- Seratos is a level 53-56 zone.
- To get to this zone you will Walk in from Pelladane
- There are 7 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Ruinous Passage, The Crawl, Spinecrest, The Hollow, Necropolis, Death’s Doorstep, Mired Convoy, and the Nug Village in Fetid Plains
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Unhallowed Boneforge dungeon – /setwaypoint 11893 4154
Below is a guide for all 133 quests in Seratos.
With 71 Main Quests, 7 Nug Village Quests and 55 Carnages.
For the Seratos rares go here
For the Seratos puzzle go here
For the other Seratos cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Nug Village Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 133 quests in Seratos, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.
I Like it Here

Psychic Meltdown


71 Main Quests
Free Thinker
The quest is picked up from Sergeant Orabel in the Ruinous Passage
/setwaypoint 8561 4691
Free Lead Researcher Sophia Procter
Mesmerized Marines
The quest is picked up from Private Torval in Ruinous Passage
/setwaypoint 8564 4691
Free Mind-Controlled Marines x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Sonic Disruptor’
Find the Mind-Controlled Marines in Ruinous Passage, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8501 4567
Target the Mind-Controlled Marine and use the Sonic Disruptor on them, then get them down to below 40% health to rescue them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Darkrun
The quest is picked up from Sophia Procter in the Ruinous Passage
/setwaypoint 8475 4500
Stand on the Launch Pad
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Launch Pad to reach the second platform’
Upon reaching this first platform, you should have a progress bar visible..
When this progress bar is full, you will be able to use the next Launch Pad to reach the next platform.
To fill the progress bar, click the Launch Pad battery control consoles and then kill any mobs that attack while you wait for the battery to charge.
When the Launch Pad is active, stand on it to go to the second platform.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Launch Pad to reach the final platform’
Click the Launch Pad battery control consoles on this second platform to charge the Launch Pad that will take you to the final platform. Be ready to kill all the baddies that attack, there are more of them this time!
A Walk in the Park
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Darkrun Wreckage
/setwaypoint 8927 4223
Escort Arlan Merkur to Cydrel’s Rest
Old Friends and New
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Cydrel’s Rest
/setwaypoint 9079 4315
Investigate the Caretakers’ Site
Careful Measures
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Cydrel’s Rest
/setwaypoint 9079 4315
Use the Caretaker Tracker
You will reach the area at around /setwaypoint 9473 4333
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the source of the interference’
You need to search this area for the ‘Ravaged Brevane Core’, I found it at
/setwaypoint 9490 4264
Right click the Ravaged Brevane Core to fix it and then use the Caretaker Tracker again to follow the next path.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate the Caretakers at The Crawl’
Follow the path of lights into The Crawl camp.
Hand in the quest to Portan Aromer in The Crawl at /setwaypoint 9723 4140
Air Strike
The quest is picked up from Portan Aromer in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9723 4140
Escort Besieged Caretakers to safety x12
Like Flames to a Moth
The quest is picked up from Xevrol Om in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9723 4138
Trap Firestorm Elementals x6
The Burning Truth
The quest is picked up from Xevrol Om in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9723 4138
Transfer a Firestorm Elemental into the Heat Cage
Extract information from the captured Firestorm Elemental
They're Coming
The quest is picked up from Portan Aromer in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9723 4140
Collect Unstable Brevanic Batteries x5
Find the Caretaker Transmitter in the Behemoth Graveyard at
/setwaypoint 10094 3910
Right click the sparkly section to power it up, then defend the Caretaker Transmitter while it powers up!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Transmit a warning to Necropolis’
Right click the Caretaker Transmitter again to transmit the signal.
Hand in the quest to Goja Patima in Spinecrest at /setwaypoint 10320 3809
Bone Marked
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bone Thistle in Behemoth Graveyard at /setwaypoint 10177 3938
TO COMPLETE: Locate the Bones
Go to each location and click the Bone Thistle at the waypoint.
Locate the first marked Bones – /setwaypoint 10177 3938
Locate the second marked Bones – /setwaypoint 10382 3871
Locate the third marked Bones – /setwaypoint 10386 3737
Locate the fourth marked Bones – /setwaypoint 10287 3661
Locate the fifth marked Bones – /setwaypoint 10167 3757
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Taking the Caretakers
The quest is picked up from Goja Patima in Spinecrest
/setwaypoint 10320 3809
Rescue Caretakers x8
Rescue the Caretakers from the Shaper Traps, like this one at
/setwaypoint 10215 3717
Right click the trap and you will be attacked by a Deviant Bane, kill it to complete the rescue.
