- Cape Jule is a level 50-52 zone.
- Cape Jule is on the continent of Brevane.
- To get to this zone you will complete the quest ‘Storm Legion’ explained on the main Storm Legion quest page. After you have completed this quest, you can speak to the Lycini Ambassador at any point to be teleported to Brevane, Dusken or Tempest Bay.
- There are 4 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Daemon Loci, Tulan and Sanco Outpost
Below is a guide for all 52 quests in Cape Jule.
With 33 Main Quests and 19 Carnages.
For the Cape Jule rares go here
There is no puzzle in Cape Jule
For the other Cape Jule cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 52 quests in Cape Jule, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.
Tomb Hunter

Cape Carnage

Tempest In A Teacup

32 Main Quests
Ancient Technology
Defiants pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Daemon Loci
/setwaypoint 6950 12098
Enter the Daemon Loci
The Treasures of Cape Jule
Guardians pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Daemon Loci
/setwaypoint 6925 12022
Enter the Daemon Loci
The Synthetic Soul
Defiants pick up this quest from Sylver Valis in Daemon Loci (Upper floor)
/setwaypoint 7017 12148
Search the lower level
Go down both sets of stairs to reach the lower level.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Ancient Console’
Right click the Ancient Console found on the circular platform at
/setwaypoint 6997 12151
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend the Auram’
Kill all the baddies that attack the Auram.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Pithos of Hope’
Right click the Pithos of Hope on the Console to collect it.
Go out of the tunnel on the lower level at
/setwaypoint 7018 12114
Follow the tunnel into the Daemon Loci courtyard.
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Daemon Loci courtyard at
/setwaypoint 7048 12017
The Ancient Soul
Guardians pick up this quest from Abbess Katia in Daemon Loci (Upper floor)
/setwaypoint 6976 11946
Search the lower level
Tulan Awaits
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Daemon Loci courtyard
/setwaypoint 7048 12017
Meet up with Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
The Prototype
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Prototype Weapon Component in Mephitis Bog at /setwaypoint 7593 12057
TO COMPLETE: Prototype Weapon Components x4
Find the 4 Prototype Weapon Components all over the Kelrath Peninsula, like this one at
/setwaypoint 7829 12074
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Prototype Weapon on Aquatic Creatures in Kelrath Peninsula x8’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Prototype Lightning Cannon’
Target 8 of the Aquatic Creatures found all over Kelrath Peninsula and use the Cannon on them.
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8185 11809
Ritualistic Vandalism
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Abyssal Ritual Altar in Kelrath Peninsula at /setwaypoint 7661 12078
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Abyssal Ritual Altars x7
Journey to Tempest Bay
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ansora Demors in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8238 11773
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Captain Lok Okupilo
Find Captain Lok Okupilo on the docks of Tulan at /setwaypoint 8412 12111
Speak with her to be teleported to Tempest Bay.
Hand in the quest to Queen Miela Aurentis in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12920 11508
Note: Even though the hand in for this quest is in TB, it still counts towards the Cape Jule quests cheevo.
Welcome to Tempest Bay!
Tempest Bay continues to be the main city for the rest of the game. Here you will find skill trainers, bankers, auctioneers and many questgivers. Have a look around and then get back to Cape Jule to continue the questline!
Traversing Tulan
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Use the Snapper Remover on Snapper Hatchlings x6
Activate an Empyrean Zapper
Empyrean Invention
Defiants pick up this quest from Sylver Valis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8296 11806
Talk to Donis Masino
Empyrean Crusade
Guardians pick up this quest from Abbess Katia in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8353 11924
Speak to Brother Jebiah
The Enigma
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Find Encrypted Orders x3
Collect the Empyrean Enigma
Bonfire of the Boglings
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Big Shirtless Jim in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8238 11830
TO COMPLETE: Ignite Tar Barrels x8
Secrets of the Swamp
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Empyrean Artifact (there are a few) in Mephitis Bog at /setwaypoint 7993 11605
TO COMPLETE: Recover Artifacts from the Tar Pits in Mephitis Bog x4
Storm Offensive
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Use the Rally Horn
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Rally Horn’
Go down to the Tulan docks and stand in the marked area at
/setwaypoint 8496 12128
Use the Rally Horn
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Storm Legion assault’
Kill the Storm Legion that attack.
