Dailies and Weeklies Available in Nightmare Tide Zones
- Dailies can be picked up and completed each day. The day resets at 4am server time. Dailies are mostly for farming notoriety, they can also reward some open world currencies, including Void Stones and Platinum. Some dailies wont be available to pick up until you have completed the story quests in the zone and/or reached a certain character level.
The 3 Manugo dailies are great for all characters above level 60 as they give loads of XP for very little effort. - Weeklies can be picked up each week. The week resets at 4am each Wednesday. Weeklies will often reward NMT level dungeon and/or raid currencies. Weeklies will often require a group to complete.
- This page is for the daily quests available in the Nightmare Tide zones. If you are looking for main/story quests then find them here.
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Margle Palace Goboro Reef Draumheim Tarken Glacier Tyrants Throne Planetouched Wilds Nightmare Rift Crafting Quests
Margle Palace / Tempest Bay
Margle Palace is the main quest hub of the NMT zones, however, due to some epic lag issues, you will also find these quests replicated in Tempest Bay.
You will find a daily raid rift quest, a weekly to complete 5 raid rifts, a zone event weekly, and a daily and weekly quest for the Coral Relay invasion events around the NMT zones.
— Picked up from Bethory Gwine in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5501 5550
— Awards Void Stones.
— Random daily.
— You can buy the NMT Raid Rifts from the Rift Store > Rifts > Raid Rifts section.
The Sea of Ladon
— Acquire the Behemoth Fang.
The Darkest Magic
— Capture the Shattered Psyche.
— Picked up from Bethory Gwine in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5501 5550
— Awards Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Five If By Sea
— Collect Thaumatite x5 (Close 5 Raid rifts)
— Picked up from Reeno Haffran in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5498 5551
— Awards Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
— Only available for level 60-65 characters.
War Across the Seas
— Collect Emulsive Tide Cores from zone events.
— Picked up from Grulish in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5549 5518
— Awards Void Stones.
— Available every day.
Aquias Defender
— Defend the Coral Relays throughout the Plane of Water against invasions x20, and Defeat a Planar Commander
— Picked up from Shissa’ar in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5544 5522
— Awards Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Aquias Avenger
— Defend the Coral Relays throughout the Plane of Water against invasions x300, and Defeat Planar Commanders x15.
PvP Quests
— Players that are exactly level 65 will be able to pick up weekly PvP quests from Stuttk Fyrirthig in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5619 5452
— The PvP quests award Awards Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
Carnage: Ascended
— Defeat Ascended Enemies x1000
Guns For Hire
— Win Specific Warfronts (Usually 3 different ones) a set number of times (1,2, or 3 times).
Goboro Reef
The dailies in Goboro Reef are found in the 3 main quest hubs. There are 5 quests to pick up each day; Play Manugo, Close 2 rifts, and the 3 random zone dailies.
The ‘Consistently Helpful‘ cheevo is rewarded for completing each of the dailies at least once.
— Picked up from Hekhet in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3925 6487
— Awards Manugo League notoriety.
— Available every day.
Daily Dopamine
— Play Manugo x20
— Picked up from Rivdalo in Atragarian Well (Up Top) at /setwaypoint 3012 7048
— Awards Atragarian notoriety.
— Available every day.
Rifts of Goboro Reef
— Close rifts in Goboro Reef x2
— Picked up from Hekhet in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3925 6487
— Awards Atragarian notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Numerically Complex
— Collect Imaginary Numbers x10
Joy to the Fishes
— Collect Young Bluetails x6
Feeding Frenzy Redux
— Use the Fish Ray on Goboro Reef Sharks x6
— Picked up from Fenvara in Temple of Ranri at /setwaypoint 3914 7895
— Awards Atragarian notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Tears of the Goddess
— Collect Tears of Ranri x10
Cleanup Efforts
— Cleanse Oil-tainted Coral x8
Stop the World
— Kill frozen Erinyes and Torrents x8
— Picked up from Ysolda in Atragarian Well (Down Below) at /setwaypoint 2929 7139
— Awards Atragarian notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Future Generations
— Collect Deep One Parts x10
Unorthodox Rescue
— Use the Enchanted Bottle on Beached Mermaids x8
Reef Rebuilder
— Help Dormant Coral grow x8
The dailies in Draumheim are found in the 3 main quest hubs. There are 5 quests to pick up each day; Play Manugo, Close 2 rifts, and the 3 random zone dailies.
The ‘Vision Quests‘ cheevo is rewarded for completing each of the dailies at least once.
— Picked up from Arlana Eshen in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5539 6375
— Awards Manugo League notoriety.
— Available every day.
It’s Strangely Addicting
— Play Manugo x30
— Picked up from Cata Notia in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4827 5044
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
— Available every day.
Rifts of Draumheim
— Close rifts in Draumheim x2
— Picked up from Arlana Eshen in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5539 6375
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
— Random Daily.
More Treats!
