- City Core is a level 52-53 zone.
- To get to this zone you will enter from the path out of Cape Jule
- There are 3 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Miran Gate (Defiant), Vaud Tower (Guardian), and Expedition Camp.
Below is a guide for all 37 quests in City Core.
With 16 Main Quests and 21 Carnages.
For the City Core rares go here
For the City Core puzzle go here
For the other City Core cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 37 quests in City Core, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.
Core Objective

City Tales

City Clean Up

16 Main Quests
Into the Trees
Defiants pick up this quest from Dacia Ultan in Miran Gate
/setwaypoint 7026 10185
Find a sign of the Defiant expedition
Welcome to the Jungle
Guardians pick up this quest from Marshal Oakheart in Vaud Tower
/setwaypoint 6715 9978
Use Spirit Sight on a nearby Squirrel
Ruined in a Day
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Brevane in Public Market at /setwaypoint 7148 9650 (or at any of the 4 locations)
TO COMPLETE: Investigate the listed places
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Dread Messages
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Survivor’s Message in Public Market at /setwaypoint 7075 9642 (or at any of the 4 locations)
TO COMPLETE: Find the messages on the walls.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Defiant only quest
Evidence of Passage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Expedition Remains, looted from a Hulking Brute in Public Market at /setwaypoint 6980 9471 (Walks all along the main paths)
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Expedition Remains to Dacia Ultan in Miran Gate
Hand in the quest to Dacia Ultan in Miran Gate at /setwaypoint 7026 10185
Guardian only quest
Evidence of Passage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Expedition Remains, looted from a Hulking Brute in Public Market at /setwaypoint 6980 9471 (Walks all along the main paths)
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Expedition Remains to Marshal Oakheart at Vaud Tower
Hand in the quest to Marshal Oakheart in Vaud Tower at /setwaypoint 6715 9978
A Fine Mess
The quest is picked up from Salvarola in Expedition Camp
/setwaypoint 6995 9297
Destroy Egg Sacs x5
Boom Boxes
The quest is picked up from Salvarola in Expedition Camp
/setwaypoint 6995 9297
Kill Eternal Hive Workers x20
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Biochem Grenade’
Find Eternal Hive Workers at the bottom of Citizen’s Library, like these at
/setwaypoint 7096 9146
Use the Biochem Grenade on the ground beneath them to kill them!
Hand in the quest to Salvarola in Expedition Camp at /setwaypoint 6995 9297
Savage Trophies
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gory Trophy, looted from Ferocious Terrormaws in Citizen’s Library at /setwaypoint 7034 9181
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gory Trophies from Mutants and Terrormaws in Citizen’s Library x8
KIll and loot the Mutants and Terrormaws in the Citizen’s Library area.
Hand in the quest to Salvarola in Expedition Camp at /setwaypoint 6995 9297
Eyes on Target
Defiants pick up this quest from Salvarola in Expedition Camp
/setwaypoint 6995 9297
Spy on the Cannibal Camp
Head into the Aqueduct buildings up the slope at /setwaypoint 6884 8476
There are 3 lit up areas that you need to scan while stood at 3 specific spots (Note: Only 2 of the spots may be marked on your map, the first and third listed below, the second spot isn’t marked for most players)
A temporary ability will pop up called ‘Visual Confirmation’
Aim the ability towards the Cannibal Camp where the area is lit up.
Line of Sight
Guardians pick up this quest from Salvarola in Expedition Camp
/setwaypoint 6995 9297
Spy on the Cannibal Camp
Lost in the Shuffle
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Upturned Cart in Citizen’s Library at /setwaypoint 7011 8849
TO COMPLETE: Follow the trail of abandoned supplies
Terminal Path
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bloody Trail in Aqueduct at /setwaypoint 6820 8493