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8185 11809
The Soul Prison
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Locate the Kelrath Base
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Ikoluru’
Ikoluru will spawn near the Altar, kill it!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover the Pithos of Dreams’
Take the Pithos of Dreams from the stand next to the Altar.
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8185 11809
More Than One Way to Fry a Fish
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Empyrean Machine in Felfathom Cays at /setwaypoint 7783 12839 (There are a few)
TO COMPLETE: Activate the machine to electrocute nearby aquatic foes x12
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Bait’
Click the bait and target the water close to you to lay down some meat. (In my opinion this really doesn’t do much)
Click the Empyrean Machine when fish are nearby and it will electrocute them.
You can find another machine at /setwaypoint 7735 12719 and more on the other buildings near the sea.
This quest will auto-complete when you are finished.
Tempered Technology
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Infuse the Empyrean Core
A Burning Interest
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Empyrean Relic in Scoria Pit at /setwaypoint 8183 11166
TO COMPLETE: Collect Empyrean Relics in the Scoria Pit x6
It's Just a Little Burnt
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Damaged Empyrean travel Stone in Scoria Pit at /setwaypoint 8267 11335
TO COMPLETE: Activate the damaged Empyrean travel Stone
Dacia's Departure
Defiants pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Speak to Dame Corvana Ardini
Oakheart's Departure
Guardians pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Speak to Dame Corvana Ardini
Cliffside Charity
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lost Expedition Gear in Agrippa Rainforest at /setwaypoint 7713 10894
TO COMPLETE: Collect Lost Expedition Gear in Agrippa Rainforest x12
Mission Infiltration
The quest is picked up from Dame Mari Batici in Sanco Outpost
/setwaypoint 7583 11095
Find an Enigma Cache on Edgestone Ridge
Unscheduled Maintenance
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Communicator Wire in Agrippa Rainforest at /setwaypoint 8020 11028
TO COMPLETE: Collect Storm Legion Wiring in Agrippa Rainforest x6
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Weapons Crate in Agrippa Rainforest at /setwaypoint 8252 10883
TO COMPLETE: Collect Grenades in Agrippa Rainforest
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Grenades to Stampede Rhinos in Agrippa Rainforest’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Grenade’
Stand amongst the Rhinos and use the Grenade item to make them stampede.
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Versus Bareknuckle Buck
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bad Luck Chuck in Edgestone Ridge at /setwaypoint 8399 10635
TO COMPLETE: Use the horn to issue a challenge to Buck
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Horn of challenge’
Stand outside the tent at /setwaypoint 8626 10621 and use the Horn of challenge.
Bareknuckle Buck will spawn for you to kill.
Your ability bar will be changed into different abilities that you can use to defeat Buck.
This quest will auto-complete when you are finished.
Worse Than Death
The quest is picked up from Dame Mari Batici in Sanco Outpost
/setwaypoint 7583 11095
Investigate Cambium Loci
Go into the underground building through the entrance at /setwaypoint 8184 10787
Go inside and up the stairs to the second level.
Right click the broken enigma cache on the floor at /setwaypoint 8184 10635
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Mutated Retainer’
The Mutated Retainer will become active, kill it!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Pithos of Fear’
Collect the Pithos of Fear from the stand.
Hand in the quest to Dame Mari Batici in Sanco Outpost
/setwaypoint 7583 11095
Hand in the quest to Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8185 11809
Enemy Territory
The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
Find Scout Tayvia Dorno
Hidden in Hiberna
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lost Journal in Hiberna Rainforest at /setwaypoint 7009 11483
(Get on the bridge at /setwaypoint 6962 11538)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Map Fragments hidden in logs within Hiberna Rainforest x5
Pollinate or Die... or Just Kill Him
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Suspicious Plant in Hiberna Rainforest at /setwaypoint 6931 11385
TO COMPLETE: Pollinate flowers to escape Gor’Damor in Hiberna Rainforest
Gor’Damor will spawn and start chasing and attacking you.
