The Saga of the Storm Queen Questline has 30 quests.
The Saga takes you through many of the Mathosian zones and then into the Storm Legion zones. You will also do a Dungeon and some Chronicles, which are easy to solo at high level. It ends with a level 60 raid rift which may be challenging for lower geared level 70s. There are no PVP quests.
Although the first quest can be picked up at level 30, I recommend you wait until you are level 70 to start, then you will be able to complete all the quests solo. The Whispers in the Wind quest will require you to bring a friend to heal you! The questline level requirements will increase as you work your way through it, with the later quests all requiring level 60.
The questline repeatedly rewards the same 4 weapon skins that are easy enough to acquire elsewhere. You will also be given 2 companion pets, the Storm Griffon, and Popsicle.
The questline is the same for Defiant and Guardian characters.
The Saga of the Storm Queen quests will have their own small section in your questlog.

Quick Links for Questline sections
Winter is… On Its Way – Act 1 Chasing Chekaroth – Act 2 Somebody Set Us Up The Bomb – Act 3
An Approaching Inferno – Act 4 Such Sweet Sorrow – Act 5
Quest Cheevos
You will earn these cheevos during the Saga of the Storm Queen.
You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas
Winter is... On Its Way

Chasing Chekaroth

Somebody Set Us Up The Bomb

An Approaching Inferno

Such Sweet Sorrow

Saga of the Storm Queen - Winter is... On Its Way - Act 1
Might of the Icewatch
Defiants pick up this quest from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057
Guardians pick up this quest from Cyril Kalmar near the Throne in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7513 3049
Note: This quest can also be picked up from the central town in Iron Pine Peak
Complete the Icewatch quest “Keepers of the Storm”
Complete the Icewatch quest “Guest Instructor”
It is likely that you already completed these 2 quests while you were questing through Iron Pine Peak. If you didn’t then you can find the guides for them here..
Defiant Iron Pine Peak – Quests 22 and 23
Guardian Iron Pine Peak – Quests 22 and 23
Complete the two quests.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Lord-Protector of the Icewatch when you have Decorated notoriety with the Icewatch.’
You need to farm notoriety with the Icewatch until you have Decorated.
If you have finished the IPP story quests then you may have this already.
If you don’t have Decorated yet, then you can do the questline, or you can run the Abyssal Precipice dungeon on repeat until you have the notoriety.
Note: I have had a report that someone was able to pick up this quest again after completing half the questline already. They tried to talk to the Lord-Protector, but were unable to. If this happens to you, just ignore the quest and try to find out where you are in the questline. Ask the dude in Tempest Bay for a hint! See main Saga page for more info.
Rite of the Body
Pick up this quest from Master-at-Arms Ramos, just outside Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703
Light the first Icewatch Checkpoint Beacon
Warning: This quest is timed! You have 15 mins to complete it (Which is PLENTY of time)
Rite of the Mind
Pick up this quest from Luminary Yentia in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1613
Mentally prepare for the exam at the Icewatch Study Podium