You can also find caretakers outside fo the traps being attacked by Deviants, kill the Deviants to rescue the caretakers.
Hand in the quest to Goja Patima in Spinecrest at /setwaypoint 10320 3809
Running with the Herd
The quest is picked up from Kusujo Tohi in Spinecrest
/setwaypoint 10334 3823 (Wanders around the camp)
Use the Phero Bomb on a Migratory Tusker
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Reanimated Deformers attacking the caretakers’
Use the Phero Bomb on a couple more Tuskers to help you kill all the Reanimated Deformers at
/setwaypoint 10544 3657
Hand in the quest to Kusujo Tohi in Spinecrest
/setwaypoint 10334 3823 (Wanders around the camp)
Body Shots
The quest is picked up from Una Forgiso in Spinecrest
/setwaypoint 10329 3805
Collect Poisonous Tubers from Reeking Tubular Fungi
Find the Bloated Corpse Reaper Carcasses in Behemoth Graveyard,. like this one at /setwaypoint 10324 3974
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Poisonous Tubers’
Use the Poisonous Tubers to target the Bloated Corpse Reaper Carcasses to attract a Shaper and explode them!
Hand in the quest to Una Forgiso in Spinecrest at /setwaypoint 10329 3805
Waylaid to Rest
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Penala Dura in Behemoth Graveyard at /setwaypoint 10603 3696
TO COMPLETE: Collect Penala Dura’s Locket
Find the ‘Dura Strongbox’ near the cart at /setwaypoint 10697 3853
Loot the Dura Strongbox to collect Penala Dura’s Locket.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place Dura’s Locket at the Dura Ancestral Home’
Find the the Dura Ancestral Home at /setwaypoint 10803 4086 in The Hollow.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The quest is picked up from Goja Patima in Spinecrest
/setwaypoint 10320 3809
Locate the lost Caretaker Wagon
Sprout Juice
The quest is picked up from Bul Rokkad in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10818 4091
Use the Nutrient Extractor on Mortific Sprouts x12
The Extractor
The quest is picked up from Aeranna Okkorg in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10819 4089
Use the Energy Leash to bring Corpsewalkers into The Extractor x5
Chase Them Down
The quest is picked up from Sukra Radorb in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10835 4083
Chase Nug Hoarders to loot Caches of Marrow before they vanish x8
Beg, Barter, or Steal
The quest is picked up from Purkora Itta in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10826 4038
Ask Ezael for Cranial Fluid
Find Ezael in Fetid Plains at
/setwaypoint 11477 4039
Right click to speak with him.
He wants payment for the Cranial Fluid.
You have two choices, you can collect spores to pay for the Fluid, you only need 6 spores so this will be quite quick. Collect the spores from all over the Fetid Plains area, you may want to do the cheevo ‘Rat Daddy‘ at the same time.
If you don’t want to pick up spores, you can simply fight Ezael and loot the Cranial Fluid from him, if you win!
Hand in the quest to Purkora Itta in The Hollow at /setwaypoint 10826 4038
Corpsewalker Nests
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Caretaker Commando in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 11231 4083
TO COMPLETE: Burn Corpsewalker Nests x12
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Caretaker Flamethrower’
Find the Corpsewalker Nests in Fetid Plains, these are all marked on your map, like this one at /setwaypoint 11168 4121
Fire your Caretaker Flamethrower towards the nests to burn them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Nutritious, Not Delicious
The quest is picked up from Bul Rokkad in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10818 4091
Locate the tunnel to Necropolis
Head to the south east to find the tunnel entrance at
/setwaypoint 11298 4685
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring the Nutrients for The Overseer to Arlan Merkur in Necropolis’
Run through the tunnel, you can go slow and kill all the things, or you just race through while healing yourself.
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10977 4883
Necropolis is the main city of Seratos, here you will find the daily planar quests and the Caretaker Quartermaster.
The next chain of quests will be cantered here.
Be aware that Necropolis is multileveled, with; The basement with rats. — The main ground floor where the portal is. — The slope up that encircles this area and has a few caves coming off of it. — And the upper level.
The slope has an upper and lower section and a portal system to get you up and down quickly.
Kill Ten Rats
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10977 4883
Locate The Sub-Chamber entrance
In the Sub Chamber you will find Rat Traps, like this one at
/setwaypoint 10884 4880
Right click to turn it on.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Crypt Rats x10’
Bring the nearby Crypt Rats near to the active trap to debuff them, making them easier to kill.
