During Phase 2 of the event, you can pick up the 3 Hunt 2 Scavenger hunts, as well as any of the 3 Hunt 1 Scavenger hunts you may have missed from Phase 1 and the ‘Capture them all‘ quest if you haven’t done it yet.
The scavenger hunts are split into sections for each continent/expansion the hunt is in.
Currently there are 3 scavenger hunts; Mathosian, Empyrean and Planar (Nightmare Tide).
Each complete scavenger hunt is a series of quests/challenges in different zones. You will receive 1 summerfest friendship bracelet and 100 merit badges when you have completed each full scavenger hunt. You will also get a summerfest party basket from the Mathosian and Planar hunts.
The scavenger hunts that you pick up in the main cities are like ‘meta quests’. Once you pick them up you will then have to go to each individual zone to pick up the zone quest. The meta quests are picked up up in Meridian/Sanctum, Tempest Bay and Margle Palace (info on the main page of summerfest guide).
NOTE: These pages are very long with lots of information.. If you need a particular quest you can use the links to each zone in the Quick Guide or use [CTRL+F] and type in the quest/zone you need to search for it.
Here is a copy of the full summerfest scavenger hunt macro…
target shichirin
target confused spirit guide
target itchy werewolf
target ironroot viper
target cockatrice
target foulmouthed
target tulan skunk
target sticky seacap
target tainted jelly
target dagon
Quick Guide
This quick guide is just to refresh your memory and provide locations for those of you who know what the quest is all about.
You can click the name of the zone or just scroll down for the detailed guide if you need a little more explanation or more waypoints!!
Freemarch – Fabulous fun fishing in Freemarch – Hand in 5 normal-eyed guppy and 2 deep march eel.
Silverwood – Save the spirit guide – Go to Wayward Thicket area of Silverwood /setwaypoint 6922 2988 – Catch the deer.
Stonefield – Grave Courage – Enter the crypt area at /setwaypoint 5087 4758 – Go down to bottom and wait 5 mins.
Gloamwood – Delouse the itchy werewolves – Find them at Tearfall Run portal in Gloamwood /setwaypoint 4631 2671 or Gloamwood pines portal /setwaypoint 5344 3045
Scarlet Gorge – Gorging on gold – Ironroot Draw at /setwaypoint 4784 4195 + Frayworn Rock at /setwaypoint 4288 4301 + Thunderwork Ridge at /setwaypoint 4649 3888 + and the two caves at Riverfell at /setwaypoint 3920 2739 and /setwaypoint 3629 2795
Scarwood Reach – Harpy Chow – Take your chick to the tree stump at /setwaypoint 3406 4029 – Nom up all the snakes.
Moonshade Highlands – Attitude Adjustment – Find the foulmouthed boglings and give them a good slap – Use your quest item on them – Find them around the lake and in the villages
Droughtlands – Puissant Paleontology – Go to the tar pits at Harlans Lament /setwaypoint 8050 6841 – Find sparkles in the tar and loot them.
Iron Pine Peak – Locate the book of riddles – Find the portal keystone at /setwaypoint 4803 1776 – Turn it GREEN – Go through the portal and read the book.