A list of all the books with hints in them, click the book title to see the text. All books are found on the main floor of the Library, not the basement. The books will be in different locations for each character. They can be on the bookshelves or on the tables.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Answer Archivist Aristoi’s question correctly’
Go back up the stairs to Archivist Aristoi at
/setwaypoint 4552 1614
Archivist Aristoi wants to ask you a few questions about the history of Telara.
The answers to these questions are found in 5 ‘Annal’ books that can be picked up around the Library. It is best to pick up the books first, so you can refer to them once you know what the question from Aristoi is.
Talk with Archivist Aristoi to receive your first question. The question you are given will be random. If you get the answer wrong then you will need to try again!
All of the questions are multiple choice.
The answers are below.
Hand in the quest to Luminary Yentia in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1613
Q: Gisa Malik became renown for her skills as a what?
A: Marksman
Q: How was Warlord Borte related to another great Telaran leader?
A: She was the daughter of the Bahmi Shalastir leader
Q: What famous marksman came from the village of Whitefall?
A: Gisa Malik
Q: Who fixed into place the keystone to Crucia’s prison?
A: Phynnious Rothmann
Q: Who slew Crucia’s whelp Arconis, known as the Bane of Kerenton?
A: Vachir Altan
Q: Who were Phynnious Rothmann’s people?
A: The Northman tribes of Mathosia
Q: Who was beaten and left for dead in the snow by the Storm Legion before being granted Shamanistic power through his faith in Thedeor?
A:Ekkehard Valnir
Q: Who was the first to bear the title of Champion?
A: Vachir Altan
Q: Who was the general leading the forces that took the Storm Legion strongholds here in the Iron Pine Peaks?
A: Warlord Borte
Q: Who was the last of the Valnir clan to fall when the Storm Legion swept through Iron Pine Peak?
A: Ekkehard Valnir
Rite of the Spirit
Pick up this quest from Luminary Yentia in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1613
Sit in contemplation on the edge of the Cloudbourne Tarn
Rite of the Forge
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Collect Blood Iron Ore at the Blood Iron Pools x8
Collect Rough Windstone from Air rifts that grant experience x5
Collect an Aqueous Aether from a Aqueous Vortex in the Crystal Depths
Collect Rough Windstone from Air rifts that grant experience x5
Head out into Mathosia or Storm Legion zones to close Air rifts.
If you are over level 50 then you should have an air rift lure from your planar attunement, under Ascended Powers in your ability book. Use the lure to open Air rifts.
Ensure you mentor down before you close the rift. Each rift will give you one Rough Windstone, you will need to close 5 rifts.
Collect an Aqueous Aether from a Aqueous Vortex in the Crystal Depths.
Go into the Crystal Depths cave at
/setwaypoint 4835 1665
In the cave there are crystals all over the walls.
Click an Unstable Crystal to summon an Aqueous Vortex air elemental mob. Kill it to loot the Aqueous Aether.
You do not need to mentor down.
Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Welcome to the Fight
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Use the Forge Tools to help create a newly smithed weapon
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Winter is… On Its Way’