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10977 4883
Romance for Prepo
The quest is picked up from Prepo Detolo in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10985 4901
Stand on the Transporter to Iala’s Point
A Feast for Love
The quest is picked up from Prepo Detolo in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10985 4901
Gather the items listed
At each location you will find a separate quest to complete that will give you the items.
QUEST 27: Ales Fair in Love & War
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zali Fio in The Thirsty Skull at /setwaypoint 10810 4719 – Entrance from the upper slope at /setwaypoint 10826 4756
TO COMPLETE: Fill Empty Steins within the time limit x10
Click 10 of the beer steins around the pub within 1 minute
REWARDS: Rare Mushroom Wine
QUEST 28: Nezifila’s Nettling Problem
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nezifila Alodiada in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10940 4950
TO COMPLETE: Collect Nettle Weeds x6
Collect the plants in Necropolis, I find the best place to find them is along the sides of the path on the lower slope.
REWARDS: Nettle Weeds
QUEST 29: The Wayward Flock
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Partoprenok Tino in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10889 4913
TO COMPLETE: Use the Shock Prod on Wayward Razorbeast x4
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Shock Prod’
Fidn the Wayward Razorbeast on the slopes and use the Shock Prod on them.
These can be quite hard to find, use [/target Wayward] to help!
REWARDS: Razorbeast Meat
When you have the three items from the quests you can hand in the main quest to Prepo Detolo in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10985 4901
A Dress for Success
The quest is picked up from Prepo Detolo in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10985 4901
Collect Riptooth Hides x3
Collect Necrolyte Sinew x3
Collect Life Bane Bile x2
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the components in the Materials Cell’
Click the Materials Cell on the floor just in front of the Brevanic Replicator.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pull the Lever’
Pull the lever next to the Brevanic Replicator.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Frightful Dress’
Right click the Brevanic Replicator to collect the dress.
Hand in the quest to Prepo Detolo in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10985 4901
Completing the previous 6 quests will grant you the cheevo ‘Matchmaker’

Rift Assault
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10977 4883
Use the Transporter to reach the Top Level of Necropolis
Suppression Regression
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10977 4883
Use an Overseer Emitter
You will now have a temporary ability called ‘Brevanic Restoration’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend the Psymmunic Spine’
Target the Psymmunic Spine (Wardstone arch) and use the Brevanic Restoration ability on it if it starts loosing too much health.
Kill the mobs attacking the Spine, when they die they will drop a pulsing blue circle which you can stand in to gain planar charges. The planar charges are required to use the Brevanic Restoration ability.
Continue killing the mobs until the Legion Commander spawns, this is the last mob you need to kill to credit the quest.
Atagonix, Lord of the Deep
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
Activate the Mental Imager
Find the Mental Imager at
/setwaypoint 10911 4878
Right click the imager to activate it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Learn the history of Atagonix’
Stand near the Mental Imager to hear the speech.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10937 4887
A Meeting of Minds
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
Enter the Mind of the Overseer
Thought Police
The quest is picked up automatically when you complete the previous quest
Defeat Psychophages and Faded Memories x20
Battle of Wills
The quest is picked up automatically when you complete the previous quest
Defeat Crucia’s Projection
Kill Crucia’s Projection at
/setwaypoint 10892 4914
This fight can be quite difficult, try to stay out of the way of crucia’s main abilities, attacking inbetween them. Use the heal and the ranged ability, try to kill the extra trash with the AoE.
When she is dead, a portal will open up in the middle of the room to allow you to go back to Necropolis.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10937 4887
Completing this quest gives you the cheevo ‘ Psychic Meltdown’

Defending the Necropolis
The quest is picked up from Quaria in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10949 5143
Warn Commander Tharin outside Necropolis
Go back towards Necropolis and find Commander Tharin at
/setwaypoint 11004 5043
Right click him to talk with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Commander Tharan and Slay Storm Legion Troopers, Commandos, and Officers x10’
Kill all the enemies that approach.
Hand in the quest to Quaria in Death’s Doorstep at /setwaypoint 10949 5143
Fire Control
The quest is picked up from Quaria in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10949 5143
Enter the access code to the power cannon
Find the row of cannons in Camp Talon at /setwaypoint 11138 5118
In front of each cannon is a small simon says puzzle.