TO COMPLETE: Follow the Expedition Member’s tracks
Follow the tracks on the path..
Click the footprints on the ground, this will create a path of glowing lights in the direction of the next set of footprints.
Start footprints = /setwaypoint 6820 8493
Second footprints = /setwaypoint 6784 8401
Expedition Member Corpse = /setwaypoint 6732 8274
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Guise of Savagery
Defiants pick up this quest from Salvarola in Citizen’s Library
/setwaypoint 6865 8584
Aquire a Clever Disguise from a mutant in the Aqueduct
The disguise will last for 10 mins, it will make the mutant mobs think you are friendly, however their Terrormaw pets can see through your disguise, be careful!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the first and second gear pack’
Go into the Cannibal Camp and collect the gear packs..
First gear pack /setwaypoint 6987 8483
Second Gear Pack /setwaypoint 7003 8443
Infiltrate, Communicate
Guardians pick up this quest from Salvarola in Citizen’s Library
/setwaypoint 6865 8584
Aquire a Clever Disguise from a Mutant Savage
The disguise will last for 10 mins, it will make the mutant mobs think you are friendly, however their Terrormaw pets can see through your disguise, be careful!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the first and second gear pack’
Go into the Cannibal Camp and collect the gear packs..
First gear pack /setwaypoint 7059 8337
Second Gear Pack /setwaypoint 7006 8348
I Came to Drop Bombs
Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in the mutant camp
/setwaypoint 6989 8465
Set up the explosive charge at the First Tent
Set up the explosive charge at the Second Tent
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Clever Disguise’
Use it again to reapply your disguise as needed.
The two nearby tents at
/setwaypoint 6991 8449 both have explosive charges near them.
You will have a temporary ability called ‘Detonate’
Right click the explosive charges near the tents to set them up.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Belarus’
Go back to Belarus and stand right next to his tent.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Detonate the Explosive Compounds near Belarus’
Use the Detonate ability to make things go boom!
Hand in the quest to Belarus in Aqueduct at /setwaypoint 7358 8442 (Go up the ramp at /setwaypoint 7188 8475)
Unleash Hell
Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Shane Hawkins in the Aqueduct
/setwaypoint 7047 8329
Place explosives at the First Tent
Place explosives at the Second Tent
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Clever Disguise’
Use it again to reapply your disguise as needed.
The two nearby tents at /setwaypoint7055 8333 and /setwaypoint 7029 8334 both have explosive charges near them.
You will have a temporary ability called ‘Vigil’s Wrath’
Right click the explosive charges near the tents to set them up.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Captain Shane Hawkins’
Go back to Captain Shane Hawkins and stand right next to his tent.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Unleash Vigil’s Wrath’
Use the Vigil’s Wrath ability to make things go boom!
Hand in the quest to Captain Shane Hawkins in Aqueduct at /setwaypoint 7358 8442 (Go up the ramp at /setwaypoint 7188 8475)
A Race to Survive
Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Aqueduct
/setwaypoint 7358 8442 (Go up the ramp at /setwaypoint 7188 8475)
Stay near Belarus as you escape
When you accept the quest a giant Gorillian mob will spawn and attack you.
Belarus will run off down the road pretty quickly, be sure to join him!
Run along the road, staying close to Belarus as you go, and then drop down into the water at /setwaypoint 7566 8434
Hand in the quest to Belarus in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at
/setwaypoint 7807 8459
Note: Even though the quest is handed in in Eastern Holdings, it will count towards the City Core quest cheevo.
Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘City Tales’