Shimmersand – Beachcombing for the discerning vacationist – Go to the islands north of the prison in the north-east of Shimmersand – Use your quest item and loot the piles of gold.
Stillmoor –Stillmoor Sparklies – All around the graveyard in Burlingham /setwaypoint 2330 2373 Pick up the three objects.
Cape Jule – Summerfest Infestation – Go to the docks of Tulan, catch skunks.
City Core – A race through the core – Follow the quest markers on your map all the way through City Core.
Eastern Holdings – What a feeling – Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7817 7811 – Dance in first room.
Kingsward – Summerfest Camping – Find the camp sites – /setwaypoint 5657 8236 + /setwaypoint 5115 8491 + /setwaypoint 5737 7341 + /setwaypoint 4258 8398 + /setwaypoint 4738 8579 + /setwaypoint 5907 7284 + /setwaypoint 6482 7780 + /setwaypoint 6395 7796
Ardent Domain – A sticky seacap situation – /setwaypoint 5606 9001 + /setwaypoint 6244 9773
Ashora – Desert Conquest – SAND AT: /setwaypoint 2257 8613 + /setwaypoint 2518 8684 + /setwaypoint 2286 7253 + /setwaypoint 2308 7594 + /setwaypoint 2950 6522 — WATER AT: /setwaypoint 3553 6710 – Go back and build your sandcastle.
The Dendrome – Seashells by the seashore – The seashells can be found all along the shoreline of the Dendrome
Rock Oyster Shells – All around the shipwrecked boats in the south /setwaypoint 2294 5325 + /setwaypoint 2117 5264 + /setwaypoint 2236 5214 + /setwaypoint 1884 5401
Crown Conch Shells– On the rocks at the shoreline in the north /setwaypoint 2277 3993 + /setwaypoint 2289 3902 + /setwaypoint 2324 4240 + /setwaypoint 2245 4064
Ember Starfish – These are more inland in the north, on the rocks /setwaypoint 2334 4060 + /setwaypoint 2430 4152 + /setwaypoint 2390 4262 + /setwaypoint 2420 4461
Kingdom of Pelladane – Road Trip – Race high above Pelladane.
Seratos – Scotophobia – Find the egg in the maze at /setwaypoint 12053 4337
Morban – Estranged Brew – Find the quest giver.
Blortt’s Brown Ale – Stormhold – setwaypoint 14416 7317 + /setwaypoint 14456 7333 + /setwaypoint 14424 7265
Golden Flow Lager – shapers citadel – /setwaypoint 15086 5601 + /setwaypoint 15230 5538 + /setwaypoint 15181 5304
Stout of the Tormented – Senviva Estate – /setwaypoint 13072 6479 + /setwaypoint 13020 6471 + /setwaypoint 13099 6406
Porter of Potential Potency – Black Strand – /setwaypoint 13027 7879 + /setwaypoint 13063 7970 + /setwaypoint 13015 7932
Pilsner of Punishment – Forest of Flesh – /setwaypoint 13054 5464 + /setwaypoint 13035 5362 + /setwaypoint 12968 5227
Harry’s Hoppin’ Hope IPA – Northern Ruins – /setwaypoint 14381 5309 + /setwaypoint 14300 5368 + /setwaypoint 14423 5441
Steppes of Infinity – Trollin for Treasure – 2018 – This quest is still auto-completing.
Goboro Reef – No Strings Attached – Go to /setwaypoint 3980 7887 and speak to Mitch – Grab all the mats and hand everything in.
Draumheim – Captain Dagon’s Fan Club – /setwaypoint 5471 6969 + /setwaypoint 6116 7179 + /setwaypoint 6235 4879
Tarken Glacier – Summer Sledding – Sled ride down the hill in Tarken.
The Great Mathosian Scavenger Hunt Part 2
11 Challenges to complete in Mathosian zones.