— Kill a Hulking Terror to aquire a Bag of Treats.
Of Course They Explode
— Banish Unstable Sheep x10
There It Went Again!
— Collect and feed pies to the Glutton Parasite x12
— Picked up from Yance Neville in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4851 5024
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Clam Up
— Collect Shiny Clams x10
Trivia Night
— Correctly answer Odlun’s Trivia x3
Lactic Detonation
— Use Lactic Detonator to cleanse Udder Demons.
— Picked up from bucket List in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5748 5671
— Random Daily.
The High Seas
— Find and complete activities in the Calceron Sea.
— Awards Manugo League notoriety.
Tribulation Torn
— Tear down Tribulation Propaganda x10
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
Tour de Farce
— Use the Liver Crystal.
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
Recurring NIghtmare
— Collect the Sack of Organs.
— Awards The Onir notoriety.
A Complex Task
— Defeat The Mother or The Father.
Tarken Glacier
The dailies in Tarken Glacier are found in the 4 main quest hubs. There are 5 quests to pick up each day; Play Manugo, Close 2 rifts, and the 3 random zone dailies.
The ‘Staying Frosty‘ cheevo is rewarded for completing each of the dailies at least once.
— Picked up from Research Bot 47-XL in Ghar Station Tau at /setwaypoint 3698 4008
— Awards Manugo League notoriety.
— Available every day.
You Should Really Seek Some Help
— Play Manugo x40
— Picked up from Planar Physicist Zroffin in Tarken Ascent at /setwaypoint 4949 3819
— Awards Cerulean Rhenke notoriety.
— Available every day.
Rifts of Tarken Glacier
— Close rifts in Tarken Glacier x2
— Picked up from Research Bot 47-XL in Ghar Station Tau at /setwaypoint 3698 4008
— Awards Cerulean Rhenke notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Lost Research
— Collect Excavated Curios x10
Signs of the return
— Scan Unstable Plasmas x8
Kill it with fire
— Cleanse the Research Snorox population x50
— Picked up from Sister Liralyn in Octus Monastery at /setwaypoint 4658 2737
— Awards Cerulean Rhenke notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Observations at the edge
— Record cosmic observations x4
Menhir Hunting
— Collect Menhir Shards x10
Forced interference
— Destroy Tenebrean Transmitters x8
— Picked up from Roberta Stortberker in Port Scuddra at /setwaypoint 6583 4199
— Awards Cerulean Rhenke notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Ever higher
— Assist Skelf pilgrims in battle x5
Roll the bones
— Collect Akvan Bones x10
Sacred Sea
— Collect Kamoho Coral Shards x10
Tyrants Throne
The daily in Tyrants Throne is picked up from Sharf, found near the portal at /setwaypoint 6118 9102
One daily will be available each day out of the 4 possible daily quests.
The dailies award some void stone and allow you to choose some notoriety towards any of the NMT factions.
The ‘Gangle Creatures Like Achievements‘ cheevo is rewarded for completing all 4 dailies at least once.
Returned to the Rhenke
— Recover Skelf Coral Shards from skelf Auxilia Numeri x8
Dimensional Scramblers
— Use Phase Detector at Leypoints x5
The Gun Show
— Use a Storm Cannon to destroy a Stormfront Assault Platform
Identity Theft
— Give forged documents to first Onir on the list.
Planetouched Wilds
Planetouched Wilds was a level 65 end game zone for the Nightmare Tide expansion.
There are a selection of dailies to pick up which change each day. There are also some weeklies which give level 65 raid currencies. The weeklies have varying difficulties, with some of them still requiring at least a 5 man group at level 70.
— Picked up from Turok up high on the rocks at /setwaypoint 10110 4946
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety, Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Tyrant of the Wilds
— Defeat the Khadluu Ukher (Or another named Dino).
— Picked up from Turok up high on the rocks at /setwaypoint 10110 4946
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety, Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Random Weekly.
The Five Kanhs
— Defeat Khadgak Kanh (Or another named Dino).
— Picked up from Enkhtuya up high on the rocks at /setwaypoint 10102 4951
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety, Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Baac Off
— Defeat Elite Baac in Rhaza’de Canyons x15
— Picked up from Bolormaa up high on the rocks at /setwaypoint 10102 4951
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety, Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Planes Gone Wild
— Fully Seal Rifts in Planetouched Wilds x10
— Picked up from Baltu in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10200 5931
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety.
— Available every day.
Jump Club
— Follow the route along the checkpoints
— Picked up from Naiz Bat in Woe at /setwaypoint 9213 5004
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Tin Pot Transport
— Collect the Tinkering Delivery from Yevrokh Tsag.
Babaroo Bluster
— Remove Babaroos from Woe x5
Shi-ming Rustle
— Collect a herd of Shi-Ming Sheep from Malyn Torol.
— Picked up from Gemt Bat in Woe at /setwaypoint 9185 5012
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Rob From the Wang
— Prepare to ambush the Wang of Woe.
