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Quests The Birds Zone Event The Budgie Races Shopping Budgie Mounts Pets Minions Dimension Items
Quest Pick Up
Quests can be picked up in Meridian, Sanctum or Tempest Bay.
The quests are the same regardless of where you pick them up.
You will also find the Event Quartermaster (shop) near the questgivers.

/setwaypoint 6122 5231

/setwaypoint 7380 3078
One of the quest giver wanders around a little.

/setwaypoint 12943 11579
There are 5 daily quests giving a total of 75 Chaos Motes per character per day.
Remember you can do the quests on as many alts as you want! Completing the quests on alts will give you Chaos Motes on alts, which you can use to buy account bound items such as the wardrobe skins, saving your Chaos Motes on your main for bind on pickup items such as the mounts.
Minions of Migration
Complete an expert dungeon through LFG
You need to be at least level 50 to pick up this quest.
Press I to open up the dungeon LFG window. Queue up for a random expert dungeon, either solo or in a group.
Complete the dungeon.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Birds of a Feather Train Together
Win a Warfront
Press K to open up the PVP window and queue up for a warfront.
Win it!
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Off to the Races
Collect Training Licences
Go to the locations marked on your map..
Freemarch /setwaypoint 6241 5253
Silverwood /setwaypoint 7166 3065
Cape Jule /setwaypoint 8241 11715
Pelladane /setwaypoint 7317 5456
Pick up the quest for the Budgie Race and complete the race course. (More info about this below)
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
For the Birds
Defeat Bydus
A Special Budgie Zone Event called ‘The Birds’ may pop in; Silverwood, Freemarch, Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Vostigar Peaks. The final boss of this event is Bydus.
See below for more information about the event.
You can use a zone event tracker like YARET to see when the event is running.
You can buy a Lure to pop this event in the Event Store.
MENTOR DOWN when you hit the boss so you get credit towards your quest.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Angry Budgie (Added April 2022)
Kill Angry Budgies x7
Go to the locations marked on your map..
Freemarch – Seastone Bluff – /setwaypoint 6739 4701
Silverwood – Treant’s Grove /setwaypoint 6643 3029
Kill the Angry Budgies you find there. The budgies respawn very quickly and you don’t need to mentor down.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Budgie Mare (Added April 2022)
Kill Budgie Mares x5
Go to the locations marked on your map..
Freemarch – The Rill Pond – /setwaypoint 6734 5126
Silverwood – Untamed Copse /setwaypoint 6340 2926
Kill the Budgie Mares you find there. The budgies respawn very quickly and you don’t need to mentor down.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Budgie Spirit (Added April 2022)
Kill Budgie Spirits x5
There are two locations where you can find the Budgie Spirits..
Freemarch – Falsehood Slope – /setwaypoint 6201 5005
Silverwood – Hedgerow Court – /setwaypoint 6671 2670
Kill the Budgie Spirits you find there. The budgies respawn very quickly and you don’t need to mentor down.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Budgie Wisp (Added April 2022)
Kill Budgie Wisps x5
There are two locations where you can find the Budgie Wisps..
Meridian – Orphiel’s Spire – On the ground floor only – /setwaypoint 6006 5147
Silverwood – On the hills between Silverwood and Gloamwood – /setwaypoint 6671 2670
Kill the Budgie Wisps you find there. The budgies respawn very quickly and you don’t need to mentor down. There are only 3 wisps at each location so you will need to wait a few seconds for respawn.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Corrupted Crow (Added April 2022)
Corrupted Crows x5
There are two locations where you can find the Corrupted Crows..
Freemarch – Lakeside Outside – /setwaypoint 6225 5695
Silverwood – Point Solitude – /setwaypoint 7161 2964
Kill the Corrupted Crows you find there. The crows respawn very quickly and you don’t need to mentor down.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Energy Stone (Added April 2022)
Use Energy Stones x6
There are two locations where you can find the Energy Stones..
Shimmersand – Stone Nexus – /setwaypoint 5046 5960
Gloamwood – Silkweb Pass – /setwaypoint 5578 3197
Right click the stones to use them.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Librarian's Lost Book (Added April 2022)
Collect Librarian’s Lost Books x15
There are two locations where you can find the books..
Freemarch – Ark Of The Ascended – /setwaypoint 6214 4357
Moonshade Highlands – Three Springs – /setwaypoint 7232 2078
Pick up the books! They respawn very quickly.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Lost Medallion (Added April 2022)
Collect Lost Medallion x7
There are two locations where you can find the Lost Medallion..
Shimmersand – The Flatyard – /setwaypoint 6703 6419
Shoreward Island – The Island between Freemarch and Silverwood – /setwaypoint 6777 3915
Right click the Medallions to pick them up.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Tawern's Cup (Added April 2022)
Collect Tawern’s Cups x12
There are two locations where you can find Tawern’s Cups..
Freemarch – Lakeside Outpost – /setwaypoint 6222 5641
Silverwood – Argent Glade – /setwaypoint 6059 3015
Pick up Tawern’s Cups! They respawn very quickly.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Void Conductor (Added April 2022)
Collect Void Conductors x7
There are two locations where you can find the Void Conductors..
Meridian (Defiants only) – Inside the Manufactory – Entrance at /setwaypoint 6053 5266
Moonshade Highlands – Hammerlord Post – /setwaypoint 6825 1803
Pick up the Void Conductors! They respawn very quickly.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
The Birds Zone Event
You can buy a lure to summon the event from the event quartermaster.
Planar Beacon: The Birds

The Event is Death themed and the zones can get very busy!
You can use a zone event tracker like YARET to see when the event is running.
Make sure someone is defending then go kill stuff.
MENTOR DOWN for the boss so you get credit towards your quest.
Make sure to kill it slowly to allow other people to get there and get credit.
In Stillmoor and Shimmersand it will sometimes not give credit even if you mentor to 5 levels above the boss, Its best to mentor to 51 in these zones.
LOOT – The call to action events drop unique dimension items and costume items. You can see a list of loot drops on the call to action main page.
The Birds zone event also has specific drops that can only be looted from these events, including a rare chance to loot the bird pets that are available from the store.