Click any orb to start the puzzle, then watch which lights light up, when it has finished showing you the code, copy the code into the machine. It will start with one light, then 2, then 3.
You can then hand in the quest to the puzzle (Access Orb)
Communication Breakdown
The quest is picked up from Nokta Malhela in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10942 5137
Get Ident Keys from Intelligence Officers and sabotage Com Terminals x4
Kill Intelligence Officers around Camp Talon, these mobs are mostly found in and around the tents, loot the Ident Keys from them.
Find the Com Terminals, like this one at /setwaypoint 11146 5180 right click them to sabotage them. You can only sabotage them if you have an Ident Key.
Hand in the quest to Nokta Malhela in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10942 5137
Change of Pace
The quest is picked up from Amisto Mallumo in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10945 5129
Use the Matrix Reversion Ray on Power Guards x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Matrix Reversion Ray’
Find Power Guards in Camp Talon, like this one at /setwaypoint 11080 5217
Target the Power Guards and use the Matrix Reversion Ray on them, this is a casted ability that can be interrupted so it may take a few tries to be able to fully cast if you are in combat, it’s best to use from a distance before engaging the mob.
Hand in the quest to Amisto Mallumo in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10945 5129
Burning Desire
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Battle Plans in Camp Talon at /setwaypoint 11054 5180
TO COMPLETE: Burn Storm Legion Battle Plans x10
Find the Battle Plans (Scrolls) all around Camp Talon. Right click them to burn them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Intelligence Gathering
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Intelligence, looted from Intelligence Officer in Camp Talon at /setwaypoint 11101 5189
TO COMPLETE: Take the Storm Legion Intelligence to Quarla in Death’s Doorstep
Hand in the quest to Quaria in Death’s Doorstep at /setwaypoint 10949 5143
Friendly Fire
The quest is picked up from Access Orb (Puzzle) in Camp Talon
/setwaypoint 11139 5125
Use a Cannon Activation Switch
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Munitions Dump and Destroy the Supply Depot’
Turn the cannon around so you are facing towards the east, use your abilities on the building to the left and the tents to the right to destroy them.There is no targetting required, just face the right direction and spam the ranged ability (button 1)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Strom Legion Reinforcements x50’
A whole load of Storm Legion soldiers are gonna rush your cannon. Use button 1 while they are far away. When they get close to the cannon you can use button 2 to blitz them, its nice to wait til there are a few of them grouped around the cannon so you can splat them all at once. You can also use button 3 as a knock back if it gets a bit too much.
Hand in the quest to Quaria in Death’s Doorstep at /setwaypoint 10949 5143
Disable the Traps
The quest is picked up from Quaria in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10949 5143
Disable Foothold Traps x10
The Hidden, Revealed
The quest is picked up from Amisto Mallumo in Death’s Doorstep
/setwaypoint 10945 5129
Kill Storm Legion Scouts revealed by the All-Seeing Eyepiece x6
Pushing Daisies
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thornbloom in The Pus Swamp at /setwaypoint 11052 5720
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Thornblooms as you journey through The Pus Swamp x10
Find more Thornblooms in The Pus Swamp, right click to collect them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Ruined by a Rodent
The quest is picked up from Dervo in Mired Convoy
/setwaypoint 11616 5852
Commit acts of sabotage while transformed into a rat x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Transformation Sphere’
Click the Transformation Sphere to turn into a rat! While you are a rat, you can walk into the enemy camp without being attacked. Be careful of the dogs that can sniff you out and reveal you if you get too close to them.
Sure, but a Rat?
The quest is picked up from Kulpa in Mired Convoy
/setwaypoint 11615 5855
Use the Transformation Sphere while at the Mired Convoy
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Transformation Sphere’
Click the Transformation Sphere to turn into a rat! While you are a rat, you can walk into the enemy camp without being attacked. Be careful of the dogs that can sniff you out and reveal you if you get too close to them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scout the interior of the Mired Convoy + Reconnoiter the personnel tents + Locate the imprisoned Elder Shaper Glarul’
To Scout the interior of the Mired Convoy, simply go towards the middle of the Mired Convoy area /setwaypoint 11708 5905
Stand near the personnel tents at
/setwaypoint 11724 5946
Locate the imprisoned Elder Shaper Glarul at /setwaypoint 11798 5950
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Kulpa outside the Mired Convoy’
Go back to Kulpa in Mired Convoy
/setwaypoint 11615 5855
Hand in the quest.