Saga of the Storm Queen - Chasing Chekaroth - Act 2
A Gathering Storm
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Kill Scribe Lakul
Kill Scribe Nychea
Chasing the Wind
Pick up this quest from the Portal Keystone in the Crystal Depths
/setwaypoint 4802 1776
Search for a clue to Chekaroth’s whereabouts
Roots and All
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Collect Frost Root
Collect Shale Caps x3
Collect Mud Thistles x6
The Stonebinder
Pick up this quest from Olmos the Delver, in the cave in Scaldwater Fields, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5996 7426
Light the Brazier of the Mists and enter the realm of Mists
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the object of Chekaroth’s search’
Click the pointy rock in the middle of the stones.
A portal will appear near the rock for you to portal back to Shimmersand.
Hand in the quest to Olmos the Delver, in the cave in Scaldwater Fields, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5996 7426
Secret of the Sands
Pick up this quest from Olmos the Delver, in the cave in Scaldwater Fields, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5996 7426
Search the ruins atop Harlan’s Lament
Revenge of Yor
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Speak with Hocott Warshaw to translate the codex
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy Yor the Stormrager’
Follow the path to the south that leads you into Scarwood Reach and onto the platform where Yor is. Go into the middle of the area where Chekaroth is to start the fight.
Yor has 3 tornado friends which will whoosh you into the air! Stay away from them!
Kill Yor!
Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Emissary of the Icewatch
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Defiants : Speak with Asha Catari in Meridian
Guardians : Speak with Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Queen Miela aboard the Endeavor’
The Endeavor is a ship that has crashed into a small island between Freemarch and Silverwood.
Go up one of the ramps on the back of the ship.
Note: The first time you try to go up a ramp you may be teleported to the small island nearby, just go up the ramp again to get onto the ship.
Find Queen Miela on the Wreck of the Endeavor at /setwaypoint 6455 4058
Right click to talk with her.
Note: Queen Miela will have a few other quests available. Most noteably, a version of this quest with a similar name, called ‘Emissary to the Icewatch‘.
This extra version of the quest is not meant to be in the game. The quest was part of the original Storm Legion release event. It was accidentally added back to the live shards when Prime held their Storm Legion release event.
It is now a broken quest that cannot be completed. You can ignore it!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Brevanic Portal Beacon in the Chancel of Labors’
Go to the Chancel of Labors in Iron Pine Peak and stand at the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 4559 1607
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Brevanic Portal Beacon’
Use it!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Introduce Queen Miela to Luminary Yentia of the Icewatch’
Whispers in the Wind
Pick up this quest from Queen Miela in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4612 1543
Collect the Essence of Fire from Searing Brink
Collect the Essence of Life from Greenscale’s Lair
Collect the Essence of Death from the River of Souls
Collect the Essence of Fire from Searing Brink
The Essence of Fire is found inside the Volcano in the middle of Ember Isle.
Enter the volcano using the cave entrances on the north or south side.
The Essence of Fire is a red crystal in the middle of a pool of lava. You need to go into the lava and pick up the crystal.
The lava hurts!
The damage is percentage based, so yes, it still hurts at level 70.
Picking up the crystal is a 5 second cast, so you will need to be able to survive 5 seconds in the lava without casting any heals on yourself.
The easiest way to do this is to bring a friend to heal you!
Collect the Essence of Life from Greenscale’s Lair
You can pick up the Essence of Life from the level 50 GSB raid, or from the Chronicle.
It is much easier to do the Chronicle!
Press [ J ] and queue into ‘Greenscale’s Blight: The Fallen Prince’
The Essence of Life is a green crystal found on the floor behind Greenscale. You can pick it up before or after you kill Greenscale.
/setwaypoint 557 298
Collect the Essence of Death from the River of Souls
You can pick up the Essence of Death from the level 50 RoS raid, or from the Chronicle.
It is much easier to do the Chronicle!
Press [ J ] and queue into ‘River of Souls: Chains of Death’
After you kill Gaurath, wait for all the roleplay to finish and then take the portal. The portal will port you back to the entrance, where you will find a loot chest and the Essence of Death.
/setwaypoint 593 1050
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the Essence of Life in the brazier located on Cloudbourne Tarn and Place the Essence of Death in the brazier located on Cloudbourne Tarn’
Cloudbourne Tarn is the frozen lake in IPP.
Head over to the Brazier in the middle of the lake at /setwaypoint 4393 1825
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Essence of Life’
Stand next to the Brazier and use the Essence of Life.
This will light the fire with a green flame.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Essence of Death’
Stand next to the Brazier and use the Essence of Death.
This will change the fire to a white flame.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the Essence of Fire in the brazier located on Cloudbourne Tarn’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Essence of Fire’
Stand next to the Brazier and use the Essence of Fire.
This will change the fire to a blue flame.
Hand in the quest to Queen Miela in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4612 1543
Dungeon Quest – Exodus of the Storm Queen normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon here.
The Storm Queen Rises
Pick up this quest from Queen Miela in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4612 1543
Enter the Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon and defeat Chekaroth
Complete the dungeon!
Both the normal mode and expert mode will credit the quest.
Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nimto in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Note: The NPC has changed his name!
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Chasing Chekaroth’

