Saga of Lord Arak Quests

The Saga of Lord Arak Questline has 33 quests.
The Saga takes place mostly in Nightmare Tide zones, and Nightmare Tide instances. There is also a PVP quest.

This Saga is quite challenging compared to the others. Even at level 70 you will find some of the quests difficult, especially if you choose to solo the level 65 instanced content.

The weapons from the final quest have rare skins, and can be upgraded into even rarer skins! Don’t throw them away until you check that upgrade!

The questline is the same for Defiant and Guardian characters.

The Saga of Lord Arak quests will have their own small section in your questlog.

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Saga of Lord Arak. You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas

Good Night and Good Luck
Running Down A Dream
Between Arak and a Hard Place

Saga of Lord Arak - Good Night and Good Luck - Act One

A Curious Development


Note: If you have misplaced this letter then you can just go straight to Purgav and pick up quest 2.

At level 65 your character will receive a mail from Purgav called ‘Nightmare Saga: A Curious Development’

Attached to this mail will be a letter called ‘Nightmare Saga: Letter From Purgav’

Right click the letter to start the quest.

Speak to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem

Go to Ghar Station Mem in Goboro Reef and hand in the quest to Purgav at
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Of Dreams and Nightmares


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Visit the Ghar Memory Extractor

Go to Ghar Station Rosh in Draumheim. Go aroudn the outside of the building to find the Ghar Memory Extractor at
/setwaypoint 5411 6328
Click the console and Lord Arak will appear to tell you a story.

You will then be teleported back to Ghar Station Mem.

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Everyone's Staring at You


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Win some games of Trivia x4

Go up to Gemini Bluffs in Draumheim and find the Trivia Consoles, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4831 5027

Right click the Consoles and you will be asked a Trivia question.
Answer 4 of the questions correctly to complete the objective. You can keep using the same console.

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Q: Name the artifact that allowed Glasya to flamescape Goboro Reef.
A: Oculon

Q: Skelf have excellent vision in what environment?
A: Underwater

Q: The god Octus, known as Thontic in Telara, also possesses a title that describes his favourite activity; what is it?
A: The Stargazer

Q: What ancient civilization are the Ghar colonists descended from?
A: The Eth

Q: What are skelf who pledge themselves to another creture called?
A: A Pact Thrall

Q: What coral tree was flamescaped into a fortress?
A: Gyel

Q: What is a nest of skelf eggs called?
A: A clutch

Q: What is a nomadic skelf kingdom called?
A: A Rhenke

Q: What sea do the skelf originally hail from?
A: Kamoho

Q: What Telaran deity is known as Ranri in Goboro?
A: Tavril

Q: Which Ghar Station was submerged underwater in Goboro Reef?
A: Mem

Q: Which group is concerned about the appearance of rifts in the Plane of Water?
A: The Pelagic Order

Q: Which group is fighting against the Nightmare rifts?
A: The Ghar

Q: Which of these is NOT an Avatar of Draum?
A: Arak

Q: Which Planar army has invaded the Plane of Water?
A: The Bloodfire Army

Q: Which species is NOT part of the Atragarian kingdom?
A: Shaghi

Q: Who was the admiral of the Bloodfire Fleet in Goboro?
A: Nezavar

This Can't Be Happening


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Find the first journal entry

You will find the first journal entry just outside the Temple of Ranri at
/setwaypoint 4094 7985
Pick up the Tattered Journal

Find the second journal entry at
/setwaypoint 4192 7900

Find the third journal entry at
/setwaypoint 4264 7846

First journal entry
Second journal entry
Third journal entry

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the scene’

Exit the small hut and go to ‘the scene’ at /setwaypoint 4231 7810
Their will be a Familiar Dagger in one of the corgis. Click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Onir’

The Onir will appear around you, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find who did this atrocity’

Continue along the path a little to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 4204 7778

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Manifest Guilt’

The Manifest Guilt wil spawn in the spot, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

This quest awards the Dimension item ‘Tearful Memorium’.

This Dimension item is Soulbound, it cannot be traded.

Couldn't There Be A Map?


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Find the Frustrated Dream and acquire the Important Item

Yes there could be a map!
I have made you one!

The Frustrated Dream is a mob that walks clockwise in a long path around the centre of Draumheim.

