Cheevos can be found in H > Chronicles > Intrepid: River of Souls
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Main Quests and Bosses Rare Mob Chests Artifacts Sinister Presence
Number of bosses: 3
Level of Chronicle: 65
Number of players: This Chronicle can be complete with one or two players.
A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this chronicle.
This guide is designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
When you enter the Chronicle you will be given an instanced quest sticky. Follow the quest objectives to progress through the chronicle and complete it.
During the Chronicle you will be disguised as an Endless Cultist. You will have a buff called ‘Essence of the Endless’ that will apply this disguise. You cannot remove it.
This guide is for the level 65 Chronicle ‘Intrepid: River of Souls’. You can find the guide to the level 50 Chronicle ‘River of Souls: Chains of Death‘ here.
Main Quests and Bosses
Deliver the power to Plutonus
Walk up to the circle where Plutonus is (Red star on map above) and stand there while he does his big long speech.
Deliver the Soul Imprints to Alsbeth
Continue across the bridge to Alsbeth and stand near her to deliver the Soul Imprints.
There is quite a bit of chatter before the next boss arrives.
Be sure to right click Alsbeth and talk with her when asked to.
Note: If you walk to Alsbeth too quickly then it may not progress the quest properly. Go back out to the other side of the bridge and enter Alsbeths area again to progress the quest properly.
A level 70 player can easily kill this boss without having to worry about mechanics.
At 50% health Gaurath will fly up into the air and barrage the platform with purple circles. Keep moving to avoid them until he lands again then DPS him down.
At 10% health he will become immune and Alsbeth will come along to have a chat with him (and send him to Regulos!).
Speak with Alsbeth
Right click Alsbeth to talk with her.
Free Zereph
Click Zereph to set him free and reveal to Alsbeth that it is you, an ascended! in disguise!
Escape through Zereph's Portal
Go through the portal that appears behind Zereph. This will take you back to the Chronicle entrance where you can loot another reward chest!
Upon Completion of the Chronicle you will be given the option to choose a reward of 150 Notoriety for… Atragarian, Ghar, Pelagic Order, Cerulean Rhenke, or Onir.
You will get small amounts of Order of Mathos notoriety for every mob you kill.
Rare mob
The chest can be found in many different locations throughout the Intrepid: River of Souls Chronicle.
Chest Loots include: Void Stone, and Dream Infusion (PAXP).