You have 2 options; kill him, or run to the light up flowers to pollinate them. To pollinate the flowers, you just need to stand right next to them, the first flower you stand next to won’t count towards the 5, so you will need to find 6 flowers and run to each of them.. most players will find it easier just to kill Gor’Damor, especially as he is doing knockbacks and stuns the whole time too!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Perilous Recovery
The quest is picked up from Scout Tayvia Dorno in Hiberna Rainforest
/setwaypoint 6971 11370
Find the Main Chamber
Completing this quest (and the previous story quests) will grant you the cheevo ‘Tempest in a Teacup’

Note: Be sure to keep the Cape you receive from this quest safe as you will need it for the next quest! You can equip it or keep it in your bags. (If you do lose it, don’t worry too much as you can buy it again from a vendor)
Tempest Bay
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8185 11809
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Captain Lok Okupilo — Talk to Dame Uragano — Empower your Brevanic Cape
Talk to Captain Lok Okupilo on the docks of Tulan at /setwaypoint 8412 12111
Captain Lok Okupilo will teleport you to Tempest Bay.
Talk to Dame Uragano in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 13100 11518
Select the option ‘I was told you could empower my cape’.
Dame Uragano will give you an ‘Empyreal Powered Collar’
Empower your Brevanic Cape
Find your cape, in your bag or on your character screen, and hold down the ALT key on your keyboard while you left click the cape. This will bring up the gear upgrade screen.
The base item, at the top is your current cape.
In the middle you can see the upgrade part, the Empyreal Powered Collar.
At the bottom, you can see a preview of the upgraded item, this cape will have better stats, a new name and a new wardrobe skin when you have upgraded it.
Hit the upgrade button at the very bottom to upgrade your cape. You may need to unequip your cape, put it in your bags to credit the quest, hand the quest in, and then you can equip it again.
Hand in the quest to Dame Uragano in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 13100 11518
Note: Even though the quest hand in is in Tempest Bay, the quest still counts towards the Cape Jule quests cheevo.
If you lose your cape or the upgrade part…
- You can buy the cape for one silver! Just to the right of Dame Uragano at /setwaypoint 13108 11512 you will find Sonador Belega [Lost Cloak Merchant]. Buy the same cape again (the ones with the green picture) and you can then upgrade it to complete the quest.
- If you lose the upgrade part, talk to Dame Uragano again about empowering the cape.
Chum in the Water
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm LEgion Fishing Supplies in Malluma Basin at /setwaypoint 7358 11577
TO COMPLETE: Take the Mighty Boot from the Fishing Supplies
Wind and Fire
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Destris De’ator in Cliffside Vale at /setwaypoint 7820 10461
TO COMPLETE: Use the Pyronite Crystals on Tempest Gales x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Raw Pyronite Crystal’
Find a Tempest Gale, like this one at /setwaypoint 7744 10355
Target them and use the Raw Pyronite Crystal.
There aren’t many of the Gales, so you may want to switch shard to find enough for the quest.
Hand in the quest to Destris De’ator in Cliffside Vale at /setwaypoint 7820 10461
The City Beyond
Defiants pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
This quest will lead you into City Core, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Cape Jule.
Complete the First Supply Drop
The City Beyond
Guardians pick up this quest from Dame Tajlora Aurentis in Tulan
/setwaypoint 8185 11809
This quest will lead you into City Core, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Cape Jule.
Complete the First Supply Drop
Click the Supply Table near the tent further along the road at
/setwaypoint 6758 10444
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Marshal Oakheart at Vaud Tower’
Follow the road north til you reach the first town in City Core.