The best way to find him is to run
anti-clockwise along the route spamming a target macro
/target Frustrated Dreamer
It takes him around 35 mins to complete the whole route, by runing along in the opposite direction spamming the macro it should take you just a few mins to find him!

When you find the Frustrated Dreamer, right click him to have a chat.

The Frustrated Dreamer will then turn into a mob you can kill, kill him and loot the Important Item, the item will go into your quest loot bag and is called ‘Useless Chochkey’

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Rest and Relaxation


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Find Kara Drollaereht

Hand in the quest to Kara Drollaereht in Salt Shallows at /setwaypoint 3396 7611

Slow, Steady, and Stressful


Pick up this quest from Kara Drollaereht in Salt Shallows
/setwaypoint 3396 7611

Face your Stress Dream

Warning: This quest is timed, you have 4 minutes to complete the race.

You will be turned into a Shambler and forced to race against your stress!
This will auto pick up a mini-quest called ‘Stress Race 4000’

Follow the path of white.
Along the path will be coloured circles:

White = Checkpoint – You have to hit these.
Green = Will give you a charge of ‘Escape’, which you can use to power your ‘Double Time’ ability on your bar.
Pink = Will bounce you forward.
Red/Orange = Will slow you down.

Follow the route to the end.

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

This quest rewards the ‘Stress Ball’ item.
Using the Stress Ball will turn you into a Flaming Shambler for 3 minutes!
The Stress Ball is reusable, with a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Why Would You Do This?


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Relax by using a Rosh Manugo Station

Head over to Ghar Station Rosh in Draumheim. Around the Ghar Station you will find ‘Rosh Manugo Stations’, like this one at /setwaypoint 5531 6347
Note: These are not the normal Manugo stations.

Right click this first station.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Continue making the number go up x3’

Find more of the Rosh Manugo Stations around Ghar Station Rosh and click them to make the number go up!
Each click will take 30 seconds to cast.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seriously make the number go up! x15’

Find another machine and keep making the number go up!
These clicks will go a lot quicker!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Why can’t you make the number go up? x25’

Find another machine and keep making the number go up!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Last chance to make the number go up’

Click the machine once. This will be another 30 second cast.

You be teleported to a rock in the south of Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5743 6699

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover from your ordeal’

Stand and wait to hear Lord Arak speak.

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Give Me a Break


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Partake in the feast

Go to the Landquarium area in Draumheim and find the feast at
/setwaypoint 5359 6849

Right click the Tempting Feast to eat some.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use an empty relief tent’

You have gained a debuff called ‘Indigestion’

You will also be given 3 temporary abilities; ‘Bio Break’, ‘Capture Leafings’, and ‘Sanitize’

Go into one of the nearby empty tents and use your ‘Bio Break’ ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clean up your Smoldering Leavings x6’

The Smoldering Leavings will have spawned just outside the tent. Use your ‘Capture Leavings’ ability on the ground to stun the Leavings, then target them and use your ‘Sanitize’ ability to clean them up!

Note: If you take too long, the Leavings will despawn, you can spawn more by using your ‘Bio Break’ ability in another empty tent.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the true source of your indigestion’

Find the Tainted Feast at
/setwaypoint 5089 6628
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Indigestus’

Indigestus will appear near the wall, kill him!

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

This quest will award you with 5 Feasts of Gastronomy.
This feast can be placed on the ground and then eaten by anyone.
It will cause ‘Gastric distress’ for a short time!

March of the Guffins


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Find the Field Researchers

Head up to Tarken Glacier to the marked spot at /setwaypoint 3409 3846

Here you will find 2 Field Researchers and a Guffin.
Listen to them talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the evil guffins x6’

6 evil guffins will spawn, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the next research site’

Go to the next marked spot at
/setwaypoint 2749 4182
Listen to them talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Survive the Guffin onslaught x12’

Kill the 12 Guffins that spawn.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover what is going on’

Go to the next marked spot at
/setwaypoint 3187 3814

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the guffins x18’

Kill the 18 Guffins that spawn.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Guffin Overlord’

A very large Guffin will spawn.. and then turn into a dragon! Kill it!

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

The Last Place I Looked


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Find what you are missing

Go to the Rended Falls area of Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5813 6005
Here you will find the ‘Aspect of Despair’

You will be given a temporary ability called ‘Reclaim’.

