makes a total of 52 Celestial Matrixes for both items.
Celestial Matrixes are a rare drop from the Crifts and you can only earn one Crift lure per week per character. To increase the chances of getting Celestial Matrixes drop, players will group up into a raid of 20, each with their own Crift lure and close the Crifts one after another.
During a full 20 players Crift run, you will loot 2 to 5 Celestial Matrixes on average. Sometimes you may have a bad run, or a very good run! But each rift will at least give some Motes.
Getting your Crift Lure
When you reach crafting level 500 (and character level 70) you can pick up a Weekly Crafting quest in Alittu from ‘R23-JK’ at /setwaypoint 4032 6360
Only the 7 main crafting skills can pick up these weeklies
Weaponsmith / Artificer / Armorsmith / Dream Weaver / Outfitter / Runecrafter / Apothecary
You can only pick up a single weekly quest each week, even if you have multiple skills at the right level. You will be given a list of different quests, one for each crafting skill you have, choose the one that you have the most materials for! Once you choose and complete the quest the others will not be available.
Joining a rift Group
Once you have your lure (choose the water one!) you should join a crift raid. These are often advertised in public chat, especially just after the weekly reset. You do not need high dps or special specs to join. The rifts are actually soloable, players just join groups to maximise their loot.
A crift raid will be 20 people who each bring a crift lure, the lures are then opened one at a time in Ashenfell or VP.
Players use their PA rift summons to move the group quickly to the next crift. When it is your turn to open your lure, leave the current crift at stage 3 and find a tear on the map (You need a normal Blue/White tear, not an Orange Raid tear), go to the tear and open your crift then wait for the reward window to pop up from the previous crift before you summon the raid.
If you can, use an ALT to join the crift raid. The lures are bound to account so you can mail them to your alts. Choose an alt that is at least level 65, if your alt isn’t level 70 yet then make sure you turn sidekicking on.
The reason to use alts is because each crift after the first will cost you an IRC to receive loot, it is better to spend the IRC from an alt on crifts, so you can use the IRC on your main for farming TDEM.
You can also train professions to a high level on an alt to get more than one lure a week.
Running a rift Group
There are two main jobs while running a Crift group.
The first job is to form a group of 20 players that each have a Crift lure. The way to do this is to type ”LFM CRIFT Group – Please link your lure” in the public chat. Players will then link their lures to you so you can invite them. It helps to also link your own lure in the invite message. Groups will fill quicker on Weds/Thurs, following the weekly reset, you should also take the time into account, groups will fill quicker during peak time.
Once your group is full, do a ready check to ensure all players are still around, then go pop your lure and summon everyone to the rift.
It is now your job to mark up the next rift opener and encourage them to leave the current rift and go pop theirs.
You will need to be alert for the duration of the 20 rifts, ensuring the next opener leaves in a timely manner and knows what they are doing!
The pretty universal way to notify the next rift opener is by marking them with a squirrel and using a raid warning to call them out.
To make this job easier, you can select the next player in the raid and then simply click a macro to mark them and call them out.
mark 17
rw next to pop = %t

Prophetic Amenders
Craft your Amenders
Prophetic Amenders are an upgraded version of the crafted Visionary Amenders.
Visionary Weapon Amender: Crafted by Weaponsmith.
Visionary Ornament Amender: Crafted by Artificer.
Visionary Metal Amender: Crafted by Armorsmith.
Visionary Textile Amender: Crafted by Outfitter.
Visionary Amenders can be traded, so you can ask someone else to craft them for you if you don’t have the recipes.
All the Amenders take normal ‘Wood/Metal/Cloth/leather’ materials plus 5 Chondritic Planar Dust (Droped from Rifts and other planar enemies in Celestial lands).
Amenders can only be crafted once every 20 hours, so make sure you craft the ones you will need daily to get yourself a good stock of them.
The recipes are bought from the Rift Store crafting section.
During the upgrades of each item…
Rogue/Prim will need 23x Prophetic Weapon Amenders, and 23x Prophetic Textile Amenders.
Warrior will need 23x Prophetic Weapon Amenders, and 23x Prophetic Metal Amenders.
Cleric will need 23x Prophetic Ornament Amenders, and 23x Prophetic Metal Amenders.