The Fall will Probably Kill You
Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Shane Hawkins in Aqueduct
/setwaypoint 7358 8442 (Go up the ramp at /setwaypoint 7188 8475)
Stay near Captain Hawkins as you escape
When you accept the quest a giant Gorillian mob will spawn and attack you.
Captain Hawkins will run off down the road pretty quickly, be sure to join him!
Run along the road, staying close to Captain Hawkins as you go, and then drop down into the water at /setwaypoint 7566 8434
Hand in the quest to Captain Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at
/setwaypoint 7737 8315
Note: Even though the quest is handed in in Eastern Holdings, it will count towards the City Core quest cheevo.
Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘City Tales’

Where are the rest of the quests!?
At this point of the questline you will have come across around 19 to 20 of the quests and carnages in City Core. The rest of the quests can be found in the areas that the main questline doesn’t go to, these quests are listed below..
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from The Foehammer in King’s Corridor at /setwaypoint 6632 9762
TO COMPLETE: Use the Foehammer on Mutants in King’s Corridor x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘The Foehammer’
Target nearby Mutants and use The Foehammer on them.
Hand in the quest to Jibella Ayle in King’s Corridor at /setwaypoint 6596 9393
Slightly Used
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Partially Digested Magitech, looted from a Ferocious Vhar in King’s Corridor at /setwaypoint 6523 9432
TO COMPLETE: Collect Partially Digested Magitech from Vhar in King’s Corridor x10
Kill other Vhar in King’s Corridor and loot the Partially Digested Magitech from them.
Hand in the quest to Keller Vann in King’s Corridor at /setwaypoint 6602 9379
Roll Call
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Expedition Member Corpse in Citizen’s Library at /setwaypoint 7125 9004 (Or one of the other locations)
TO COMPLETE: Look for the Expedition Members listed
Go to each location and click the Expedition Member Corpse that you find there.
Look for the Expedition Member at Expedition Camp – /setwaypoint 6949 9216
Look for the Expedition Member at the southern terrace – /setwaypoint 7152 9290
Look for the Expedition Member at the eastern terrace – /setwaypoint 7252 9044
Look for the Expedition Member at the northern courtyard – /setwaypoint 7125 9004
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
21 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘City Clean Up’ in City Core
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Prototype XII-T7
PICK UP: You will find him in Public Market at around /setwaypoint 7177 9714
TO COMPLETE: Kill Prototype XII-T7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Cankermaw
PICK UP: You will find him in Expedition Camp at around /setwaypoint 6981 9190
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cankermaw
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rotmaw
PICK UP: You will find him in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6430 9574
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rotmaw
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blighthoof
PICK UP: You will find him in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7039 8225
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blighthoof
CARNAGE: Carnage: Grave New World
PICK UP: You will find them in Public Market at around /setwaypoint 7053 10040
TO COMPLETE: Kill Savage Vhar in Public Market x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Construct Deconstruction
PICK UP: You will find them in Public Market at around /setwaypoint 7107 9742
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dilapidated Sentinels in Public Market x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Aggression Removal
PICK UP: You will find them in Public Market at around /setwaypoint 7091 9625
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aggressive Windriders in Public Market x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: King of the Jungle
PICK UP: You will find them in Citizen’s Library at around /setwaypoint 7034 9181
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ferocious Terrormaws in Citizen’s Library x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rotten Lumber
PICK UP: You will find them in Citizen’s Library at around /setwaypoint 7039 8907
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ironbark Treants in Citizen’s Library x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutation Elimination
PICK UP: You will find them in Citizen’s Library at around /setwaypoint 7093 8750
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mutated Razorbeasts in Citizen’s Library x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Terrormaw Defanged
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6652 9839
TO COMPLETE: Kill Terrormaw in King’s Corridor x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutant Pacification
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6651 9758
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfrenzied Mutants in King’s Corridor x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Vhar Sight
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6523 9432
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ferocious Vhar in King’s Corridor x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutant Mayhem
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6656 9209
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gore-Splattered Mutants in King’s Corridor x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Hornet’s Nest
PICK UP: You will find them in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7166 8507
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firewing Hornets in Aqueduct x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Gorgon’s Breath
PICK UP: You will find them in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7207 8371
TO COMPLETE: Kill Steelhorn Gorgons in Aqueduct x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bogling Boggle
PICK UP: You will find them in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7240 8455
TO COMPLETE: Kill Boglings in the Aqueduct x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Timberline Trimming
PICK UP: You will find them in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7302 8032
TO COMPLETE: Kill Timberline Drakes in Aqueduct x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Green Thumb
PICK UP: You will find them in Aqueduct at around /setwaypoint 7280 8013
TO COMPLETE: Kill Verdurous Creepers in Aqueduct x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scattering the Scarabs
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6623 9672
TO COMPLETE: Kill Barbedshell Scarabs in King’s Corridor x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stinger Removal
PICK UP: You will find them in King’s Corridor at around /setwaypoint 6553 9286
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firewing Wasps in King’s Corridor x18
Notes for Completionist..
- No notes required as all quests should be ticked off nicely once you finish the zone!