Get the Aspect of Despair to below 20% health and use the Reclaim ability on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the second missing piece’

Go to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 6029 6040
Here you will find the ‘Aspect of Loneliness’

Get the Aspect of Loneliness to below 20% health and use the Reclaim ability on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the third missing piece’

Go to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 5986 5958
Here you will find the ‘Aspect of Rage’

Get the Aspect of Rage to below 20% health and use the Reclaim ability on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the fourth missing piece’

Go to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 6067 6016
Here you will find the ‘Aspect of Pride’

Get the Aspect of Pride to below 20% health and use the Reclaim ability on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go through the portal’

A portal will open up behind where the Aspect of Pride was. Go through it!
You will be ported up to the floating platform at /setwaypoint 6045 5844

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the last missing piece’

On the platform you will find the ‘Aspect of Self’

Get the Aspect of Self to below 20% health and use the Reclaim ability on it.

Lord Arak will then appear and give a little speech.

Hand in the quest to Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Nightmare Scenario


Pick up this quest from Purgav in Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef
/setwaypoint 3973 6439

Take Purgav’s portal to Tempest Bay

Walk through the portal that has appeared behind Purgav.

You will now be in an instanced version of one of the small rooms in Tempest Bay.

Notes for the fight:

You will be given a temporary ability called ‘Dream Prison’, this can be used to stun one of the bosses for 20 seconds. You will need to alternate which boss you stun.

The fight will be easy enough for even a lower geared 70, if you do struggle, you can bring a friend through the portal!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Atho and Cryrro’

Kill them both!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Atho and Cryrro’

Atho and Cryrro will be in the room, walk up to them to hear what they have to say!

It turns out Atho and Cryrro are actully Asha Catari and Cyril Kalmar!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Face Lord Arak’

Listen to what Lord Arak says.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the portal to Tempest Bay’

Use the portal at the back of the room to exit to Tempest Bay.

Hand in the quest to Cyril Kalmar in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12920 11527

This quest will award you the ‘Aspect of Nightmares’
This is a reusable item that places a little nightmare mob pet on the person targeted.
The pet will be one of the ‘Aspects’ from the previous quest, the one shown in the pic is the Aspect of Loneliness.
Only the player receiving the pet will be able to see it. The pet will be up for 3 minutes.

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Good Night and Good Luck’

Saga of Lord Arak - Running Down A Dream - Act Two

A Mind Unsettled


Pick up this quest from Cyril Kalmar in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12920 11527

Speak to Asha Catari in Tempest Bay

Asha Catari is on the other side of the room!

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12936 11518

Deadly Dreams


Pick up this quest from Asha Catari in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12936 11518

Awaken Murderously Dreaming Ascended x4
Listen to Cyril Kalmar and Asha Catari

You will be given a temporary ability called ‘Awaken’

When you take the quest, some Murderously Dreaming Ascended will attack you. DPS them down to below 70% health and use the Awaken ability on them.
You may need to wait a few seconds for the next one to spawn.

While you are sorting out the Dreamers, Cyril and Asha will be chatting.
Just stay in the area til this objective ticks off.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12950 11540

A Strange Corruption


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12950 11540

Meet with Orphiel Farwind in Necropolis

Go to Necropolis in Seratos and find Orphiel Farwind at /setwaypoint 10935 4936
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confer with The Overseer’

Go into the main Necropolis building and stand in front of The Overseer at
/setwaypoint 10939 4900

Listen as he speaks.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect a Corruptive Orb’

There are many areas in Seratos where you can find an Orb, I prefer to just take the southern path out of Necropolis. You can use the macro /target corrupted to help you find them.

These ones are at /setwaypoint 11060 5282 there is another at /setwaypoint 10959 5414

Kill the Corrupted mobs and take their Orb!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Store Corruptive Orbs in the Containment Vault x5’

Go back to Necropolis, go into the cave entrance at /setwaypoint 10932 4819 this is on the ground floor, not up the cliff face.

Pop the Orb in the vault.

