- Ashora is a level 60 zone.
- To get to this zone you will walk in from Kingsward.
- There are 4 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Nurjak Vostra and The Biofoundry.
Below is a guide for all 54 quests in Ashora.
With 14 Main Quests, 11 Biofoundry Quests and 29 Carnages.
You will also find explanations for the quests found at K’rom’s Fortress.
For the Ashora rares go here
For the other Ashora cheevos go here
Ashora does not have a puzzle.
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Biofoundry Quests Carnage Quests K’rom’s Fortress
Quest Cheevos
There are 54 quests in Ashora, there is no cheevo for completing all the main quests. Instead you will find a cheevo for completing the Biofoundry quests, and a cheevo for completing the carnages.
Biofoundry Containment

Desert Destruction

14 Main Quests
Beyond The Breach
The quest is picked up from Prince Casimar in the Tower of Dawn throne room (Take the Portal into Tower of Dawn and use the elevator to get up to the throne room)
/setwaypoint 5861 8707
This quest will lead you into Ashora, you can pick it up after you have completed the storyline in Kingsward.
Meet up with the Brevane Scout
Go back down the elevator to get out of the Tower of Dawn throne room.
Head into Ashora through the large gateway at /setwaypoint 4012 8305 and find the Bravane Scout at /setwaypoint 3557 8023
Oh dear, he appears to be dead already!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search the scout’s corpse for clues’
Right click his corpse.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Architect Assassin’
An Architect Assassin will attack you, kill it!
Hand in the quest to Jurrgond in Nurjak Vostra, Ashora
/setwaypoint 3522 8036
Long Road Home
The quest is picked up from Jurrgond in Nurjak Vostra
/setwaypoint 3522 8036
Follow Jurrgond to the Qaijiri village
WARNING: Escort quest! Takes around 55 seconds
Stay close to Jurrgond as he makes his way south to the village.
Hand in the quest to Shepherd Halkilk in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3615 8222
A Wanted Man
The quest is picked up from Shepherd Halkilk in Nurjak Vostra
/setwaypoint 3615 8222
Tell Shepherd Halkilk what you know of the man in the hologram
Forgotten History
The quest is picked up from Otik in Passage of the Seer
/setwaypoint 3550 7670
Follow Otik
Examine Ancient Tablets x3
Note: The necklace rewarded from this quest can be updated using rewards from the rest of the storyline quests in Ashora. There is no cheevo for doing this so don’t worry if you already threw away the necklace!
Terminal Transmission
The quest is picked up from Shepherd Halkilk in Nurjak Vostra
/setwaypoint 3615 8222
Seek out Mravvet
Head north-west and find Mravvet in Optheron at /setwaypoint 3060 7743
He is right at the bottom of a large hole in the ground.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Altar of the Broodmother’
DPS down the Altar of the Broodmother in front of Mravvet.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lead Mravvet out of Optheron’
Go up the spiral slope that encircles this large hole in the ground. Mravvet will follow you up the slope, kill all the things on the way so he doesn’t get distracted! If you lose Mravvet then go back down and kill the Altar again to get him back.
Continue up the spiral til you reach the spot at /setwaypoint 3004 7699 this can be tricky to get him to realise he is the right spot, just wriggle around a bit!
Hand in the quest to Mravvet in Optheron at /setwaypoint 2961 7622
The quest is picked up from Rumadi in Qalyat Fej
/setwaypoint 2726 7855
Talk to Rumadi to start the summoning ritual
This quest rewards the ‘Qaijiri Ritual Stone‘ which is used to upgrade the necklace from the ‘Forgotten History’ quest above.
A Nose for Danger
The quest is picked up from Spirit Tracker in Qalyat Fej
/setwaypoint 2720 7856
Follow the Spirit Tracker
A Vision Quest
The quest is picked up from Mravvet in Valley of Iron
/setwaypoint 2414 7356
Achieve a Spirit Vision with Mravvet
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the second part of the Vision’
Go down into the Tomb of the Consort at /setwaypoint 1834 7332
Go to the back of the Tomb and stand at /setwaypoint 1655 7376 to watch the second part of the Vision play out.
Hand in the quest to Scrying Device in Tomb of the Consort at /setwaypoint 1657 7380 (Entrance to the Tomb is at /setwaypoint 1834 7332)
The Scrying Game
The quest is picked up from Scrying Device in Tomb of the Consort
/setwaypoint 1657 7380 (Entrance to the Tomb is at /setwaypoint 1834 7332)
Kill Voshan the Consort
This quest rewards the ‘Voshan’s Phylactery‘ which is used to upgrade the necklace from the ‘Forgotten History’ quest above.
And that’s a wrap!