The Budgie Races
If you are over level 50 then I recommend doing the Cape Jule or Pelladane race, this is because they start and finish right next to portals, so very little unnecessary travelling.
When you pick up the quest you will be teleported to the start circle and a countdown will start, you need to roughly follow the race track path hitting all the white checkpoints til you reach the end. The checkpoints are marked on your map with a small yellow quest dot. You can go off the track to avoid the red circles. If you do accidentally hit a red then you can use the speed buff (button 1) to get rid of the debuff.
White Circles – Checkpoints that you have to tick off as you go through the race track.
Green Circles – Give you a charge of Endurance which you can use to boost your speed by pushing the ‘Terminal Velocity’ button on your temp ability bar.
Red Circles – Applies a debuff to you that slows you down. Try to go around them!
If you stand still for too long then you will be kicked off the mount and fail.
You have 2 mins 40 seconds to finish.
At the end of the race there is an NPC to hand in the quest to.

/setwaypoint 7166 3065

/setwaypoint 8241 11715

/setwaypoint 6241 5253

/setwaypoint 7317 5456
Checkpoint slow to register
The checkpoints can often be very slow to register that you have gone over them. If you miss a waypoint then you will need to go backwards to tag it. It is better to pause for a few seconds on each checkpoint and make sure it ticks off before heading to the next one. This will save you time!
Chicken Run!
Completing all the races will award you the cheevo Chicken Run!
Defiants will race through Freemarch and Guardians will race through Silverwood. Both factions will race through Cape Jule and Pelladane.

Low Level Players
A low level (from level 10) player can be sidekicked up and then summoned to Cape Jule or Pelladane to take part in the races there. There is no need to do this though as you can just do the Freemarch/Silverwood races.
Items to buy with Chaos Motes or Credits.
7 Budgie Mounts
Please note all of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find credit only mounts. When you buy these mounts they will unlock on every character on your account
From the Vendor in Meridian/Sanctum/Tempest Bay: You can find a selection of single character mounts for event currency.
Meridian Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 6122 5225
Sanctum Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 7378 3082
Tempest Bay Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 12940 11575
Be very careful when buying mounts – Some of them are bind on pick up and others are bound to account. Make sure ytou buy them on the correct character!
Credits | Chaos Motes | |
Ashen Budgie | 850 | |
Canariente | 850 | |
Frosty Budgie | 2700 | 850 |
Lovely Budgie | 2250 | 850 |
Nightmare Budgie | 850 | |
Tropical Budgie | 2700 | 850 |
Umbral Budgie | 2700 | 850 |
8 Pets
The pets from the quartermaster and the Rift store are the same.
The pets are a mix of bind on pick up and bound to account, be sure to check before you buy!
The pets have a very low chance of dropping from ‘The Birds’ zone events.

This pet is bound to Account. You can but it with an alt to send to your main.

Frosty Baby Budgling

This pet is bind on pickup. You will need to buy it with the character you want it on.


This pet is bound to Account. You can but it with an alt to send to your main.


This pet is bound to Account. You can but it with an alt to send to your main.


This pet is bound to Account. You can but it with an alt to send to your main.


This pet is bound to Account. You can but it with an alt to send to your main.

Tropical Baby Budgling

This pet is bind on pickup. You will need to buy it with the character you want it on.

Umbral Baby Budgling

This pet is bind on pickup. You will need to buy it with the character you want it on.

4 Minions
The Minions from the quartermaster and the Rift store are the same.
Minion cards are region wide, so you can buy these with an alt if required.
Budgie Hunter

The Attributes for this Minion at level 25 are:
Death: 12
Hunting: 12
Harvesting: 5

The Attributes for this Minion at level 25 are:
Water: 7
Death: 7
Artifact: 18
Assassination: 18

The Attributes for this Minion at level 25 are:
Air: 18
Life: 17
Storm Crow

The Attributes for this Minion at level 25 are:
Air: 17
Death: 18
Dimension Item
Groups of budgies to run around in your dimension.
You can find the info for these items on DimensionAddicts.com
Frosty Budgie Swarm - Snap to Ground

Green Budgie Swarm - Snap to Ground

Lovely Budgie Swarm - Snap to Ground

Tropical Budgie Swarm - Snap to Ground

Umbral Budgie Swarm - Snap to Ground

Planar Beacon: The Birds

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the special budgie zone event.
Rune Unsocketing Apparatus

You can buy a Rune Unsocketing Apparatus with Chaos Motes once a month per region (NA/EU)
Change log
21st November 2022
- Event tracker is showing the dates for August.
12th August 2022
- No changes to report
13th April 2022
- Ashen Budgie, Canariente and Nightmare Budgie have had their account wide versions removed from the store. They can still be bought for single characters with the event currency.
- New quests added.