Mage will need 23x Prophetic Textile Amenders, and 23x Prophetic Ornament Amenders.
You will also need 3x Visionary Amenders of the same type to craft the initial item.
Upgrade your Amender
When you have the Visionary Amender in your bags, you can can ALT+Left Click it to see the upgrade path.
To upgrade from Visionary to Prophetic, you will need 2 Tenebrean Planar Attuners.
These are bought in the shop in the Crafting > Reagents section.
Once you upgrade your amender to Prophetic they will become bound to your account.

With 46 Amenders to upgrade, you will need 92 Attuners. Each Attuner costs 10,000 Planarite, so you will need 920,000 total Planarite to buy them all.
The easiest way to farm Planarite is by joining Nightmare Rifts (NMR)
You can sometimes see players in the general chats asking for more people for NMR, you can also go to Tarken and mouseover any NMR to see if there are players already there.
If you cant find a group, make one yourself!
If you would prefer to solo your planarite farm then use the second best method, which is farming the Invasion spots in Planetouched Wilds.
Crafting the Planar Crafted Items
Buying the Planar Crafted Recipes
You can train the profession and craft the items yourself or you can ask someone else to craft them for you.
The Planar crafting recipes are bought in Alittu from R23-JK at
/setwaypoint 4032 6360
You wont find them on the Rift store with the other recipes.
Once you have bought and learned the recipes you will find them in your recipe book under a separate ‘Planar Crafting’ section
Planar Crafted Helm and Ranged Weapon
Each class has their own Planar Crafted Helm and Ranged Weapon.
The two items have very similar upgrade paths, so its best to get both items ASAP and start upgrading them together.
When you complete all the upgrades you will end up with T2 quality best in slot Helm and Ranged Weapon.
A main spec tank will eventually want to buy the T2 helm from the shop. The shop helm will give you more endurance making it slightly better for tanking. The shop helm requires Legion Datagrams to buy, and storm cells to upgrade, so it may take a while before you can upgrade it fully, it is best to use the planar crafted helm until you have the shop helm upgraded. You can see the slight difference between the stats here.
Rogue / Primalist


Other Planar Crafted Items
A Reliquary can be crafted by an Apothecary.
You can find more information about this in the Consumables for Raids section of the Level 70 gear guide.
To craft a Reliquary you will need; Alchemical Amenders, Celestial Matrixes, Plants and Ahnkite.
Runecrafters can create Runes that will help you with your gathering skills.
There is a Celestial Rune for Butchering, Fishing, Foraging, and Mining.
These are made with Chondritic Planar Dust, Runecrafting Mats, and Celestial Motes.
The runes increase your skill level by 50, giving you extra yield from each node you harvest. For instance, a level 525 Butcher would normally get 2 hides per butcher, with the rune on you get 3 hides per butcher. If you have the fishing Rune on you are able to fish in higher zones that your actual skill level allows.
You can put each rune on a lower level Shoulder and swap them with your main shoulders, allowing you to easily change between each rune when you want to.
Dreamweavers can craft 2 Dimension keys; Volcanic Playground, and Wyrd Hut.
These are made with Chondritic Planar Dust, Dreams Bolts, Plants, and Celestial Matrixes.
Upgrading your Planar Crafted Helm and Ranged Weapon
Before you start
Be sure you also have your Eternal Weapon started! A lot of the upgrade requirements are the same as for the Planar Crafted items, so you can do them all at the same time to avoid having to repeat it all later.
Upgrade One - Footholds
Upgrade One – Upgrading Base item to Infused
For the first upgrade you need to; Kill 75 mobs in the Tenebrean Schism, Defeat 75 Footholds, have 2 Prophetic Amenders, and 2 Celestial Matrix.
Note: A player can have the base weapon/helm in their bags and complete the objectives for the first upgrade. The items can then be still be traded with the objectives complete, as long as the upgrade button isn’t pressed. This is especially useful when gearing up alts that may find the Tenebrean Schism Mobs more difficult than your main.
Tenebrean Schism Mobs
You will find the mobs all around the middle of the Tenebrean Shism.
I find the best path to follow is just around the bottom left quarter.
You can kill all the enemies that are up and then switch shard for the next batch.