Now you need to go grab 4 more Orbs! You can carry all 4 of them at the same time.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Corrupted Offa’

Offa will appear in this small room, kill her!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Revisit The Overseer’

Go back to The Overseer at
/setwaypoint 10930 4868

Listen as he speaks.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Necropolis, Seratos
/setwaypoint 10895 4879

The Nightmares Continue


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Necropolis, Seratos
/setwaypoint 10895 4879

Contact the Commissar at a C-Com Station

Head over to Ghar Station Tau in Tarken Glacier and find the C-Com Station at
/setwaypoint 3672 4111

Right click the station.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete Nightmare I Rift stages in the Plane of Water x10, and Acquire a Ghar Badge of Honor from the Equipment Fabrication Dispenser’

Have a look at the nightmare rift guide for information about NMRs.

You will need to open an NMR I in the Nightmare Tide zones and complete 10 stages of it.
Be sure to grab the weekly/daily NMR quests so you can work on your Ghar notoriety too!

Using pots you can get Honored by hard farming for 2-3 days. Without pots, I suggest just doing your dailies each day and then finding other things to do, a couple of weeks of dailies should see you to Honored.

The Ghar Badge of Honor is bought from the Equipment Fabrication Dispenser in Ghar Station Tau.
The Badge will cost 1 silver coin, which is super cheap!
However, you will need Honored notoriety with the Ghar to be able to buy it.

Ghar notoriety can be earned by completing the NMR dailies and weeklies. You will also get a small amount of Ghar notoriety every time you kill a creature in an NMR. You also get small amounts from the level 65 Chronicles.

When you have bought the Ghar Badge of Honor, your quest objective will now change to ‘Contact the Commissar at a C-Com Station’

Go back to the C-Com Station in Ghar Station Tau at
/setwaypoint 3672 4111
Right click to activate it.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Tarken Ascent, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4926 3837

Across the Frozen Wastes


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Tarken Ascent, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4926 3837

Stay near and protect Orphiel Farwind
Lead Orphiel to the first Nightmare Orb
Lead Orphiel to the second Nightmare Orb
Lead Orphiel to the third Nightmare Orb

Go with Orphiel Farwind to visit 3 Nightmare Orbs. Protect Orphiel from the mobs that attack at each location.

First Nightmare Orb
/setwaypoint 4654 4040

Second Nightmare Orb
/setwaypoint 4225 3827

Third Nightmare Orb
/setwaypoint 4141 4275

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring Orphiel to Ghar Station Tau’

Continue to Ghar Station Tau, protecting Orphiel as you go. Go to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 3673 4106

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Have Orphiel get the Coordinate Calculations’

Stand near as Orphiel gets the coordinates.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stay near and protect Orphiel Farwind, Witness the confrontation’

Stand and watch the confrontation.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the GST Attackatrons’

Kill the Attackatrons!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lead Orphiel to safety’

Go to the spot near the exit at
/setwaypoint 3731 4114

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Orphiel Farwind in Ghar Station Tau’

Orphiel will stand still and you can talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meet Orphiel at Octus Monastery’

Go to the Octus Monastery and find Orphiel in the upper floor at
/setwaypoint 4701 2669
Hand in the quest to him.

This quest will award you the ‘Smooth Guffin Pebble’. This is an item can be be used to summon 3 Guffins to fight with you for a short time. This is purely fluff and fun and will not help you in real fights!
The item has a cooldown of 10 minutes and can be kept forever.

Chronicle Quest – Intrepid: Greenscales Blight
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: Greenscales Blight Chronicle here.

Meet Me Back in Time!


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Enter the Intrepid: Greenscales Blight Chronicle.

Press J and scroll down the list til you find the Intrepid: Greenscales Blight Chronicle. Queue up and off you go!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Prince Hylas’

Work your way through the bosses til you kill Prince Hylas.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Wait for Shyla Starhearth to leave’

Shyla Starhearth will appear near where Prince Hylas was, stay and listen to her talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Aspect of Envy’

The Aspect of Envy will appear behind Prince Hylas’s corpse and talk for a bit.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Envious Core from the Aspect’

Kill the Aspect of Envy and loot the core from it.
Note: I have the Aspect bug out on me once and refuse to take damage, had to die and respawn to reset it.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Chronicle Quest – Intrepid: Hammerknell
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle here.

Hammerknell Enigma


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Enter the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle.

Press J and scroll down the list til you find the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle. Queue up and off you go!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Painstalker Broodmother’

Work your way through the Chronicle til you kill Painstalker Broodmother.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Aspect of Enigma’

The Aspect of Enigma will spawn in the room, listen to it talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Enigmatic Core from the Aspect’

Kill the Aspect and loot the core from it.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Chronicle Quest – Intrepid: River of Souls
You can find a full guide to the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle here.