First pick up the meta quest from…
Meridian – Sylver Valis: /setwaypoint 6194 5189

Sanctum – Shyla Starhearth: /setwaypoint 7417 3122

Fabulous Fun Fishing in Freemarch
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6617 4255
On the northern coast of Freemarch.

You need to hand in 5 normal-eyed guppy and 2 deep march eel.
These are both types of fish that are fished up in Freemarch.
You can fish in normal open water to loot these fish, just keep fishing in the shallow and deep water near the questgiver and eventually you will get the fish you need.
You can use a rare fish lure to make it more likely you will fish up the correct fish. You can also craft lures that will fish up ONLY these fish, these two lures are both available from the ‘survival and fishing recipes’ vendor at /setwaypoint 12672 11545 in Tempest Bay.. they are very very cheap! (4 artisan marks for them both!)
You can of course buy or trade the fish you need if you don’t like fishing!

Normal-Eyed Guppy
These can be fished up in shallow water in Freemarch.
You can use a Normal-Eyed Guppy lure to help speed this up.

Deep March Eel
These can be fished up in deep water in Freemarch.
You can use a Deep March Eel lure to help speed this up.

Save the spirit guide
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6096 3328
Just south of Argent Glade.

During this quest you will be given a temporary ability called ‘Arcane Net’.
Go to the wayward thicket area of Silverwood /setwaypoint 6922 2988

You will find a small deer running around, use your ‘/target confused spirit guide’ to find her, then use the temp ability as a net to catch her.

Grave Courage
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 5163 4908
Just east of Granite Falls.

For this quest you need to spend 5 mins in the Stonefield Crypt!
You can enter the crypt area at /setwaypoint 5087 4758

Keep going down til you reach the very bottom floor and go into the small fenced off tomb area at /setwaypoint 5107 4777
Once there, you should see a purple beam ‘wall’ around the area. There will also be beetles running around the floor and skeletons walking around.
You have a debuff called ‘Scared to Death’ that will count down a 5 minute timer, when it reaches zero your quest will complete.

Time to go make a cup of tea while you wait.

Delouse the itchy werewolves
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 5706 3634
South east of Gloamwood.

For this quest you will be given a temporary ability called ‘Delousing Powder’.

There are two locations to find itchy werewolves.
You can use your target macro to find them /target itchy werewolf
Target the werewolves and use the Delousing Powder to stop them itching!

Go to the Tearfall Run portal in Gloamwood, around the river at /setwaypoint 4631 2671 there are loads of itchy werewolves!

There are also werewolves at /setwaypoint 5344 3045
Near the Gloamwood Pines portal.

Scarlet Gorge
Gorging on Gold
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 4409 3342
Outside rock ridge north portal.

The gold samples you need to find are small sparkly gold rocks. They are all inside the various caves/mines in Scarlet Gorge.
Ironroot Draw at /setwaypoint 4784 4195
Frayworn Rock at /setwaypoint 4288 4301
Thunderwork Ridge at /setwaypoint 4649 3888
The two caves in Riverfell at /setwaypoint 3920 2739 and /setwaypoint 3629 2795
There are also spawn points all the way up the cliff face of Riverfell, inside the various tunnels on the way up.

Inside the caves you will find chunks of ‘shiny rock’ called unexplored seams.
Looting the seams will give you a chance at finding gold! You should loot gold around 1 in 4 times so it is possible you may need to pick up 40+ gold seams before you complete the quest!

There are many many locations where the gold can spawn inside the mines, once you find one, be sure to switch shard and grab all the gold at that spot.
HINT: A small hint submitted by another player: Firstly turn off your ‘Auto-Loot By Default’ (System > Settings > Interface > Misc). Then right click the gold, if the grey item ‘Pyrite’ pops up in the loot window, close the loot window using the close button in top right, instead of hitting the take all button and looting the Grey Pyrite. You will then be able to keep right clicking the same lump of gold til you get the gold loot. Make sure to turn your auto-lot back on when you have finished!
If the mine/cave you are hunting in is super busy then try a different one or wait for a quieter time.
Scarwood Reach
Harpy Chow
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 3367 3879
On the main path near Kain’s Command.

When you speak to the questgiver you will be given a ‘tamed harpy chick’ pet that will follow you around (If yours disappears you can resummon it by talking to the quest giver again).
It will be easier for you to keep track of your bird if you pop him on focus at this point!

All around Granitewood Haunt are huge tree stumps inside ‘craters’
This one is at /setwaypoint 3406 4029

Take your chick to these tree stumps and it will start to hunt the Ironroot Vipers (You can find these with your target macro /target ironroot viper).

Your chick will wander off killing the vipers, you don’t need to help him! Just wait for him to finish the quest for you.
Its best to find a small group of these vipers and just stand still while your chick runs around killing them all.
Moonshade Highlands
Attitude Adjustment
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6299 1655
Near the Reclaimer’s Hold portal.
You need to find the foulmouthed boglings and give them a good slap!
Areas to look for boglings are shown on this map..
I find the areas around the 2 lakes to be more reliable.

Locations around the middle lake.
Use your target macro to find them /target foulmouthed
You will be given a temporary ability for this quest Called ‘A Good Smakin’.
Simply select the bogling and use the ability, you will need to be quite close (4m) to the bogling to be able to slap him!
After the slap, wait around for the quest to credit, don’t move to the next location until the quest is credited!
Quest credit is shared, so group up if you can!