Unconscionable Vandalism
— Deface an Ancestor Stone x5
Quacking Like a Duck
— Con Yalakh Tol into giving you a Mark.
— Picked up from Oyuun in Jad at /setwaypoint 11720 5645
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Whale On
— Capture a Roaming Krillado.
Oyuun Said Knock You Out
— Talk to a Bout Organizer.
— Picked up from Yesugei in Khort at /setwaypoint 9730 7223
— Awards Shal Korva notoriety.
— Random daily.
Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?
— Use the Spirit Potion.
Eye of the Serpent
— Go to the sacred circle.
Three Heads Are Better Than One
— Visit the first statue.
Nightmare Rift
The Nightmare Rift dailies and Weeklies will all be available to pick up after you complete the Nightmare Rift Questline.
There are 3 locations where you can pick up the quests. It does not matter which you use, all the quests are exactly the same. I prefer the Goboro Reef location as it is right next to the portal.
— On the small island between Fremarch and Silverwood at /setwaypoint 6386 4059
— In Ghar Station Mem in Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 3974 6630
— In Flargle Plaza, Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5548 5474

Cerebral Catharsis
— Kill bosses in Nightmare rifts that grant experience x20
— Can be completed in any NMR tier.
— Picked up from Jandal Aykaus, the Nightmare VII Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, Fragments of Darkness, Fragments of Madness, and Abyssal Crusader’s Marks.
— Available every week.
Nightmare Realignment Tool
— Kill creatures in a Nightmare rift that grant experience x16
— Can be completed in any NMR tier.
— Picked up from any of the Nightmare Scholars.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, and a Nightmare Realignment Tool.
— Available every day.
There are many dailies to choose from, each for the different NMR rift tiers.
You should grab the daily that is specific to the tier you will be doing, i.e. if someone has made a group for an NMR4, then grab the NMR4 dailies.
Once you have picked up a daily you wont be able to pick up the other specific dailies.
NMR I Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 3 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 5 times.
— Picked up from Mehera Surin, the Nightmare I Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare I: Waking Terror
— Kill creatures in a Nightmare rift that grant experience x16
Nightmare I Challenge: Layers of the Unconscious
— Complete 10 stages of any Nightmare I rift in Plane of Water zones
— Note: You only have 10 minutes to complete this quest after picking it up.
NMR II Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 3 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 5 times.
— Picked up from Otriga Zamisht, the Nightmare II Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare II: Parasitic Dreams
— Collect Psychotropic Residue from Nightmare rifts x18
Nightmare II Challenge: Sleep Deprivation
— Kill a boss in a Nightmare II rift that grants experience
— Note: You only have 5 minutes to complete this quest after picking it up.
NMR III Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 5 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 7 times.
— Picked up from Kamran Urad, the Nightmare III Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare III: Plague the Mind
— Kill creatures in a Nightmare rift that grant experience x16
Nightmare III Challenge: Unhinged Psyche
— Achieve three consecutive reward phases in a Nightmare III rift
— Note: You only have 30 minutes to complete this quest after picking it up.
NMR IV Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 5 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 10 times.
— Picked up from Rajkoh Lokor, the Nightmare IV Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare IV: Puppet Master
— Collect Draumheim Infiltration Plans from Nightmare rifts x22
Nightmare IV Challenge: The Eyes, the Eyes
— Kill a Nightmare IV rift boss within 15 seconds of engagement
— This quest does not have a time limit.
NMR V Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 5 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 10 times.
— Picked up from Zahana Ushah, the Nightmare V Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare V: Mortal Trauma
— Kill creatures in a Nightmare rift that grant experience x16
Nightmare V Challenge: Careless Slumber
— Achieve six consecutive reward phases in a Nightmare V rift
— Note: You only have 30 minutes to complete this quest after picking it up.
NMR VI Dailies
— There is a cheevo for completing the Challenge Daily 5 times.
— There is a cheevo for completing any of the dailies 10 times.
— Picked up from Naola Vaspar, the Nightmare VI Scholar.
— Awards The Ghar notoriety, Void Stones, and 2x Illusory Mote.
Nightmare VI: Number Thieves
— Collect Manugo Number Cards from Nightmare rifts x24
Nightmare VI Challenge: Dangerous Repose
— Kill a Nightmare VI rift boss within 15 seconds of engagement
— This quest does not have a time limit.
Crafting Quests
NMT crafting covers levels 375 to 450 of the crafting skills.
You can find out more on the crafting guide pages.
Crafting Dailies
— When you hit level 376, your daily craft quests will be picked up from Elena Lyra, just outside the crafting room in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12771 11684
— Crafting dailies reward crafting currencies, which are used to buy crafting recipes.
Crafting Weeklies
— You will also be able to pick up a weekly quest while your skill level is between 376 and 450.
— Pick up Weekly Crafting quests in Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5863 5521
— The weekly quest will give a CRift lure, which will give materials specific to NMT planar crafting.