How the Innocent Are Mocked


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Enter the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle.

Press J and scroll down the list til you find the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle. Queue up and off you go!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete the quest Chains of Death”

Complete the entire Chronicle and go through the portal behind Zereph at the end.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Aspect of Justice’

Loot the final chest and then move forwards into the Chronicle towards the Aspect of Justice at /setwaypoint 586 997 listen to him speak.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Just Core from the Aspect’

Kill the Aspect and loot the Just Core.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Instance Quest – Port Scion

Not Any Port


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Enter the Portal to Port Scion
Activate all Detectics

Go downstairs and exit the Octus Monastery building, head right round the side of the building to find the Portal at
/setwaypoint 4659 2689

Walk into the Portal to enter a special instanced version of Port Scion.

In Port Scion you will find ‘Detectics’. Right click them to activate them. The Detectics have beams of light coming out the top that go high into the sky, you can use this to help find them. There is only one Detectic up at a time. Unfortunately, they spawn randomly, so I can’t make you a route/map. Just keep clearing the map and looking at the skyline in different areas to spot the light beams.
You will need to click on 5 of them.

There are a lot of trash mobs, but also some fun bombs to help you kill them! You will likely want to save the bombs to help you kill the Bone Grinder mobs.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Portal to Octus Monastery’

Go through the portal near where you entered Port Scion.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Instance Quest – Old Mathosia

In the Beginning


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind in Octus Monastery, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 4701 2669

Enter the Portal to Old Mathosia

Go downstairs and exit the Octus Monastery building, head right round the side of the building to find the Portal at
/setwaypoint 4659 2689

Walk into the Portal to enter a special instanced version of Old Mathosia. (This is a replica of the Guardian tutorial zone but most of it will be walled off).

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Deathbound enemies x100’

Head up the hill in front of you and engage the enemy. These guys may look hard but they are really easy to kill, go nuts with some AoE!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Close the Tyrant Rift’

Continue up the hill to find the Tyrant Rift at the top. Kill all the baddies to close it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Aspect of Genesis’

The Aspect of Genesis will spawn near the rift, listen to it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Genesis Core from the Aspect.

Kill the Aspect and loot the Core from it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Portal to Stillmoor’

Go through the portal that has appeared just behind the rift.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to Orphiel Farwind in the Eye of Regulos’

Walk towards Orphiel and listen to him chatting /setwaypoint 1887 2639

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Core Satchel in Stillmoor’

Right click the small red bag in the Eye of Regulos, Stillmoor, /setwaypoint 1890 2631

This will hand the quest in and give you your reward.

This quest rewards you with ‘Orphiel Farwind’

You can find out about this special item at the bottom of the page..
Orphiel Farwind and the Port Scion Instance

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Running Down A Dream’

Saga of Lord Arak - Between Arak and a Hard Place - Act Three

Not the End


Pick up this quest from the Core Satchel
Right click the small red bag in the Eye of Regulos, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 1890 2631

Bring the Core Satchel to Shyla Starhearth in Hailol

Go to the city of Hailol in Dendrome and hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth at
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Nightmare's Puppet


Pick up this quest from Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Watch the Nightmare Saga puppet show in Hailol

Speak to Mitch near the stage
/setwaypoint 3950 5441
Ask him to perform a show!

Stay in the area to watch the show. Mitch should play you the Nightmare Saga show straight away, you can see the name of the show by hovering over the board on the stage steps. If he plays the wrong show then just ask him to play another when that one ends.
The show is a great recap of the Saga so far!

Watching the show will award you ‘A Glowing Rootball’, this item is used for the Dendrom Puzzle.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Shyla Starhearth in Hailol’

Speak with Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome /setwaypoint 3935 5449

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to a Ritualist in Hailol’

You will need to get up to the upper walkways in Hailol, you can go up the slope at /setwaypoint 3983 5485

make your way to the challenge area at
/setwaypoint 3891 5405

You will now have to complete the Ritualists challenge. This is a ‘click on what i say’ challenge. There is a small selection of items that you need to click on. The order of items is the same every time. If you stand in the middle near the Cauldron then you should be able to reach everything with ease.