Puissant Paleontology
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 7160 5935
Under the bridge to Freemarch.

In the tar pits at Harlans Lament /setwaypoint 8050 6841 there are tar coated bones. These can be tricky to see as they are often just under the surface of the tar.. Look for sparkles shining in the middle of the tar and switch shard when you find a spot.

If you are finding it super tricky to mouseover and click the right spot, you can use ‘CTRL+E’ (default keybind) to interact with them, you need to be stood right on top of the sparkles for this to work.

Iron Pine Peak
Locate the book of riddles
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 4501 1663
Near the Chancel of Labors.

Enter the cave at /setwaypoint 4835 1669
Find the portal keystone at /setwaypoint 4803 1776

The keystone needs to be changed to
green to make the correct portal appear nearby.

Then you walk through the portal and read the book of riddles.
There is a portal in this small room to take you back to the cave.

If you have done some of the quests in iron pine peak then you should be able to change the colour of the keystone. If you have never been in IPP before then you may not be able to change the keystone colour yourself. With all the other players doing this quest at the same time it is likely that the keystone will already be at the right colour when you get there anyway (check other shards if it isnt). You could ask a friend or public chat if someone could kindly change the stone to the right colour for you. Or you could go to Chancel of Labors and do some questing there to see if it opens up the daily quest ‘gale force winds’ from Defender Barris, this quest will allow you to change the stone.
For the peeps who find it hard to see the colour.. the cycle of colours is always the same, the orb will turn green on the first click after the portal is switched off..
green > blue > red > purple > yellow > orange > white > off
So just keep cycling through til the portal switches off then click one more time for green.
Beachcombing for the discerning vacationist
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6618 7143
In Fortune’s Shore.

All along the shores of Shimmersand are piles of gold to be found!
For this quest you will be given a temporary ability to help you find the gold.

Walk along the shoreline of Shimmersand and click your reactive, if you hit the right spot, your character will swivel facing a certain direction, walk slowly in that direction and a mound will appear in the sand, dig up the mound to find the gold. If nothing appears after about 10 meters, use the reactive again.

Please note, the stars on this map are not exact waypoints, its just to give you a general idea of which shoreline to be looking on.
I tend to find the area to the north of the prison with all the small islands is the easiest (to the top right of the above map).
When you have a spawn point, SWITCH SHARDS to check that same location multiple times, just click your reactive on each shard.
If your quest reactive disappears then you can use to /reloadui to get it back.
Locations north of the prison..
/setwaypoint 6480 6314
/setwaypoint 6490 6302
/setwaypoint 6549 6279
/setwaypoint 6622 6257
/setwaypoint 6693 6194
/setwaypoint 6744 6195
/setwaypoint 6891 6313
/setwaypoint 6835 6270
/setwaypoint 6790 6247
Locations along Hullbreach Shores..
/setwaypoint 6408 6567
/setwaypoint 6055 6719
/setwaypoint 5955 6816
/setwaypoint 5859 6884
Stillmoor Sparklies
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 2625 2457
Take a portal to the Exiles Den in Iron Pine Peak and then travel across to Stillmoor.

Find the items all around the graveyard in Burlingham /setwaypoint 2330 2373
The items are mostly around the edges of the graveyard on the rocks.

You will find sparkly objects to pick up.. a book, bed roll and canteen..
The items actually double up as artifacts.. pick up all 3 items first, collect your quest reward and THEN ‘collect’ them as the artifact set!
Be aware that all 3 items share spawn points, so if you find a canteen, you may find a bed roll in that location on a different shard.

/setwaypoint 2337 2444

/setwaypoint 2304 2328

/setwaypoint 2454 2431

Summerfest Campout Momentos
The Great Empyrean Scavenger Hunt Part 2
11 Challenges to complete in Storm Legion zones.

First pick up this meta quest from Tempest Bay near the plaza portal
at /setwaypoint 13015 11590 – on top of the pillar! You can reach the NPC from the ground, no climbing involved.

Cape Jule
Summerfest Infestation
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 8285 12094
On the Tulan docks.