Storm Legion Reappropriation
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Supplies in Mired Convoy at /setwaypoint 11704 5901
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Storm Legion Supplies to Amisto Mallumo in Death’s Doorstep
Hand in the quest to Amisto Mallumo in Death’s Doorstep at /setwaypoint 10945 5129
Shaper Containment
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Trap Piece in Mired Convoy at /setwaypoint 11797 5961
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Storm Legion Trap Tech to The Overseer in Necropolis
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10937 4887
Purging an Ancient Evil
The quest is picked up from Kulpa in Mired Convoy
/setwaypoint 11615 5855
Deactivate the Security Pylons to Free Elder Shaper Glarul
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Technician Tahnlo in The Pus Swamp’
Find Technician Tahnlo in The Pus Swamp at /setwaypoint 12114 5943
Right click to talk with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Tahnlo’s teleporter to return to Necropolis’
Stand inside the teleporter next to Tahnlo to go back to Necropolis.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis at /setwaypoint 10937 4887
You will find the quest ‘Knowledge Absorbed’ in the breadcrumb quests at the bottom of this page.
The main Storyline quests are finished, but there are a bunch of pick up quests to grab before you finish the zone!
A Not So Great Escape
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Skeletal Remains in Ruinous Passage at /setwaypoint 8882 4522
TO COMPLETE: Find a way out
Telloch Restoration
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in Valley of Bones
/setwaypoint 9231 4137
Invoke the Telloch Gem
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Telloch Gem’
Stand on the nearby platform at
/setwaypoint 9227 4091
Use the Telloch Gem
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Restore the Telloch Gem’
You need to stay on the platform while the Gem restores itself.. avoid the red!
Hand in the quest to Sereborn in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9231 4137
Scrawled in Sand
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in Valley of Bones
/setwaypoint 9231 4137
Get the Glyph Marker from Vix’s Pack
Soul Survivors
The quest is picked up from Nethel in Valley of Bones at
/setwaypoint 9454 4445
Receive Nethel’s Enchantment
Walk into a wisp to claim that wisp and receive a temporary ability for that wisp, then go back to the NPC’s, stand near the related NPC and use the ability.
There is a very short timer to get this done, a few run speed buffs may help you, you can mount while holding the buff.
You need to use the ability 3 times on each NPC, You can only carry one buff at a time, when the close wisps are all used up, you may find it easier to wait for respawn or to switch shard to find closer ones.
Hand in the quest to Nethel in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9454 4445
The quest is picked up from Nethel in Valley of Bones at
/setwaypoint 9454 4445
Speak with Sereborn
When you try to open the chest, Korgan will attack, kill him and then loot the chest.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Anatala’s Soul Fragments’
Find Anatala’s Soul Fragment at
/setwaypoint 9234 4536
Right click to speak with it.
Hand in the quest to Sereborn in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9463 4442
Milton's Toolbox
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Milton Gammut in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9211 4508
TO COMPLETE: Find Milton’s Toolbox + Milton’s Toos x5
Find Milton’s Toolbox at /setwaypoint 9265 4460
Find the rest of the tools outside the fenced area in the marked areas around /setwaypoint 9335 4495
Hand in the quest to Milton Gammut in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9211 4508
Marissa's Shield
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dented Shield in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9230 4440
TO COMPLETE: Click the Shield and then go to Marissa Tarn at /setwaypoint 9208 4470 to pick up and hand in the quest
Marta's Ring
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Marta’s Ring, looted from Corrupted Nug Hoarder in Valley of Bones at /setwaypoint 9195 4525
TO COMPLETE: Kill the Corrupted Nug Hoarder and the ring will go straight into your quest loot bag, you don’t need to right click the ring to activate the quest, go straight to Marta Tulla at /setwaypoint 9250 4499 to pick up and hand in the quest.
Hints and Rumors
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9706 4140
Gather Firestorm Intelligence
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Scrap of Firestorm Intelligence’
When you have 12 of the Firestorm Intelligence, click the Scrap to combine them together.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Read the Firestorm Intelligence’
Click the new quest item called ‘Firestorm Intelligence’ to read it.
Hand in the quest to Sereborn in The Crawl at /setwaypoint 9706 4140
Tracking Revern
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in The Crawl
/setwaypoint 9706 4140
Use the Empyreal Tracker to locate Revern in The Eternal Assault
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Empyreal Tracker’
To area to find Revern in is very large. Using the Empyreal Tracker will create a flash of light around your character, the more flashes, the closer you are to Revern (up to a max of 8 flashes) The tracker is pretty useless IMO.