1 – Cauldron
2 – Incense
3 – Water
4 – 3 Candles

5 – Rice
6 – Incense
7 – Cauldron
8 – Rice
9 – Wine
10 – 3 Candles

11 – Water
12 – Cauldron
13 – Incense
14 – 3 candles
15 – Wine

Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Hailol /setwaypoint 3936 5451

PvP Quest – Win 6 matches.

By the Sword


Pick up this quest from Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Meditate at the Altar of Thedeor

Go to Iron Pine Peak and find the Altar of Thedeor at /setwaypoint 3128 1916
Right click the Altar to Meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of Thedeor’s Messenger’

Stay near the Altar to hear the message.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Win Warfront matches x6’

To queue for warfronts, hit K and then join the random queue!

On NA – Warfronts run at peak times without too much effort.

On EU – Warfronts rarely run anymore. You can try to ‘drum up interest’ using the public chat channels, or preferably within your own guild or friend group. Get everyone you know queueing! You need at least 6 people queueing to make it pop.

If you absolutely cannot get a warfront to pop, then feel free to write a ticket for this quest, explaining the issue and requesting that the quest is progressed for you.
This info is correct as of July 2023.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Altar of Thedeor’

Go back to Iron Pine Peak and find the Altar of Thedeor at /setwaypoint 3128 1916
Right click the Altar to Meditate.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Dungeon Quest – Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons x5
You can find full guides to the Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons here.

In Fellowship


Pick up this quest from Anthousa Mona in Hailol, Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3936 5451

Meditate at the Altar of Bahralt

Find the Altar of Bahralt on the northern tip of Freemarch /setwaypoint 6563 4228
Right click the Altar to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Bahralt’

Stay near the Altar to listen.

Find guides to all the Nightmare Tide Experts on this page.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons x5’

Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons (NTEs) are level 65 expert content. You will be able to solo these as a level 70, though some of the bosses may still be a little challenging if you are not well geared/high skill.

You can do 5 different dungeons back to back in one evening, or choose 1 or 2 dungeons that you know you can solo and wait for daily resets for them.

Grouping with other players will ofc make this a lot easier! It will also mean you may not have to do 5 dungeons..

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Altar of Bahralt’

Go back to the Altar of Bahralt on the northern tip of Freemarch /setwaypoint 6563 4228
Right click the Altar to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Bahralt’

Stay near the Altar to listen.

Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Hailol, Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3936 5451

In the Land, Not of it


Pick up this quest from Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Meditate at the Tavra Altar

Go to the Tavra Altar in Silverwood at /setwaypoint 5723 2838 (Inside the tree)

Click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Tavril’

Stay still to hear Tavrils speech.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill a rare monster in Goboro Reef, Kill a rare monster in Draumheim, and Kill a rare monster in Tarken Glacier’

You will need to visit each Nightmare Tide Zone and kill a rare mob in each one. It does not matter which rare you kill, as long as it is in the correct zone. You can find guides to the rare mob locations here..
Goboro Reef
Tarken Glacier.

This is super easy to do! Just copy the rare hunting macro for each zone and then run around a bit while spamming the macro. The rares are not very rare!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Tavra Altar

Go back to the Tavra Altar in Silverwood at /setwaypoint 5723 2838 (Inside the tree)

Click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Tavril’

Stay still to hear Tavrils speech.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

All for Love


Pick up this quest from Anthousa Mona in Hailol, Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3936 5451

Use the Orb of Pain to find Kirna’s Skull

For this quest you will given a quest item called the ‘Orb of Pain’, attached to your quest sticky. (The item can be found in your quest log bag).

Go to Moonshade Highlands To the Lake near the Three Springs portal called ‘Kirna’s Arbor’. /setwaypoint 7016 1913

Around the lake are loads of Depraved Boglings. Use the quest item them. You will need to use it on a few Boglings before one will talk! The Bogling will tell you that Grungo took it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Kirna’s Skull’

Find a box at /setwaypoint 6826 1971
It is tucked behind a bush with a signpost saying ‘no touchy’!!
When you click the box, you will find it empty!
A mob called ‘Grungo’ will come along to investigate who is trying to steal his stuff. 
Kill Grungo and loot the skull from him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at Kirna’s Altar’

You will find Kirna’s Altar on the island in the middle of the lake at /setwaypoint 6973 1969 – Right click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Mariel-Taun’

Stay still and listen.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete Instant Adventures x20’

Join the Instant Adventure queue and complete 20 of them.
You can find information about Instant Adventures here.