All around the docks of Tulan there are skunks running around on the floor. You need to use the temporary ability as a net to catch them.
The ability is part of your quest sticky and is called ‘Skunk Net’

If the docks are full of other players trying to catch skunks, switch shards to see if you can find a quieter area, or try again at a different time of day. Better yet, try to create a group with some of them as the credit is shared!
You can use your target macro to target the skunks .. /target tulan skunk
They are very very quick, you need to figure out their path and put the net down where they are GOING to be!
You may find it easier if you stay mounted up for speed.
Credit is shared if you are within line of sight, so group up if you can.

City Core
A race through the core
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6721 9837
North of the Vaud Tower portal.

Simply follow the quest markers on your map all the way through City Core, you end up with a jump off a broken bridge into Eastern Holdings.
Each checkpoint has balloons as a gateway to go through

As you pass through each gate a new one will appear ahead of you and the yellow waypoint on your map will change to the new gate location.
Ensure that the gate registers as you pass through it, watch your mini map for the new yellow circle to run to. If you have very fast mount speed then the game may not register you crossing the line very reliably. It’s best to pause for a second or two at each gate and wait for a tick off before continuing.
You have 5 mins to complete the quest, which is plenty of time.

1 – /setwaypoint 6684 9823
2 – /setwaypoint 6622 9809
3 – /setwaypoint 6582 9736
4 – /setwaypoint 6577 9660
5 – /setwaypoint 6565 9560
6 – /setwaypoint 6565 9475
7 – /setwaypoint 6561 9394
8 – /setwaypoint 6581 9309
9 – /setwaypoint 6613 9234
10 – /setwaypoint 6630 9147
11 – /setwaypoint 6688 9081
12 – /setwaypoint 6714 9036
13 – /setwaypoint 6763 8986
14 – /setwaypoint 6844 9026
15 – /setwaypoint 6909 8977
16 – /setwaypoint 6960 8899
17 – /setwaypoint 7044 8868
18 – /setwaypoint 7106 8845
19 – /setwaypoint 7146 8814
20 – /setwaypoint 7123 8751
21 – /setwaypoint 7078 8683
22 – /setwaypoint 7020 8706
23 – /setwaypoint 6940 8679
24 – /setwaypoint 6857 8655
25 – /setwaypoint 6818 8615
26 – /setwaypoint 6853 8544
27 – /setwaypoint 6853 8482
28 – /setwaypoint 6903 8475
29 – /setwaypoint 6969 8498
30 – /setwaypoint 7039 8499
31 – /setwaypoint 7105 8486
32 – /setwaypoint 7185 8475
33 – /setwaypoint 7264 8452
34 – /setwaypoint 7350 8444
35 – /setwaypoint 7442 8441
36 – /setwaypoint 7539 8438
Eastern Holdings
What a Feeling
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 8843 7809
In the north east of the zone.
Follow the ramp up that starts at /setwaypoint 9283 8120
Or you can also jump up to the quest givers platform using the mountain behind the Strozza Estate portal, start at /setwaypoint 8889 7663

Go to Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7817 7811 – next to Auroborus Woods portal.
Go down just the first ramp and you will find a small rectangular room with different class trainers inside..

Type /dance in the chat.
Your quest should complete.
If your quest doesn’t complete, try selecting the mage trainer and /dance again.
Summerfest Camping
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 6284 7764
In the Armory (Arakhosian Hinterlands portal).

All around Kingsward are small camp sites for you find and set up.
You need to find a campsite without a tent where the campfire can be clicked to reveal the full campsite..

If someone else has recently clicked the fire you will see the tent and the fire will not be clickable, switch shard or change location til you find a clickable campfire.
Locations include..
1 – /setwaypoint 5657 8236 – Near the Armory portal.
2 – /setwaypoint 5115 8491 – Between the Armory and Academy portal.
3 – /setwaypoint 5737 7341 – Waaaaaaay to the north of the Armory portal.
4 – /setwaypoint 4258 8398 – Near the Academy portal.
5 – /setwaypoint 4738 8579 – Right next to the Academy portal.
6 – /setwaypoint 5907 7284 – Also waaaaaaay to the north of the Armory portal.
7 – /setwaypoint 6482 7780 – Near the Arakhosian Hinterlands portal.
8 – /setwaypoint 6395 7796 – Near the Arakhosian Hinterlands portal.
9 – /setwaypoint 5833 8602 – South of the Armory portal.
Ardent Domain
A Sticky Seacap Situation
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 5637 9457
At the Turnis River Bunker portal.