Hand in the quest to Marshal Oakheart in Vaud Tower at /setwaypoint 6715 9978
19 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Cape Carnage’ in Cape Jule
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Five Queens of Kelrath
PICK UP: You will find them in Kelrath Peninsula at around /setwaypoint 7826 12161
TO COMPLETE: Kill Karkauid Magiskyma in Kelrath Peninsula x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: To Prey Upon Predators
PICK UP: You will find them in Anima Loci at around /setwaypoint 6649 11403
TO COMPLETE: Kill Iron and Storm Drakes in Anima Loci x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Daemon Defense
PICK UP: You will find them in Daemon Loci at around /setwaypoint 7012 12131 (Defiants) or /setwaypoint 6980 11948 (Guardians)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rhinocide
PICK UP: You will find them in Mephitis Bog at around /setwaypoint 7244 12048
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rhinos in Mephitis Bog x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Born of the Bog
PICK UP: You will find them in Mephitis Bog at around /setwaypoint 7268 12094
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mucklords, Ticks and Boglings in the Mephitis Bog x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Basin Beasts
PICK UP: You will find them in Mephitis Bog at around /setwaypoint 7401 12071
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vhars, Trapjaws and Razormaw in Malluma Basin and River x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Kelrath Terrormaw: A Study
PICK UP: You will find them in Mephitis Bog at around /setwaypoint 7682 12057
TO COMPLETE: Kill Terrormaw in Kelrath Peninsula x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: A League of Legionaries
PICK UP: You will find them in Kelrath Peninsula at around /setwaypoint 7645 12146
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion in the Kelrath Peninsula x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Felfathom Free-For-All
PICK UP: You will find them in Felfathom Cays at around /setwaypoint 7712 12489
TO COMPLETE: Kill Brevanic Constructs and Deep Ones in Felfathom Cays x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Something Fishy
PICK UP: You will find them in Felfathom Cays at around /setwaypoint 7798 12800
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rotfins in Felfathom Cays x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Extinguishing the Flames
PICK UP: You will find them in the Scoria Pit at around /setwaypoint 8155 11171
TO COMPLETE: Kill flamesired creatures in the Scoria Pit x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Vhars and the Bees
PICK UP: You will find them in Agrippa Rainforest at around /setwaypoint 7791 10881
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vhars and Wasps in Agrippa Rainforest x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: In the Jungle They Lurk in Wait
PICK UP: You will find them in Agrippa Rainforest at around /setwaypoint 7521 11056
TO COMPLETE: Kill Hulking Mutations in Agrippa Rainforest x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Agrippa Occupancy
PICK UP: You will find them in Agrippa Rainforest at around /setwaypoint 8102 10983
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion soldiers in Agrippa Rainforest x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rampage on the Ridge
PICK UP: You will find them in Edgestone Ridge at around /setwaypoint 8404 10610
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Soldiers along the Edgestone Ridge x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: A Twisted Affair
PICK UP: You will find them in Cambium Loci at around /setwaypoint 8184 10787
TO COMPLETE: Kill Twisted Legion soldiers in Cambium Loci x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Jungle Riot
PICK UP: You will find them in Hiberna Rainforest at around /setwaypoint 7207 11510
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wodedrakes, Tartary Trees and Treants in Hiberna Rainforest x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Anima Outpost
PICK UP: You will find them in Hiberna Rainforest at around /setwaypoint 6737 11348
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion in Hiberna Rainforest x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rhino? Rhinot!
PICK UP: You will find them in Sanco Outpost at around /setwaypoint 7464 11037
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cliffside Rhinos in Cliffside Vale x8
Notes for Completionist..
- The carnage quest ‘The Three Kingdoms at War‘ is only completeable during the ‘Battle of Cape Jule’ zone event. This carnage is not needed for the cheevo.
- The Quest ‘Empyrean Crusade‘ is for Guardian Characters only and cannot be completed by Defiants.
- The Quest ‘Oakheart’s Departure‘ is for Guardian Characters only and cannot be completed by Defiants.
- The Quest ‘The Ancient Soul‘ is for Guardian Characters only and cannot be completed by Defiants.
- The Quest ‘The Treasures of Cape Jule‘ is for Guardian Characters only and cannot be completed by Defiants.
- The Quest ‘Ancient Technology‘ is for Defiant Characters only and cannot be completed by Guardians.
- The Quest ‘Dacia’s Departure‘ is for Defiant Characters only and cannot be completed by Guardians.
- The Quest ‘Empyrean Invention‘ is for Defiant Characters only and cannot be completed by Guardians.
- The Quest ‘The Synthetic Soul‘ is for Defiant Characters only and cannot be completed by Guardians.
- The Quest ‘The City Beyond‘ may not tick off from completionist even if you complete it.