Normal, Intrepid and Celestial IAs all counted towards this quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at Kirna’s Altar’

Go back to Kirna’s Altar on the island in the middle of the lake at /setwaypoint 6973 1969 – Right click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Mariel-Taun’

Stay still and listen.

Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Hailol, Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3936 5451

Gathering the Pieces


Pick up this quest from Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Kill Unclean Spirits x15

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Cleansing Powder’

Go to the Temple of Thontic in Ardent Domain /setwaypoint 4596 9986

Here you will find many Undead mobs. Kill them and then target their corpses and use the Cleansing Powder. An Unclean Spirit will spawn for you to kill.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Altar of Thontic’

Go up the slope to find the Altar of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4793 10013
Right click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Thontic’

Stay still and listen.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Artifacts x50’

You can use patrons artifact vial to do this quickly. Or you can use the Opie mount for the artifact tracking abilities. If you have neither of these then Iron Pine Peak (and indeed most of the Mathosian zones) is a nice zone to hunt in, use Omen/Quantum sight to track twisted artifacts too, the artifacts show up really well against the snow. Make sure to choose a quiet shard/area to hunt in!
If you want to try to make some money while hunting, you can find a list of PTW rare spots here. The Epics still go for good money.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Altar of Thontic’

Go back to Temple of Thontic in Ardent Domain. Find the Altar of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4793 10013
Right click it to meditate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Herald of Thontic’

Stay still and listen.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Hailol in Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3935 5449

Fated to Die


Pick up this quest from Anthousa Mona in Hailol, Dendrome
/setwaypoint 3936 5451

Examine the Ritual Plaque

Go to the Temple of Aia in Tarken Glacier. Go inside the main building and up the stairs/slope to find the Plaque at /setwaypoint 3839 3309
Right click the Plaque to examine it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Plaque Pieces x6’

Head out into the Temple grounds and find the Plaque Pieces scattered around.
The one pictured is at
/setwaypoint 3804 3372
There are quite a few of these around and they respawn quickly. The gargoyle will attack when you pick up the piece.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Ritual Plaque’

Go back inside the main building and up the stairs/slope to find the Plaque at /setwaypoint 3839 3309
Right click the Plaque again to examine it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Fetish of Sacrifice’

Go to the Temple of the Abandoned area in Dendrome (North of Solstice Tower).
Find the sparkly Fetish of Sacrifice in the water at /setwaypoint 2942 4874
Right click to pick it up, this will agro the patrolling ‘Phased Keeper’ kill him or run away!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the Fetish of Sacrifice in the Temple of Aia’

Go back to the Temple of Aia in Tarken Glacier. Right click the Fetish Stand at
/setwaypoint 3844 3303

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Ritual Plaque’

Click the Plaque at /setwaypoint 3839 3309 again to examine it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Fetish of Sacrifice’

Right click the Statue that you just placed on the stand.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Extinguish Flames of Fate while dead x12’

You have been transformed into a soul walking state. This will last for 60 seconds.
In the room are some ‘Flame of Fate’.
Walk into/through them to extinguish them. You need to be quick! Get all 12 of them within the 60 seconds. (This is plenty of time no worries!)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Altar of Aia’

Pop downstairs and click the Altar at
/setwaypoint 3832 3294

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the words of the Drekanoth of Fate’

Stay still and listen.

Hand in the quest to Drekanoth of Fate in Temple of Aia, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 3829 3296

Chronicle Quest – The Rhen of Fate – All bosses on hard mode.
You can find a full guide to The Rhen of Fate Chronicle here.

Aia Against Aia


Pick up this quest from Drekanoth of Fate in Temple of Aia, Tarken Glacier
/setwaypoint 3829 3296

Collect an Oculon

Head to the northwest of Tarken to the Tenebrean Craters.
Find an Oculon, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4239 2104
Right click to pick it up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter The Rhen of Fate Chronicle,
Kill Ungolok on Hard Mode,
Kill Oonta and Weyloz on Hard Mode,
Kill the Drekanoth of Fate on Hard Mode,
Kill Finric on Hard Mode’

Complete The Rhen of Fate Chronicle with all the bosses set to hard mode, push the red buttons before each encounter!
You can find a full guide to The Rhen of Fate Chronicle here.