There are 2 main locations for the sticky seacaps..
The first is to the north of the river/lake in Turnis Valley around /setwaypoint 5606 9001
The second is at Witches Thicket around /setwaypoint 6244 9773

You will have a quest item called ‘Water Gun’ to use on the sticky seacaps

Use your target macro to target the sticky seacaps .. /target sticky seacap
then use the Water Gun on them
The quest is not shared in a group.

Desert Conquest
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 2363 5471
In the very north of Ashora.
There are 3 quest givers here, one for each conquest faction.. It doesn’t matter who you take the quest from.

For this quest you need to gather a bucket of water and a mound of pristine sand
You will have a bucket that you need to fill with water on your quest sticky..

The water can be found in the lakes at /setwaypoint 3553 6710 and /setwaypoint 3734 6527
Simply stand by/in the water and click your bucket to fill it up.
In the map below, the blue area is where to fill your bucket with water
Its a good idea to go for the water first as you will likely find a pile of sand right next to the water.
If you don’t find sand around these two lakes then you will need to go collect it from the other locations..
The red stars show the other locations of the pristine sand.

Once you have your sand and water its time to build a sandcastle!
Go back to the questgivers at /setwaypoint 2363 5471 and approach one of the factions (it doesn’t matter which one), when you are close enough you will gain 2 temp abilities, one for sand and one for water

Use the sand and water abilities alternately in order to build your sandcastle.
The sandcastle building is shared within a group.

In case your reactives dont show up…
/cast pristine sand
/cast lake water
will work to cast the two abilities.
The Dendrome
Seashells by the Seashore
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 4038 5586
Inside the building at the Hailol portal, the questgiver wanders around the building a bit so he may not be in the yellow quest circle, just look for the exclamation mark on your mini map.

For this quest you need to collect seashells.. these shells are VERY small, but sparkle nicely, so keep an eye out for sparkles!
There are also ‘fake’ versions of each of the 3 shells..
The seashells can be found all along the shoreline of the Dendrome, see the map below.
There are lots of different locations for the shells, it is simply a case of looking around those areas til you find the correct ones.
A ‘real’ shell wont ever spawn in a ‘fake’ shells spot.
Don’t forget to check every shard!

Crown Conch Shells
Yellow stars on the map below — On the rocks at the shoreline in the north, some are below the waterline
/setwaypoint 2277 3993
/setwaypoint 2289 3902
/setwaypoint 2324 4240
/setwaypoint 2245 4064

This is the fake version that wont count towards your quest.

This is the correct version.
There is no difference in colour, so keep an eye on the name.
Ember Starfish
Purple stars on the map below — These are more inland in the north, on the rocks.
/setwaypoint 2277 4022
/setwaypoint 2334 4060
/setwaypoint 2430 4152
/setwaypoint 2390 4262 – On top of the pointed rock.
/setwaypoint 2420 4461

This is the fake version that wont count towards your quest.
They are orange in colour.

This is the correct version.
Bright red in colour.
Rock Oyster Shells
Red stars on the map below — All around the shipwrecked boats in the south
/setwaypoint 2294 5325
/setwaypoint 2117 5264
/setwaypoint 2236 5214
/setwaypoint 1884 5401

This is the fake version that wont count towards your quest.

This is the correct version.
There is no difference in colour, so keep an eye on the name.

Kingdom of Pelladane
Road Trip
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 8201 4970
Near the Fort Mazamar portal.

A simple race high above Pelladane. The race waiver appears in front of the questgiver when you pick up the quest. Right click the race waiver to be teleported up the start.
Mount up and follow the track, green circles will boost your speed. At the end of each section of road you need to stand in the yellow circles to be bounced to the next section. There are 3 yellow/orange circles to boost/jump you across, make sure to hit them at a good angle (straight on) to avoid mis-jumping.
Be careful not to fall off the track, doing so will teleport you to the end but not complete the quest, stand in the teleport area at the end to be teleported back to the quest giver so you can try again.