These bad guys are all level 70 elites and may be a little tough for your fresh 70 character, so bring a friend with you if you can! (Your friend can kill the mobs for you, you don’t even need to hit them to get credit, this can be super useful if you are power-levelling an alt using two accounts)
Otherwise, just take it slow, pull one at a time!
A planar invasion will spawn a foothold when it reaches a set point in the world, and is given time to cast the foothold casting spell.
So to spawn footholds you need invasions to spawn them. To spawn those invasions you can open multiple rifts and hope that they spawn invasions, then let the invasions travel along the paths until they reach a foothold point and spawn one.
The world usually has plenty of Footholds around, as you can see on the picture of Moonshade! However you will need to be careful to mentor correctly for these footholds, often they will be all different levels, even on the same map.
There is a spot in Ashora at /setwaypoint 3778 7973 that makes the process easier, the footholds here are not marked on the map, but they are close together and respawn very quickly. Its a great spot to farm! Be sure to mentor to 65 to get XP.
See the Amenders Section above for details.
Rogue/Prim will need 2x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 2x Prophetic Textile Amender.
Warrior will need 2x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 2x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Cleric will need 2x Prophetic Ornament Amender, and 2x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Mage will need 2x Prophetic Textile Amender, and 2x Prophetic Ornament Amender.
Celestial Matrix
See the Celestial Matrix Section above for details.
All classes will need 2 Celestial Matrix for upgrade one.
Upgrade Two - Invasions
Upgrade Two – Upgrading Infused to Energized
For the second upgrade you need to; Defeat 100 Invasions, have 3 Prophetic Amenders, 3 Celestial Matrix, and 750 Planar Pellets.
Each class will need two specific types of invasions…
Rogue/Prim will need Death and Air Invasions.
Warrior will need Death and Earth Invasions.
Cleric will need Earth and Fire Invasions.
Mage will need Air and Fire Invasions.
The Invasions can be in any zone, but you will need to mentor so that they grant you experience.
Most players will choose to use the Invasion locations in Planetouched Wilds..
- Ovog Shirne – Air – /setwaypoint 9234 6026
- Khort – Air – /setwaypoint 9698 7067
- Jad – Earth – /setwaypoint 11663 5751
- Woe – Death – /setwaypoint 9370 4993
- Shal Korva – Earth – /setwaypoint 10303 5975
You can find a full explanation of how to do this on the Eternal Weapon Guide Page.
If you find these Invasion locations too difficult to solo, then you may want to try the NMT Active Onslaughts, explained in the Fire section below.
Fire Invasions
Unfortunately, Planetouched Wilds does not have a Fire Invasion location. Clerics and Mages will have to go elsewhere for these! You can look out for…
- Any Fire zone event! Keep an eye out on YARET, fire events will usually spawn loads of fire invasions.
- Active Onslaughts in NMT zones – These show as a boss symbol on the map. If you see a fire boss symbol, go to it, destroy the baddies, upgrade the defences and enjoy the waves of fire invasions. Pick up the weekly quest from Shissa’Ar in Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5544 5522 to be able to see where the onslaughts spawn. You may need to clear onslaughts of the other planes to get a fire one to spawn.
- The Fire Onslaught location in Gedlonia, Gedlo Badlands /setwaypoint 2774 5991 – This should be manageable, even for a fresh 70.
- The Fire Onslaught location in Valley of the Condemned, Ashenfell /setwaypoint 2514 4406 – This one will be a bit more challenging for a fresh 70, but seems to spawn more invasions.
See the Amenders Section above for details.
Rogue/Prim will need 3x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 3x Prophetic Textile Amender.
Warrior will need 3x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 3x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Cleric will need 3x Prophetic Ornament Amender, and 3x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Mage will need 3x Prophetic Textile Amender, and 3x Prophetic Ornament Amender.
Celestial Matrix
See the Celestial Matrix Section above for details.
All classes will need 3 Celestial Matrix for upgrade two.
Planar Pellets
Planar pellets can be bought using lucky coins from the artifact collector vendor in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12974 11525
You earn a lucky coin each time you hand in an artifact set. So 30 artifact sets completed is 1000 planar pellets. You can complete easy sets on alts, buy the pellets and then send them to your main.