The Package
The quest is picked up from Reveen in The Eternal Assault
/setwaypoint 9972 4375
Collect the Mysterious Package
Feeling Out the Firestorm
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Firestorm Communique, looted from Firestorm Agents in The Eternal Assault at /setwaypoint 9976 4705
TO COMPLETE: Collect Firestorm Communique from Firestorm Agents x10
Kill more of the Firestorm Agents to loot the Firestorm Communiques
Hand in the quest to Portan Aromer in The Crawl at /setwaypoint 9723 4140
Remnants of What Was
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Caretaker Supplies in The Eternal Assault at /setwaypoint 10498 4552
TO COMPLETE: Collect Caretaker Supplies x6
Pick up more of the Caretaker Supplies in the small area.
Hand in the quest to Xevrol Om in The Crawl at /setwaypoint 9723 4138
A Hollow Feeling
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10800 4086
Speak with Revern, Sharl, and Nethel
Here We Stand
The quest is picked up from Sereborn in The Hollow
/setwaypoint 10800 4086
Reach the Turnoff to Iala’s Point
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to Revern’
Stand in the spot and listen to them all talk.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Nethel’
Defeat the baddies that attack! You can throw a few heals on Nethel if needed.
Hand in the quest to Sereborn in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 11018 5024
Personal Effects
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nug’s Personal Effects in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 11112 4426
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Nug’s Personal Effects to Ezael in Fetid Plains
Hand in the quest to Ezael in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 11477 4039
Picking Up the Pieces
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Half Buried Artifact in The Pus Swamp at /setwaypoint 12269 6681
TO COMPLETE: Take the Brevanic Relic to Klerulo Malnova in Necropolis
Hand in the quest to Klerulo Malnova in Necropolis at /setwaypoint 11008 4740
Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 10966 4756 – Halfway up the slope
7 Nug Village Quests
Getting up to the Nug Village
One route you can take is to come in from the Hollow Portal and go up the hill at /setwaypoint 10958 3643
You can also come up from the other side at /setwaypoint 10931 3385
When you get up to the village you will unlock the portal, making travel much easier next time!
An Ancient Cure
The quest is picked up from Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Speak to the Old-World Mystic
Click the Old-World Mystic (the pillar) to talk with it.
The Mystic will ask you a series of questions, answer as follows..
Season of birth = Summer
Town of Origin = Zerzala
Authority = Arcanum Conservatory
Speciality = Medicine
Then tell the Mystic you want a cure for the Nug Sickness.
Hand in the quest to Na Ru in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 10946 3533
The Blue Stuff
The quest is picked up from Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Look for the means to reach the Primal Solution Tank
The Primal Solution Tank is in the middle of the base at /setwaypoint 10949 3319
The tank is being guarded by many Legion Scout Bots
There are many clickable items on the floor around the base, these items can be used to distract the bots so you can run in and click the tank.
Click an item, then agro a few of the bots and drag them to the item, wait for them to be stunned, then run in and click the Tank.
Hand in the quest to Na Ru in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 10946 3533
Moon Eye or Die
The quest is picked up from Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Harvest Moon Eyes x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Box of Spicy Offas’
Find the Moon Eye flowers at the mouth of the cave where the grafted horror lives
/setwaypoint 11026 3483
Collect the flowers.
If the grafted horror attacks then you can use the Box of Spicy Offas to distract him (or just kill him!). If you kill the grafted horror then the quest will instantly complete.
Hand in the quest to Na Ru in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 10946 3533
Marsh Marrow
The quest is picked up from Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Convince Vip in Fetid Plains to provide Premium Marrow
Find Vip in Fetid Plains at
/setwaypoint 11047 3316
He will give you a quest to complete before he will give you the Premium Marrow
The quest ‘Hoard as Hell’ is described below..
When you have completed the ‘Hoard as Hell’ quest, you can then hand in this quest to Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Hoard as Hell
The quest is picked up from Vip in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 11047 3316
Keep up with the Hoarder in Training
One of the nearby ‘Hoarders in Training’ will begin along an obstacle course. You need to follow it til the end.
Avoid the bombs, fences and spikes as you follow the Hoarder in Training along the course. If you fail, you can restart the course, there are a few different routes.
Note: You can mount up!
Hand in the quest to Vip in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 11047 3316
Curing the Nug bug
The quest is picked up from Na Ru in Fetid Plains
/setwaypoint 10946 3533
Get the Cure Dispensor
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Cure Dispensor’
Find the Sick Children around the village, use the Cure Dispensor to target the ground under the sick children to cure them, the children move very quickly so this may take a while!