At the end of the track move onto the teleport platform to teleport back down to the questgiver.
If you are a player with very slow load times then you may find this quest impossible to do, loading screens while jumping between the platforms will have you falling down to the zone below.
In this case, you can kindly ask another player to summon you to the end of the race track just before the finish line arch.
This will still credit the quest allowing you to complete it.
Ensure your graphics settings are on lowest possible before accepting the summon to give most chance of success.
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 9522 3116
Closest to the Crawl portal, but still quite a distance.

Now go to the Hollow portal in Seratos.
Take the windy path up the mountain at /setwaypoint 11878 4508
The entrance to the maze is at /setwaypoint 11980 4355
This… maze… is a 2 level maze in the darkness with very little field of view AND the maze rearranges around you between 2 set patterns every 20 seconds or so. You wont be able to get up the stairs or find the egg unless its in the right configuration.

You need to try to find your way through the maze to /setwaypoint 12014 4341 — This is the bottom of a ramp up to the second level.
Then make your way to /setwaypoint 12029 4316 — This is where the egg sac you need to find is located.
Here is my picture explanation – (Video is below)

If the maze switches configuration before you have reached the correct spot, just stand still and wait for it to switch again.

And the video guide..
Estranged Brew
The quest giver is at various locations in Morban. When you have the meta quest on your tracker there will be yellow quest dots around the map (6 in total). These dots are the locations where the quest giver COULD be. Go to each dot in turn and switch shards at each one til you find the quest giver.
When you find the questgiver you can summon friends/use guild banners to get more people there, multiple people can pick up the quest before the quest giver disappears.

(1) Blortt's Brown Ale - Found in the south-east of Morban in the Stormhold.

/setwaypoint 14456 7333
Inside the building on the upper floor.
Entrance: /setwaypoint 14289 7344

/setwaypoint 14416 7317
Inside the building on the ground floor.
Entrance: /setwaypoint 14289 7344

/setwaypoint 14424 7265
Inside the building on the ground floor.
Entrance: /setwaypoint 14289 7344

/setwaypoint 14244 7297
Outside the tunnel entrance.

/setwaypoint 14358 7409
Outside up the ramp.
(2) Golden Flow Lager - Found in the north-east of Morban in the Shapers Citadel.

/setwaypoint 15232 5142
Outside the little building.

/setwaypoint 15086 5601
Hidden in the grass.

/setwaypoint 15230 5538
Next to the archway.

/setwaypoint 15181 5304
Outside the little building.

/setwaypoint 15227 5485
Outside the entrance to Endless Eclipse.
(3) Stout of the Tormented - Found in the mid-west of Morban in the Senviva Estate.
Entrance to Senviva Estate is at /setwaypoint 12997 6481

/setwaypoint 13070 6451
Entrance floor.

/setwaypoint 13072 6479
1 floor up.

/setwaypoint 13080 6449
2 floors up

/setwaypoint 13020 6471
1 floor up

/setwaypoint 13099 6406
1 floor up
(4) Porter of Potential Potency - Found in the south of Morban on the pier area of Black Strand.

/setwaypoint 13027 7879
Nestled in the grass.

/setwaypoint 13063 7970
At the end of the pier.

/setwaypoint 13015 7932
By the fountain.

/setwaypoint 13087 7838
Nestled between the rocks/grass.

/setwaypoint 12968 7838
Next to the little ‘corner’ of brick wall.
(5) Pilsner of Punishment - Found in the north-west of Morban in the Forest of Flesh.

/setwaypoint 13054 5464
On a rock near the path.

/setwaypoint 13035 5362
By the tree.

/setwaypoint 12968 5227
In the water.

/setwaypoint 13062 5300
On the ground.

/setwaypoint 13117 5344
On a rock
(6) Harry's Hoppin' Hope IPA - Found in the mid-north of Morban in the Northern Ruins.

/setwaypoint 14381 5309
Outside up the ramp.

/setwaypoint 14300 5368
Outside the little building.

/setwaypoint 14423 5441
By the wishing well.