Planar pellets are tradeable in game so you may also find them on the auction house. There is a very small chance of looting a planar pellet while foraging/mining, although I don’t recommend you try to farm them this way!
You can also buy planar pellets in TOKS dungeon for TOK tokens.. it costs 4000 TOK tokens for 1000 planar pellets.
Upgrade Three - Rifts
Upgrade Three – Upgrading Energized to Ethereal
For the third upgrade you need to; Close 40 Rifts, have 4 Prophetic Amenders, 4 Celestial Matrix, and 2 Tenebrean Engines.
Each class will need two specific types of rifts…
Rogue/Prim will need Death and Air rifts.
Warrior will need Death and Earth rifts.
Cleric will need Earth and Fire rifts.
Mage will need Air and Fire rifts.
The rifts can be in any zone, but you will need to mentor so that they grant you experience.
You should have enough PA points to have unlocked all the planar lures in your Ascended Powers. Use these lures in your preferred zone and close those rifts!
You only need to be mentored for the final stage of the rift when you close it, you can blitz through the previous stages while high level.
Death Rifts – can be farmed in Regent’s Cove, Freemarch /setwaypoint 6341 4305
Fire Rifts – Can be farmed in Rock Ridge, Scarlet Gorge /setwaypoint 4456 3545

See the Amenders Section above for details.
Rogue/Prim will need 4x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 4x Prophetic Textile Amender.
Warrior will need 4x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 4x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Cleric will need 4x Prophetic Ornament Amender, and 4x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Mage will need 4x Prophetic Textile Amender, and 4x Prophetic Ornament Amender.
Celestial Matrix
See the Celestial Matrix Section above for details.
All classes will need 4 Celestial Matrix for upgrade three.
Tenebrean Engines
Tenebrean Engines will drop randomly from the bosses in LFR and T1 Raids, they also drop from the mini bosses in the T1 raids.
You can also buy a single Tenebrean Engine each week using Prize Tickets (not recommended! save your prize tickets for pretty things!).
The only way to ‘farm’ these is multiple runs of the LFR Raid: TDEM (TDEZ). You do not need to spend Individual Reward Charges to get Tenebrean Engine as loot. Tenebrean Engines are a rare drop from TDEM.

Upgrade Four - Cosmic Trigger
Upgrade Four – Upgrading Ethereal to Blazing
For the fourth upgrade you need to have 6 Prophetic Amenders, 6 Celestial Matrix, and 1 Cosmic Trigger.
See the Amenders Section above for details.
Rogue/Prim will need 6x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 6x Prophetic Textile Amender.
Warrior will need 6x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 6x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Cleric will need 6x Prophetic Ornament Amender, and 6x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Mage will need 6x Prophetic Textile Amender, and 6x Prophetic Ornament Amender.
Celestial Matrix
See the Celestial Matrix Section above for details.
All classes will need 6 Celestial Matrix for upgrade four.
Cosmic Trigger
Buy your Cosmic Trigger from Nothim in Uttila East at /setwaypoint 3965 3416
It will cost you 3000 Intel. They are bound to account, so you can buy them with an alt if required.
You will need to be Friendly Notoriety with Uttila Resistance to be able to purchase the Cosmic Trigger,
Upgrade Five - Stellar Trigger
Upgrade Five – Upgrading Blazing to Celestial
For the fifth upgrade you need to have 8 Prophetic Amenders, 8 Celestial Matrix, and 1 Stellar Trigger.
See the Amenders Section above for details.
Rogue/Prim will need 8x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 8x Prophetic Textile Amender.
Warrior will need 8x Prophetic Weapon Amender, and 8x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Cleric will need 8x Prophetic Ornament Amender, and 8x Prophetic Metal Amender.
Mage will need 8x Prophetic Textile Amender, and 8x Prophetic Ornament Amender.
Celestial Matrix
See the Celestial Matrix Section above for details.
All classes will need 8 Celestial Matrix for upgrade five.
Stellar Trigger
Buy your Stellar Trigger from Nothim in Uttila East at /setwaypoint 3965 3416
It will cost you 15000 Intel. They are bound to account, so you can buy them with an alt if required.