Hand in the quest to Na Ru in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 10946 3533
55 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Seratos Steralization’ in Seratos
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Better Safe than Trampled
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8580 4739
TO COMPLETE: Kill Leatherbacks in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Subverting Research
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8498 4591
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Saboteurs and Infiltretors in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Eyes of the Storm
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8622 4645
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Spies in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Clearing a Passage
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8632 4580
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rotfed Spitters in Ruinous Passage x2 + Kill Rotfed Ripjaws in Ruinous Passage x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lay to Rest
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8717 4434
TO COMPLETE: Kill Restless Brevane in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Metal Fatigue
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8732 4426
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ancient Loaders in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Washed Ashore
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8543 4240
TO COMPLETE: Kill Drowned Mariners in Ruinous Passage x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Defanging the Fangsnouts
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruinous Passage at around /setwaypoint 8523 4231
TO COMPLETE: Kill Elder Fangsnouts in Ruinous Passage x2 + Kill Young Fangsnouts in Ruinous Passage x2
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Dregs
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9052 4261
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dreg Beasts in the Valley of Bones 1/8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Raiding the Rabid
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9374 4663
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rabid Terrormaws in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Eradicating Vhar
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9281 4737
TO COMPLETE: Kill Diseased Vhars in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Crashing the Party
PICK UP: You will find them in Cydrel’s Rest at around /setwaypoint 9092 4348
TO COMPLETE: Kill Minions of the Shapers in Cydrel’s Rest x2 + Kill Sculpted Scourges in Cydrel’s Rest x3 + Kill Sculpted Drones in Cydrel’s Rest x3
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bone Mites
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9466 4331
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bone Mites in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Meat Cobbler
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9490 4315
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cobbled abominations in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Falling off the Bone
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9688 4369
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bone Scarabs in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Harsh Territory
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9712 4402
TO COMPLETE: Kill Prowling Scavengers in the Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Crucia’s Recruits
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9709 3949
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firestorm kobolds in Valley of Bones x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Akvorians
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9336 3387
TO COMPLETE: Kill Akvorian Pincers in Valley of Bones x6 + Kill Akvorian Ancients in Valley of Bones x2
CARNAGE: Carnage: Yarrr!
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9079 3362
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scurvydog Seamen in the Valley of Bones x5 + Kill Scurvydog Mates in the Valley of Bones x5
CARNAGE: Carnage: Minions of the Shapers
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9518 3699
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deformed Limb Collectors in the Valley of Bones x4 + Kill Deformed Gatherers in the Valley of Bones x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Sludge Fed
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 8698 3734
TO COMPLETE: Kill Decaying Sludgefeeders in the Valley of Bones x4 + Kill Young Sludgefeeders in the Valley of Bones x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Nameless
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Bones at around /setwaypoint 9664 3474
TO COMPLETE: Kill Nameless Blades in the Valley of Bones x4 + Kill Nameless Spellswords in the Valley of Bones x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Reshaping
PICK UP: You will find them in The Eternal Assault at around /setwaypoint 10111 4572
TO COMPLETE: Kill Reshaped undead in The Eternal Assault x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fire Fighter
PICK UP: You will find them in The Eternal Assault at around /setwaypoint 9976 4705
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firestorm Agents in The Eternal Assault x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bone Grinder
PICK UP: You will find them in The Eternal Assault at around /setwaypoint 10463 4639 – There is only one Bone Hulk here, where you kill it the other will then be marked on your map, or you can switch shard to kill this one again!