The storyline quests in Ashora are now finished. You will now be able to complete the dailies each day to increase your notoriety with the Qaijiri. The rest of the main quests can be found in the Biofoundry.
There are a bunch of carnages to complete still!
Among the Ogres
Upon reaching level 60, Defiants and Guardians will receive a mail called ‘A Diplomatic Mission’. The mail will have a letter attached, right click the letter to start the quest.
Note: The quest is the same for Defiants and Guardians.
The quest does not lead into anything, its just to poke you to go to Ashora at level 60.
Speak with Shepherd Halkilk un Nurjak Vostra
Hand in the quest to Shepherd Halkilk in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3615 8222
11 Biofoundry Quests
The quests in the Biofoundry can only be accessed after a successful kill of Volan during the ‘Dreams of Blood and Bone’ zone event in Ashora. You can find info about this event here.
If you are speedy with the quests then they can all be completed in around 35minutes. Most players will need around an hour to finish them all, this is still well within the 2 hours that the zone is open for.
There are also a few dailies and side quests to pick up. These wont count towards the Biofoundry quests cheevo. You can ignore them, or complete them for the extra notoriety.
See cheevos for Volan on the air cheevos page.

Engineers of the Biofoundry
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Use Leap Pads to access the rooftops
Extreme Self-Improvement
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Talk to a Debilitated Engineer
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate Mutation Suppressors to help Subdued Engineers x8’
Speak to more of the Engineers and DPS them down to subdue them, then follow them to the Mutation Suppressors and right click to activate them.
Hand in the quest to Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry at /setwaypoint 5234 7383
Containment: Tirosir
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Obtain Mutagen Attunement
Note: If you are searching everywhere and cannot find the smoke, it’s possible the attunement buff has dropped off you.. go back to the platform in the middle of the buildings to regain the buff. If you do have the buff, then stand at the waypoint where I found the smoke and wait, it will come along eventually!
Spliced Horrors
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Use the Plasma Grenade to destroy Splicing Tanks x4
Kill Mutated Terrormaws x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Plasma Grenade’
Go to the marked area in the south east, find the Splicing Tanks, like this one at /setwaypoint 5402 7505
Use the Plasma Grenade to target the Splicing Tanks and destroy them.
You will find the Mutated Terrormaws all around this area, kill them!
Hand in the quest to Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry at /setwaypoint 5234 7383
Containment: Miranza
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Obtain Mutagen Attunement
Note: If you are searching everywhere and cannot find the smoke, it’s possible the attunement buff has dropped off you.. go back to the platform in the middle of the buildings to regain the buff. If you do have the buff, then stand at the waypoint where I found the smoke and wait, it will come along eventually!
Over the Wall
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Plant Leap pad Traps near Engineers’ Leap Pads x6
Kill Desert Brutes x6
Kill Desert Demons x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Leap pad Trap’
Head to the south of the Biofoundry. Kill the Brutes and Demons on the hills in the area.
Find the Engineers’ Leap Pads in the hills, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5027 7623
Stand near it and use the Leap pad Trap to place the trap on it.
You can also stand on the leap pad to leap up to the walls, where you will find more leap pads to use the trap on, and more mobs to kill too.
Hand in the quest to Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry at /setwaypoint 5234 7383
Containment: Nooran and Alazala
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Obtain Mutagen Attunement
Note: If you are searching everywhere and cannot find the smoke, it’s possible the attunement buff has dropped off you.. go back to the platform in the middle of the buildings to regain the buff. If you do have the buff, then stand at the waypoint where I found the smoke and wait, it will come along eventually!
Desert Reanimation
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Destroy Resurrection Foci x6
Kill Risen undead x10
Containment: Uharik
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Obtain Mutagen Attunement
Note: If you are searching everywhere and cannot find the smoke, it’s possible the attunement buff has dropped off you.. go back to the platform in the middle of the buildings to regain the buff. If you do have the buff, then stand at the waypoint where I found the smoke and wait, it will come along eventually!
Airborn Assault
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Use Leap Pads to access the rooftops
There are many different Leap Pads you can use, I used the one at
/setwaypoint 5255 7346
To get up to the roof at
/setwaypoint 5256 7376
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Mobile Generator to charge up a Rooftop Ward’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mobile Generator’
Use the Mobile Generator to charge up the Broken Rooftop Ward on the roof.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend the Northern Rooftop and Defend the Eastern Rooftop’
Kill all the baddies that attack the Ward, then hop over to the other roof, charge up that ward and defend that one too.