/setwaypoint 14417 5533
Just outside the broken building.
Once you have picked up all 6 bottles you can go back to Lenny at Arians Challenge to hand in the quest – /setwaypoint 14243 5965

Steppes of Infinity
Trollin for Treasure
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 15001 8823 – Near Camp Skyburst portal.

2017 – This quest is set to auto-complete.
2018 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2019 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2020 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2021 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2022 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2023 – This quest is still auto-completing.
2024 – This quest is still auto-completing.

You need to run over 20 piles of gold. The piles of gold can be found in the land just east of the questgiver.
When you find a pile of gold just run over it with your character, you don’t need to click it. Have your quest on your tracker so you can check that they tick off when you run over them.
Switch shard if there isn’t much gold where you are.
The Great Planar Scavenger Hunt Part 2
3 Challenges to complete in Nightmare Tide zones.

First pick up the meta quest from Margle Palace in Draumheim
at /setwaypoint 5723 5625

Goboro Reef
No Strings Attached and Mitch's Task
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 4354 8344
South of Temple of Ranri portal.
Head up the ramp at /setwaypoint 4262 8260 – Keep going up the rocks until you reach him.

First you need to go to back to the Temple of Ranri and speak to Mitch who is trapped in a cage at /setwaypoint 3980 7887
He will give you another quest called Mitch’s Task.
You now need to collect materials to make some puppets.

The Materials are…
10 diaphanous cloth
Farm these by killing humanoid mobs in the Nightmare Tide areas. Be sure to farm cloth on a character with Outfitting if you can! — I find the spot at /setwaypoint 5476 5973 to work really well for this.
1 inelastic thread
You can buy this in the rift store for 1.5plat (rift store >crafting >reagents).
8 tars from tainted jellies
The tainted jellies are in the Blackwater Forest area of Goboro Reef this is marked on your map with a yellow circle.
You can use a target macro to make them easier to find
/target tainted
Simply kill 8 of the jellies and loot them, no RNG here!

When you have all the materials you need to go back to Mitch in the cage and hand in the quest.
You will then talk with Mitch and he will give you the completed puppets.
You then go back to the original questgiver at /setwaypoint 4354 8344 to hand in the quest.

Captain Dagon's Fan Club
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 5975 5997
Use the Shadow Scion portal.
The questgiver is on a small platform that you need to drop down onto.
Use the bouncer at the Shadow Scion portal at /setwaypoint 6259 6614 to get up into the water.

Swim until you are above the platform, then I recommend you switch to walking mode, before you drop down, by pressing / to make you move much slower, zoom right in on your mini-map for more accuracy where you will land.

In the sea above Draumheim are some shipwrecked pirate ships, randomly the captain and his crew will spawn on them.
Go back to the Shadow Scion portal and use the bouncer again to get back up into the water.
Swim to the shipwrecks and switch shard til you find the captain. You don’t need to interact with him or fight him, just be in the same area.
There are some ‘quests’ to do in these areas, they are fun to do but not very rewarding (small amount of void stone) and they will not make the captain spawn!

Locations include..
/setwaypoint 5471 6969
/setwaypoint 6116 7179
/setwaypoint 6235 4879

Tarken Glacier
Summer Sledding
Quest giver is at /setwaypoint 4824 1850
In the very north of the zone.
Click the map below for the route.

This is a fun sled ride to finish off the scavenger hunt!
This quest is TIMED, with 5 mins to complete, which is plenty of time as long as you mostly stay on track.
Go all the way down the hill following the red orbs and going under the checkpoint arches. You don’t have to follow the red orbs exactly, but you do need to go under every checkpoint arch.
Press forward to make the sleigh glide down the hill, when you need to slow yourself down a bit just let go of the forward button. You will pick up speed quite quickly and may lose control of your sled towards the end.
If you find the speed impossible to manage, then hit the ‘walk’ button (default is / ) this will slow you right down. You have time to do the whole race in walk speed if you want to!
Big thanks to Raylene for this tip!
Make sure to do this quest SOLO.. meaning don’t be grouped up with someone else who is also doing the quest. Otherwise one of you will lose the buff required to do the race and will have to start all over again at the top.