Saga of the Storm Queen - Somebody Set Us Up The Bomb - Act 3
A Royal Summons
Pick up this quest from Lord-Protector Nimto in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Speak with Queen Miela Aurentis in the Haunted Terminal
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate what happened to Agent Vaelyra’
Continue a short way along the path to
/setwaypoint 12310 3432
Agent Vaelyra will be on the floor, Ronan will attempt to revive her.
Note: If Agent Vaelyra isn’t there, try switching shards, or moving away from the area and then back again.
Hand in the quest to Queen Miela in the Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13378 11617
Nothing Stays Lost
Pick up this quest from Queen Miela in the Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13378 11617
Collect the first Useful Discarded Parchment
You can find the Parchments in 3 of the towns in Morban: The Northern Ruins, Dead Pass, and Black Strand.
In these areas you will find many Parchments to pick up.
You will need to pick up 6 Useful Parchments. Not all the Parchments you pick up will be Useful, some will be a grey item instead.
The first Parchment you pick up will have a 100% chance of being useful.
The second Parchment you pick up will have a 50% chance of being useful.
The third Parchment you pick up will have a 33% chance of being useful.
And so on, until you get to the sixth Parchment, which will only have a 16% chance of being useful.
The Parchments are quite small and do not sparkle. They can be quite hard to spot!
Switch shard at each one you find!
You may find them easier to spot if you reduce your ground clutter density.
Hand in the quest to Agent Ronan in Arlan’s Challenge, Ardent Domain
/setwaypoint 14273 5974
Matter and Form
Pick up this quest from Agent Ronan in Arlan’s Challenge, Ardent Domain
/setwaypoint 14273 5974
Recover the Crucible of Sarosael from Aegoro in Black Strand
Recover the Varan Singularity from Ekezia in Senviva Mansion
Recover the Acuxar Circuit from Korogoro in Dead Pass
Recover the Sharugoth Focuser from Yinerdor in the Den of Kwell
Recover the Basero Drive Gear from Shavatu in the Den of Lezul
Recover the Varan Singularity from Ekezia in Senviva Mansion
Enter the Senviva Mansion through the doorway at /setwaypoint 12974 6483
Go down the slope into the main building and then take the stairs up one floor to the middle floor. From here, go to the side room on the north side.
Kill Ekezia at /setwaypoint 13103 6417
Loot the Varan Singularity.
Recover the Sharugoth Focuser from Yinerdor in the Den of Kwell
Enter the Den of Kwell at
/setwaypoint 13837 5046
Go down the tunnel and take a right at the junction. Continue down the tunnel until you reach the quest circle.
Yinerdor wanders all around the quest circle. find him and kill him! The pictured location is at /setwaypoint 13454 4598
Loot the Sharugoth Focuser.
Recover the Basero Drive Gear from Shavatu in the Den of Lezul
Enter the Den of Lezul at
/setwaypoint 12257 5225
Follow the tunnel until you reach the quest marker. Shavatu wanders around most of the tunnel system, you can see her in the picture at /setwaypoint 12019 5043
She is hard to miss! Kill her and loot the Basero Drive Gear.
Hand in the quest to Agent Ronan in Arlan’s Challenge, Ardent Domain
/setwaypoint 14273 5974
Release the Hounds
Pick up this quest from Agent Ronan in Arlan’s Challenge, Ardent Domain
/setwaypoint 14273 5974
Collect a Coded Missive from a Planarch in a Great Hunt rift
Open a great hunt rift (or get someone else to open it for you).
Close the rift as normal, killing the Planarch at the end. The Coded Missive will be in your rift loot bag.
Note: This is not a 100% drop rate, you may need to close 2 or 3 rifts for it to drop.
Hand in the quest to Queen Miela in the Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13378 11617
Storm Cipher
Pick up this quest from Queen Miela in the Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13378 11617
Collect the Soulforge Codex from deep within Shapers Citadel
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the Soulforge Codex in the Difference Engine at Stormhold’
Go up the slope in the south of Stormhold at /setwaypoint 14244 7532 Continue following the path all the way up and around to the door at /setwaypoint 14571 7284
Go into the tunnel and through to the main room. Find the Difference Engine at
/setwaypoint 14653 7409
Right click it.
Memento Mori
Pick up this quest from Queen Miela in the Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13378 11617
Enter and complete the events in the chronicle A Hero Rises
Use [ J ] to open up the list of Chronicles. Queue up for ‘A Hero Rises’. This is a level 60 Chronicle, easily soloable at high level.
Note: This quest objective may auto complete if you have done the Chronicle in the past.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Agent Ronan at the Haunted Terminal in Tempest Bay’
Hand in the quest to Agent Ronan at the Haunted Terminal in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13377 11619
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Somebody Set Us Up The Bomb’