Eastern = /setwaypoint 5253 7383
Northern = /setwaypoint 5200 7341
Hand in the quest to Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry at /setwaypoint 5234 7383
Containment: Kiranthar
The quest is picked up from Engineer Ersao in The Biofoundry
/setwaypoint 5234 7383
Obtain Mutagen Attunement
Go up to the area in the north and find the ‘White smoke’ that travels around in a large circle. I found him at /setwaypoint 5263 6703 and /setwaypoint 5362 6761
When you are near the White smoke you will gain the temporary ability ‘Revealing Leap’
Use the Revealing Leap on the Green smoke to leap to it and reveal Engineer Kiranthar.
Note: If you are searching everywhere and cannot find the smoke, it’s possible the attunement buff has dropped off you.. go back to the platform in the middle of the buildings to regain the buff. If you do have the buff, then stand at the waypoint where I found the smoke and wait, it will come along eventually!
29 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Desert Destruction’ in Ashora
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scarab Stomp
PICK UP: You will find them in Passage of the Seer at around /setwaypoint 3465 7887
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dunecrawler Scarabs in Passage of the Seer x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stone Touch, No Touch
PICK UP: You will find them in Passage of the Seer at around /setwaypoint 3434 7846
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stonetouch Cockatrices in Passage of the Seer x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Deadly Inhabitants
PICK UP: You will find them in Optheron at around /setwaypoint 3178 7765
TO COMPLETE: Kill Restless Ashorans in Optheron x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Aberrant Elementals
PICK UP: You will find them in Optheron at around /setwaypoint 2857 7581
TO COMPLETE: Kill Meandering Slags or Crystalline Aberrations in Optheron x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Desert Hunters
PICK UP: You will find them in Optheron at around /setwaypoint 2535 7246
TO COMPLETE: Kill Architects in Optheron x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Death Valley
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Iron at around /setwaypoint 2451 7300
TO COMPLETE: Kill Undead in the Valley of Iron x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Roc’ing the Optheron
PICK UP: You will find them in Optheron at around /setwaypoint 3146 7315
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dreadbeak Rocs in Optheron x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stone Gazed
PICK UP: You will find them in Vizeya at around /setwaypoint 3312 7472
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stonehide Gazers in Vizeya x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Raiding Parties
PICK UP: You will find them in Vizeya at around /setwaypoint 3409 7281
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firehoof Centaurs in Vizeya x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Terror Nullified
PICK UP: You will find them in Vizeya at around /setwaypoint 3360 7047
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stalking Terrors in Vizeya x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood In The Sand
PICK UP: You will find them in Vizeya at around /setwaypoint 4172 6752 (Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 4190 6716)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodstone Harpies in Vizeya x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Worker Class Devestation
PICK UP: You will find them in Kelthenas Basin at around /setwaypoint 4253 6510
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kr’chkk Hive Drones in Kelthenas Basin x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dulling The Front Lines
PICK UP: You will find them in Kelthenas Basin at around /setwaypoint 4301 6509
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kr’chkk Hive Warriors in Kelthenas Basin x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stone and Scour
PICK UP: You will find them in Kelthenas Basin at around /setwaypoint 4379 6127
TO COMPLETE: Kill Architect Sentinels and Scourers in Kelthenas Basin x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dustpaw Eradication
PICK UP: You will find them in Jurota Lakes at around /setwaypoint 3817 6488
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dustpawn Kobolds around Jurota Lakes x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Time Marches On
PICK UP: You will find them in Arjuros at around /setwaypoint 3084 6447
TO COMPLETE: Kill Forgotten Ashorans in Arjuros x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Under Hoof & Horn
PICK UP: You will find them in Enytharis at around /setwaypoint 2792 5994
TO COMPLETE: Kill Desert Tramplers in Enytharis x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dune Runners (Yes there are two carnages with the same name!)
PICK UP: You will find them in Enytharis at around /setwaypoint 2766 5869
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dune Scorpions in Enytharis x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dune Runners (Yes there are two carnages with the same name!)