Hand in the quest to Drekanoth of Fate in Skarntinn Shelf, Tarken Glacier. This is just north of the Temple of Aia, down on the cliffside, not up on the jumpy rocks.
/setwaypoint 3776 2867 (Height = 907)

Into the Ether


Pick up this quest from Drekanoth of Fate in Skarntinn Shelf, Tarken Glacier. This is just north of the Temple of Aia, down on the cliffside, not up on the jumpy rocks.
/setwaypoint 3776 2867 (Height = 907)

Enter Fate’s Portal

Go through the portal that has appeared next to the Drekanoth of Fate.

You will find yourself in a tunnel with Lord Arak in front of you.
This is in an instanced version of the Mind of Madness raid area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Lord Arak’

Walk towards Lord Arak and listen to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clear the Lost Path’

Kill all the baddies that have spawned on the path.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clear Glacier’s End’

Continue into the next cavern and kill the baddies there too.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Imbued Oculon’

Click the Oculon on the edge of the waterfall.
You will be ported through another portal into a new area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clear the Nexus of Nightmares’

Kill all the baddies in the Nexus.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind at the back of the platform.

Harder than Arak


Pick up this quest from Orphiel Farwind at the back of the platform in the Nexus of Nightmares instance.

Use the Cage Control

Click the cage control button on Orphiels cage.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Lord Arak’

This is the big fight!
Lord Arak will be easy pickings for a seasoned level 70.. but a lower levelled/geared player may have a few issues, so I will explain some tactics.

  • Firstly, Orphiel is there to help you! He will heal you during the fight.
  • Arak will debuff you with ‘Nightmares Shadow‘. Move into the golden circles to cleanse it. Dont stay in them too long or they will hurt you too!
  • Arak will summon a Vassal of Delusion, a mob with a green circle around him. If Arak is in the green circle then he gets a buff, so kite him out of it!
  • Facing Fear – Face away from the boss til the spell is finished to avoid taking damage
  • Enervating State – Ticks damage on you, keep jumping to avoid the damage!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter Glacier’s End’

Follow Orphiel up the path and into the next portal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Warn Asha Catari and Cyril Kalmar’

Watch the roleplay play out.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel.

Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘Between Arak and a Hard Place’
This cheevo awards you the title ‘The Dreamy’

Each of the weapons rewarded from this quest can be upgraded. The upgraded weapon gives a different skin, some of these skins are super rare! Completing this questline on alts can be an easier way to gain these skins.

This is the end of the Saga of Lord Arak.

Orphiel Farwind and the Port Scion Instance

The reward from quest 22 is a dimension item that places an Orphiel Farwind NPC in your dimension.
Orphiel will do many different things, including; setting off fireworks, turning you into a bunny, enlarging your head, , disappearing to go fishing.. and, more importantly.. he can open a portal to an instanced version of Port Scion. This will now be the same version as the one on quest 22, with the same trash, but with ARTIFACTS to pick up!

This Port Scion instance is the only place you can get these artifacts, so it is worth farming the instance until you finish all the sets.

The artifacts will endlessly respawn. Pick up all the artifacts in port scion, then leave the instance. right click your portrait to reset the instance and then go back into your dimension to wait for Orphiel to summon the next portal. When you go in again, the artifacts will have respawned. Using this method you can farm port scion for hours, the only time sink being waiting for Orphiels portal.

Other tips..

  • You can reduce the portal waiting time by putting multiple Orphiels in your dimension. The Orphiel dimension item can be traded between players, or sent from your alts. 
  • Leaving via the portal will take you to the Wreck of the Endeavor island.
  • If you get stuck in combat and are unable to leave it is likely because there is a mob attacking you that has pathed under the ground. Go to either end of the river to lose agro of bring it out so you can kill it.
  • Patrons artifact vial is perfect for this area. You can enter the portal with an alt too and use their vials!
  • This is a multi-player instance, you can group up with your friends before you port in so they can help you clear the trash.
The Places You'll Go

Collecting all the artifacts in the Port Scion instance does not grant a cheevo.
The artifacts are all ‘normal’ sets, you do not need any special sights to see them.

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