Saga of the Storm Queen - An Approaching Inferno - Act 4
Tyrant Tracking
Pick up this quest from General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Speak with Roffin Darvyle
Go to Roffin Darvyle, just up the stairs at
/setwaypoint 13347 11603
Right click to talk with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Mind Subversion Scanner’
Click the small device on the box next to Roffin Darvyle.
You will now be asked to ‘Scan’ 5 spots in tempest Bay.
The Mind Subversion Scanner will be an item to use on your quest sticky.
Stand in the correct spot and use the Mind Subversion Scanner, a purple splash of energy will emanate from you and scan the area.
Scan the area near Sylver
/setwaypoint 13121 11669
Scan the area near Katia
/setwaypoint 12922 11667
Scan the throne room
/setwaypoint 12922 11512
Scan the Terminal stairs
/setwaypoint 13390 11568
Scan the Terminal elevator
/setwaypoint 13375 1604
Hand in the quest to General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Migration of the Mind
Pick up this quest from General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Expose and slay mind-controlled Storm Legion in Cape Jule
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Expose and slay mind-controlled Storm Legion in Necropolis’
Head over to Necropolis, in Seratos.
Stand on the marked spot up the ramp at
/setwaypoint 10903 5004
An Aimless Commander will spawn, kill him!
Hand in the quest to Jurana Lanir in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10889 4991
She is up on the platform where the Commander was.
Indelicate Inquiry
Pick up this quest from Jurana Lanir in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10889 4991
Find a clue in the Thirsty Skull in Necropolis
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Gregor Yrsalav’
Gregor Yrsalav is in the Thirsty Skull at
/setwaypoint 10832 4695
Talk with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use /flex to intimidate Gregor’
Target Gregor and type /flex in the chat.
Speak with Gregor again.
Hand in the quest to Jurana Lanir in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10889 4991
Coercive Persuasion
Pick up this quest from Jurana Lanir in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10889 4991
Use the Mind Mirror on Hooded Strangers to get them to talk x12
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mind Mirror’
Up the slope and along the path you will find many Hooded Strangers, like this one at
/setwaypoint 10853 5004
Target the Hooded Strangers and use the Mind Mirror on them. Some of them will attack you, so be ready to defend yourself!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate the White Shadow’
Go to the upper pathway at
/setwaypoint 10763 4998
The White Shadow will appear, drop a scroll on the floor and then run away.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Dropped Schematic’
Pick up the scroll.
Hand in the quest to General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Master Manipulator
Pick up this quest from General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Investigate Disturbances x6
The Enemy of My Enemy
Pick up this quest from Crucia in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13375 11605
Collect Bloodfire Embercores from Bloodfire Footholds x12
Raid Rift Quest – Bloodfire Incursion – Level 60
Escalating Inferno
Pick up this quest from Crucia in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13375 11605
Collect Lady Glasya’s Orders from Lord Korag in the Bloodfire Incursion raid rift
You can buy the Bloodfire Incursion raid rift lure from the rift store under the ‘rifts > raid rifts’ section.
You can also buy it from the vendor in Tempest Bay called Piotyr Golyadkin
You can find him in the hunt room at /setwaypoint 13115 11523
Go to the Steppes of Infinity zone and find a raid tear.
Open the Bloodfire Incursion raid rift.
Lord Korag is the final boss on stage 6 of the rift. Be sure to loot himn when he dies!
A well geared level 70 will be able to solo this rift. If you are not so well geared then you will want to bring a friend to help!
Hand in the quest to Crucia in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13375 11605
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘An Approaching Inferno’

Saga of the Storm Queen - Such Sweet Sorrow - Act 5
Duplicitous Extraction
Pick up this quest from General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Destroy Dream Extractors x24
Destroy Dream Reliquaries x8
In the south of Morban you will find large Air Footholds. They have a central Dream Reliquary surrounded by 3 Dream Extractors. They are not marked on the map. Destroy 8 of them. You do not need to mentor down.
Hand in the quest to General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
The Infinite Empire
Pick up this quest from General Batua in Haunted Terminal, Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13331 11563
Go to the Infinity Gate
Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘Such Sweet Sorrow’