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bone Hulks in The Eternal Assault x3
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rothorn
PICK UP: You will find them in The Eternal Assault at around /setwaypoint 10288 5137
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rothorn beasts in The Eternal Assault x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Killing Arts
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10069 3935
TO COMPLETE: Kill Malevolent “artworks” in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Baleful End
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10174 3750
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baleful Plagues, Toilers, and Prodigies in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Hazardous Beasts
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10376 3917
TO COMPLETE: Kill Feral Fiends and Hunters in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Reaper Harvest
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10336 3901
TO COMPLETE: Kill Corpse Reapers in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Toiling Away
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10065 3441
TO COMPLETE: Kill Toiling Mantichori in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Spikehide
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10421 3696
TO COMPLETE: Kill Spikehide sicklehorns in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Meat the Enemy
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10466 3730
TO COMPLETE: Kill Animated artworks in Behemoth Graveyard x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dark Hunt
PICK UP: You will find them in Behemoth Graveyard at around /setwaypoint 10039 3243
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rabid Rippers in Behemoth Graveyard x4 + Kill Rabid Sneaks in Behemoth Graveyard x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Desperately Seeking
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11292 4286
TO COMPLETE: Kill Meat Seeking Trackers and Flayers in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Final Observance
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11551 4186
TO COMPLETE: Kill Remnant Observers in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Put the Herd On
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11534 3515
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flesh Shepherds in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Grazed
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11521 3539
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sickly Grazers in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wingless
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11709 3510
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ripwings in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fetid Pains
PICK UP: You will find them in Fetid Plains at around /setwaypoint 11746 3597
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fetid creatures in Fetid Plains x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Ripped Off
PICK UP: You will find them in Death’s Doorstep at around /setwaypoint 10956 5194
TO COMPLETE: Kill Riptooths in Death’s Doorstep x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Life and Death
PICK UP: You will find them in Death’s Doorstep at around /setwaypoint 11001 5335
TO COMPLETE: Kill Life Banes and Necrolytes in Death’s Doorstep x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Quelling the Storm
PICK UP: You will find them in Camp Talon at around /setwaypoint 11041 5210
TO COMPLETE: Kill Camp Talon Soldiers in Camp Talon x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Clipping Talons
PICK UP: You will find them in Camp Talon at around /setwaypoint 11091 5241
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Hounds in Camp Talon x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Cutting out the Gristle
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 11107 5703
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gristle undead in The Pus Swamp x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Perilous Pestilents
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 11208 5698
TO COMPLETE: Kill Pestilent Huntresses in The Pus Swamp x2 and Kill Pestilent Stalkers in The Pus Swamp x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lancing the Abscess
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 11275 5722
TO COMPLETE: Kill Abscessers in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stuck in the Mire
PICK UP: You will find them in Mired Convoy at around /setwaypoint 11671 5891
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Infantry in the Mired Convoy x4 and Kill Storm Legion Shooters in the Mired Convoy x2 and Kill an Iron Guardian in the Mired Convoy
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fragmented Souls
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 12164 5954
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fragmented Souls in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Brevane Remains
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 12185 5924
TO COMPLETE: Kill Brevane Corpses in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Looking Out
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 11877 6170
TO COMPLETE: Kill Eye of the Shapers in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Slime Smile
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 12221 6642
TO COMPLETE: Kill Animated Muck in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: It’s a Drut
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 12370 6553
TO COMPLETE: Kill Druts in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: No Soul
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 12345 6461
TO COMPLETE: Kill Soulless Mages and Assassins in The Pus Swamp x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Necrotic Fishing
PICK UP: You will find them in The Pus Swamp at around /setwaypoint 11597 5383
TO COMPLETE: Kill Necrotic Anglers in The Pus Swamp x4 + Kill Necrotic Slicers in The Pus Swamp x4
Breadcrumb Quests
Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas
Into Infinity
The quest is picked up from Euclid Klara in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10945 4886
This quest will lead you into Steppes of Infinity, you can pick it up when you reach level 59.
Speak to Vora Orabel in Zerzala in Steppes of Infinity
Hand in the quest to Vora Orabel in Zerzala in Steppes of Infinity at
/setwaypoint 15679 7115
This quest counts towards the Steppes of Infinity quests cheevo.
Knowledge Absorbed
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
This quest will lead you into Morban, you can pick it up after you have completed some of the storyline in Seratos.
Use The Pus Swamp Teleporter
Find The Pus Swamp Teleporter just around the corner in the Hall of the Overseer at /setwaypoint 10947 4859
Stand in the Teleporter to use it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow the trail to Camp Landfall and speak with Arlan Merkur’
Follow the trail to Camp Landfall in Morban
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13187 5563
Note: This quest is handed in in Morban but counts towards the Seratos quest cheevo.
Notes for Completionist..
The quest ‘Strange Tidings‘ is a zone event not a quest you can pick up.
The quest ‘Mopping Up‘ can only be completed during the ‘Purging an Ancient Evil’ quest, after releasing the First Elder Shaper from his restraint, a bunch of mobs will start attacking and a mini quest will pop up.. kill all these mobs to complete the quest.. Most players will miss this quest, or not even notice it! It rewards nothing special so no worries.
The quest ‘A Grave Celebration‘ is part of the Morban questline.