PICK UP: You will find them in Enytharis at around /setwaypoint 2572 5872
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firehoof Centaurs in Enytharis x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lakeside Extermination
PICK UP: You will find them in Majeric Tower at around /setwaypoint 2212 6141
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lakeside Terrormaw around Majeric Tower x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Chumming the Waters
PICK UP: You will find them in Majeric Tower at around /setwaypoint 2101 6174
TO COMPLETE: Kill Razormaw in Majeric Tower Lake x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Still Waters Run Deep
PICK UP: You will find them in Majeric Tower at around /setwaypoint 2100 6094
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stillwater Deep Ones in Majeric Tower Lake x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: No Rest For The Wicked
PICK UP: You will find them in Arjuros at around /setwaypoint 2337 6674
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ashoran Spirits in Arjuros x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fall of Sirovia
PICK UP: You will find them in Arjuros at around /setwaypoint 2567 6608
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sirovia Legion Undead in Arjuros x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dune Crashing
PICK UP: You will find them in Karthan Hills at around /setwaypoint 2189 7984
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dune Scavengers in Karthan Hills x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood In The Sky
PICK UP: You will find them in Karthan Hills at around /setwaypoint 2330 8463
TO COMPLETE: Kill Desert Cloudstalkers in Karthan Hills x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Architect Disgust
PICK UP: You will find them in Karthan Hills at around /setwaypoint 2255 8236
TO COMPLETE: Kill Architects in Karthan Hills x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Architects of Disaster
PICK UP: You will find them in Broken Marsh at around /setwaypoint 3743 8166
TO COMPLETE: Kill Architects in The Breach x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Death Strike Denial
PICK UP: You will find them in Broken Marsh at around /setwaypoint 4135 8030
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deathstrike Scorpions in Broken Marsh x8
K'rom's Fortress Quests
K’rom’s Fortress is a small area that was added to Ashora when there was a small event before the Dendrome area was opened up.
You can find K’rom’s Fortress in the middle of Ashora at /setwaypoint 2959 6755
There are a few of quests to pick up, most of the quests are dailies. Completing the dailies will award you a variety of cheevos. You can find information about these cheevos on the Ashora zone cheevos page.

The Cactus Badger Challenge
The quest is picked up from Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress
/setwaypoint 3007 6762
Complete the Ferocity Challenge
Complete the Endurance Challenge
Complete the Agility Challenge
When you pick up this quest, you will be able to speak to Charlotte Windar again to pick up the 3 challenge quests in turn.
Cactus Badger: Ferocity
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress
/setwaypoint 3007 6762
TO COMPLETE: Extinguish the brazier to summon the Naga
Find the Brazier at /setwaypoint 4115 6958
When you click the brazier a Naga Champion will spawn and a forcefield wall will create an arena for battle!
You will be turned into a badger wil a special ability bar.

Use the abilities to defeat the Naga Champion.
Hand in the quest to Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 3007 6762
Cactus Badger: Endurance
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress
/setwaypoint 3007 6762
TO COMPLETE: Place your hand in the first basket
Warning: This quest is timed, you have 10 minutes to complete it!
The basket is on the K’rom’s Fortress platform at /setwaypoint 2986 6744
Right click it to put your hand in!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the second basket’
Find the second basket at
/setwaypoint 2791 6819
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the third basket’
Find the third basket at
/setwaypoint 2686 6756
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the Fourth basket’
Find the Fourth basket at
/setwaypoint 2801 6617
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the Fifth basket’
Find the Fifth basket at
/setwaypoint 2974 6545
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the sixth basket’
Find the sixth basket at
/setwaypoint 2835 6364
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the seventh basket’
Find the seventh basket at
/setwaypoint 2668 6235
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the eighth basket’
Find the eighth basket at
/setwaypoint 2419 6288
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the ninth basket’
Find the ninth basket at
/setwaypoint 2312 6563
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place your hand in the tenth basket’
Find the tenth basket at
/setwaypoint 2480 6723
Hand in the quest to Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 3007 6762
Cactus Badger: Agility
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress
/setwaypoint 3007 6762
TO COMPLETE: Drink from the Flask and follow the spirit to find the Cactus Badger’s hideout
WARNING: Escort quest!
Takes around 6 minutes
Find the Flask on the table in K’rom’s Fortress /setwaypoint 2986 6746
You now need to follow the Spirit Badger all the way to his hideout.
You need to stay close to the Spirit Badger at al times throughout the route.
The hideout is at /setwaypoint 2156 7085
Right click the hideout and the Badger will run out. You will be given the temporary ability ‘Cactus Badger Stun’. Use this ability to stun the Badger and then right click to pick him up.
Hand in the quest to Charlotte Windar in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 3007 6762
Into the Dendrome
The quest is picked up from Warchief K’rom in K’rom’s Fortress
/setwaypoint 2982 6791
This quest will lead you into The Dendrome, you can pick it up after you reach level 58.
Find General Batua at Solstice Tower in the Dendrome
Notes for Completionist..
- The Carnage ‘Dune Runners‘ is only listed once on completionist, however there are 2 carnages with this same name, make sure you grab them both!
- The Quest ‘Fragment of Kaaz’ra‘ was part of a zone event that has been removed from the game, thus not completeable.
- The Quest ‘Riches of the Biofoundry‘ is started from a quest item that drops from Volan. This seems to be a rare drop, I was not able to loot one for the guide!
- The Quest ‘Survival in Isolation‘ is the instanced quest for the area that opens up when Volan is killed. Completionist wont tick this off as you don’t technically ‘complete’ it.
- The Quest ‘Among the Ogres‘ may not tick off even after you complete it.