You will need to be Friendly Notoriety with Uttila Resistance to be able to purchase the Stellar Trigger,
Helm and Ranged Stats at Max Level
Rogue / Primalist


Base Item
Chondritic Battlebow
Chondritic Hood
Chondritic Cannon
Chondritic Helmet
Chondritic Rod
Chondritic Sallet
Chondritic Blaster
Chondritic Cowl
After Upgrade One
Infused Chondritic Battlebow
Infused Chondritic Hood
Infused Chondritic Cannon
Infused Chondritic Helmet
Infused Chondritic Rod
Infused Chondritic Sallet
Infused Chondritic Blaster
Infused Chondritic Cowl
After Upgrade Two
Energized Chondritic Battlebow
Energized Chondritic Hood
Energized Chondritic Cannon
Energized Chondritic Helmet
Energized Chondritic Rod
Energized Chondritic Sallet
Energized Chondritic Blaster
Energized Chondritic Cowl
After Upgrade Three
Ethereal Chondritic Battlebow
Ethereal Chondritic Hood
Ethereal Chondritic Cannon
Ethereal Chondritic Helmet
Ethereal Chondritic Rod
Ethereal Chondritic Sallet
Ethereal Chondritic Blaster
Ethereal Chondritic Cowl
After Upgrade Four
Blazing Chondritic Battlebow
Blazing Chondritic Hood
Blazing Chondritic Cannon
Blazing Chondritic Helmet
Blazing Chondritic Rod
Blazing Chondritic Sallet
Blazing Chondritic Blaster
Blazing Chondritic Cowl
After Upgrade Five
Celestial Chondritic Battlebow
Celestial Chondritic Hood
Celestial Chondritic Cannon
Celestial Chondritic Helmet
Celestial Chondritic Rod
Celestial Chondritic Sallet
Celestial Chondritic Blaster
Celestial Chondritic Cowl
Helm and Ranged Tables of Requirements
Crafting the Base items
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
3x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Xarthian Fiber | 80 | 60 | 80 | 80 | ||||
Bolidium Bar | 60 | 80 | 80 | 80 | ||||
Ahnkite | 30 | 60 | 30 | 60 | ||||
Bolt of Starweave Cloth | 60 | 80 | ||||||
Starhide Leather | 80 | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||||
Tenebrean Samite | 10 | |||||||
Infused Starhide | 15 | |||||||
3x Visionary Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Visionary Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Visionary Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Visionary Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes |
Upgrade One – Upgrading Base item to Infused
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
Kill elite mobs around the Tenebrean Schism that grant experience x75 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Defeat Footholds that grant experience x75 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2x Prophetic Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
2x Prophetic Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
2x Prophetic Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
2x Prophetic Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
2x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Upgrade Two – Upgrading Infused to Energized
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
Defeat Death Invasions that grant experience x100 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Defeat Air Invasions that grant experience x100 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Defeat Earth Invasions that grant experience x100 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Defeat Fire Invasions that grant experience x100 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Prophetic Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Prophetic Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Prophetic Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Prophetic Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
3x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
750x Planar Pellets | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Upgrade Three – Upgrading Energized to Ethereal
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
Close Death Rifts that grant experience x40 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Close Air Rifts that grant experience x40 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Close Earth Rifts that grant experience x40 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Close Fire Rifts that grant experience x40 | Yes | Yes | ||||||
4x Prophetic Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
4x Prophetic Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
4x Prophetic Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
4x Prophetic Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
4x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2x Tenebrean Engines | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Upgrade Four – Upgrading Ethereal to Blazing
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
6x Prophetic Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
6x Prophetic Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
6x Prophetic Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
6x Prophetic Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
6x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1x Cosmic Trigger | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Upgrade Five – Upgrading Blazing to Celestial
Rogue/Prim | Warrior | Cleric | Mage | |||||
Chondritic Battlebow | Chondritic Hood | Chondritic Cannon | Chondritic Helmet | Chondritic Rod | Chondritic Sallet | Chondritic Blaster | Chondritic Cowl | |
8x Prophetic Weapon Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
8x Prophetic Textile Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
8x Prophetic Metal Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
8x Prophetic Ornament Amender | Yes | Yes | ||||||
8x Celestial Matrix | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
1x Stellar Trigger | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |