- Scatherran Forest is a level 65-66 zone.
- To get to this zone you will portal to Alittu from level 65 and then pick up the quest for Scatherran Forest
- There are 3 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hub is Feilbocan.
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Tuath’de Coven Dungeon – /setwaypoint 5519 4884
Below is a guide for all 59 quests in Scatherran Forest.
With 33 Main Quests and 26 Carnages.
For the Scatherran Forest rares go here
For the other Scatherran Forest cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Scatherran Forest is the first zone of the PoA zones. The jump in mob health and player skill required can be quite high for inexperienced players.
Have a look at the Cadrift Levelling guide for help with more survivable levelling specs. You will also find information about gearing your character ready for the level 65 zones, this will be especially relevant if you have spent most of your time in Instant Adventures up to this point.
If you are finding it difficult to kill things still, maybe ask for help and advice in the HoT Discord.
Quest Cheevos
There are 58 quests in Scatherran Forest, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

The cheevo ‘The Once and Future Dragon’ awards the Minion Card: Mael Salach.
Helpy Tree Friends

The Once and Future Dragon

32 Main Quests
Prophecy of Ahnket
The quest is picked up from General Batua in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12824 11727
Note: This quest does count towards the Scatherran Forest quests cheevo!
Travel to the Comet of Ahnket
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Asha Catari, Talk to Fayne Doran, Talk to Sylver Valis, and Talk to Tam Daggerborn’
Find these 4 NPCs around the Plaza and in the small buildings along the Plaza in Alittu.
Asha Catari
/setwaypoint 3984 6292
Fayne Doran
/setwaypoint 4132 6310
Sylver Valis
/setwaypoint 4026 6345
Tam Daggerborn
/setwaypoint 4046 6257
Tuath'de Blades
The quest is picked up from Damacus Trueair in Alittu
/setwaypoint 4073 6316
Escort Tasuil out of Alittu
Walk out of Alittu up the path to the north to the marked spot at /setwaypoint 4053 5947
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to the Crossroads’
Go back south a little and then east into Scatherran Forest to the Crossroads at /setwaypoint 4287 5898
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the battlefield at Path’s End’
Go south to find the onslaught location at
/setwaypoint 4196 6088
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill a Planar Anomaly to gain charges’
Find a Planar Anomaly in the area, like the one at /setwaypoint 4235 6076 destroy it and stand in the bubble to fill up your charges.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Upgrade the Dormant Henge with Nexus Infusion’
It’s likely that there will be a planar foothold already in the onslaughts central point, kill the foothold and then upgrade the Dormant Henge.
The Harrowing of the Wilds
The quest is picked up from Beatrix Startail in Path’s End
/setwaypoint 4219 6148
Find the Tower Manifestation
Head into Scathrran Forest and find the Tower Manifestation at
/setwaypoint 4656 6495
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Ahnket Simulare’
Kill the Ahnket Simulare.
Note; This fight can be quite difficult for newer players. Tasuil will cast a Healing Aura around himself, stand in it to receive heals. Try to interrupt the more hard hitting spells, especially the ‘Deconstruction Beam’.
If you have a decent spec and normal quest gear then this fight shouldn’t be too difficult, have a look at the levelling guide page for how to get these!
Adorable Abominable
The quest is picked up from Beatrix Startail in Tower Grove
/setwaypoint 4575 6437
Find a friendly faerie
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seek Squirrels, Rescue Rabbits, Grab Groundhogs, Beseech Badgers, Warn Weasels, and Help Hedgehogs’
Marked on your map will be 6 cave entrances. Go into each cave entrance and take the path to the room below. Here you will find a cluster of animals.
Seek Squirrels
/setwaypoint 4686 6124
Rescue Rabbits
/setwaypoint 4859 6069
Grab Groundhogs
/setwaypoint 4727 6222
Beseech Badgers
/setwaypoint 4760 6009
Warn Weasels
/setwaypoint 4775 6103
Help Hedgehogs
/setwaypoint 4819 6241
Hand in the quest to Muirgel in Critter Glen at /setwaypoint 4820 6038
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Garden Gnome Bomb in Critter Glen at /setwaypoint 4882 6240
TO COMPLETE: Reclaim Fora Homes x6
Feilbocan Felicity
The quest is picked up from Muirgel in Critter Glen
/setwaypoint 4820 6038
Discover Feilbocan
Go further north along the path to reach the town of Feilbocan at
/setwaypoint 4887 5806
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Yeva, Harsh, and Loki’
Find the 3 NPCs around Feilbocan and talk with them.
Yeva – /setwaypoint 4894 5638
Harsh – /setwaypoint 4819 5686
Loki – /setwaypoint 4863 5694
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for Unicorns’
Drop down to the spot at
/setwaypoint 4872 5770
No unicorns here!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for Unicorns Elsewhere’
Go a little down the path to
/setwaypoint 4851 5751
No unicorns here!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Look in the Last Place’
Go to the other side of the tree at
/setwaypoint 4904 5687
No unicorns here!
Hand in the quest to Lance in Feilbocan at /setwaypoint 4932 5664
Help the Helpless
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tuath’de Hunter’s Trap in Critter Glen at /setwaypoint 4966 5946
TO COMPLETE: Disarm Tuath’de Hunter’s Trap x8
Find more of the traps around Critter Glen and right click to disarm them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Love and Mead
The quest is picked up from Lance in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4932 5664
Find the Bridge to The Encroachment
Head south out of Feilbocan and find the bridge at /setwaypoint 5085 5962
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the First Camp’
Continue across the bridge and down the path to the camp at
/setwaypoint 5300 6038 (This is actually no where near the first camp, but it will tick off the quest)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Release the Unicorn’
Find the Unicorn in the cage at
/setwaypoint 5298 6252
Right click to cage door to release it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Satyr Tyrant’
Democritus will attack you! Kill him!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Second Camp’
Go to the Second Camp at
/setwaypoint 5437 6215
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Satyr Bribe’
Find the pile of barrels at
/setwaypoint 5466 6154
Right click them to destroy the bribe.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Tuath’de Ambassador’
The Tuath’de Ambassador, Diarmat, will run out of the nearby tent, kill him!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Satyr Weapon Rack in The Encroachment at /setwaypoint 5311 6175
TO COMPLETE: Burn Satyr Weapon Racks x8
Find more of the Satyr Weapon Racks around the camps and right click to burn them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Kick to the Barrel
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mean Casket in The Encroachment at /setwaypoint 5317 6219
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Mead Barrels x8
Find more of the Mead Barrels around the camps and right click to destroy them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Into the Wyredode
The quest is picked up from Lance in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4932 5664
Meet Windflower in the Wyredode
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Visit the Glen of Friendship’
Go to the Glen of Friendship at
/setwaypoint 5304 6763
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Play with groups of young unicorns using /hug /dance or /silly’
Stand near the groups of young unicorns and use /hug /dance or /silly to interact with them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Visit the mushroom grove’
Go to the mushroom grove at
/setwaypoint 5300 6978
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Eat a Wyrewode Mushroom’
Note: The incorrect spelling of Wyredode
Find a Wyredode Mushroom, like this one at /setwaypoint 5292 6980
Right click to eat it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the Dale of Serenity’
Go to the Dale of Serenity at
/setwaypoint 5587 6569
You will gain a temporary ability called ‘Wyredode Attunement’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Commune with the forest’
Stand in the Dale of Serenity and use the Wyredode Attunement ability.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Windflower’
Go to to Windflower at
/setwaypoint 5599 6549
Right click to talk with her.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Frightened Unicorns x3’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Wyredode Blessing’
Find Frightened Unicorns in the south of Wyredode, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5587 6739
Use the Wyredode Blessing on them.
You can use /target frightened to help find them.
Hand in the quest to Tasuil in Feilbocan at /setwaypoint 4886 5751
Pure Heart
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sad Unicorn Foal in Wyredode at /setwaypoint 5142 6591
TO COMPLETE: Catch Shimmering Moths x8
Hide and Seek
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Worried Unicorn Mother in Wyredode at /setwaypoint 5317 6793
TO COMPLETE: Reveal Hidden Unicorns x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Unicorn Charm’
Most of the Hidden Unicorns will be found in the south of Wyredode.
Find them in nooks and crannies, like this one at /setwaypoint 5305 6930
Use the Unicorn Charm to target the ground beneath the hidden unicorn and make them run back to mum!
You can use /target hidden to help you find them faster! Note: They respawn very quickly!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Fallen Court
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Find the path to Blackthorn Court
It is likely to already be taken over by a foothold. Destroy the foothold and build up the defences before you build the central Dormant Henge.
Kill 10 of the invasion packs that attack.
Note: This quest can be challenging, ensure you spend time building up the defences and let the turrets tank the mobs for you while you pick them off one by one. Run away to lose agro if you accidentally pull too many.
You only need to kill the Tuath’de Witches, let the turrets deal with the other mobs.
Faerie Down
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fae Medicine Pouch in Blackthorn Court at /setwaypoint 5814 5530
TO COMPLETE: Heal Gravely Wounded Faeries x8
Green Thumb Defender
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fae Nectar Gourd in Blackthorn Court at /setwaypoint 5839 5563
TO COMPLETE: Collect Fae Nectar Seedling x6
Pick up more of the Fae Nectar Seedlings around Blackthorn Court, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5849 5552
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Plant the Fae Nectar Seedlings in Feilbocan’
Go back to Feilbocan and plant the seeds in the Fertile Soil at /setwaypoint 4871 5770
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Rock about the Falls
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lost Rock in Blackthorn Court at /setwaypoint 5879 5685
TO COMPLETE: Gather Shiny Rocks x8
Continue up the slope and find more of the Shiny Rocks around the upper part of Blackthorn Court.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Pet Rock’
Go across the long bridge that starts at /setwaypoint 5920 5617
Killt he Pet Rock mob found at /setwaypoint 5911 5410 and loot him to complete the quest.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Helping Hand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Blackthorn Bracken in Blackthorn Court at /setwaypoint 5885 5679
TO COMPLETE: Collect Bundle of Herbs x8
Continue up the slope and find more of the Blackthorn Bracken around the upper part of Blackthorn Court.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Fora Warfare
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Collect buried Weapon Caches x8
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Perpare the Hailol Mead for transport’
Note: Misspelling of the word ‘prepare’.
You will have the Hailol Mead on your back.
Walk over to the Hailol portal, avoid the red circles on the floor on the way!
Click the barrels at /setwaypoint 3943 5577 to prepare them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Arm the fora in Feilbocan with the Weapon Caches’
Return to Feilbocan and click the War Chest at /setwaypoint 4850 5712
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Deliver the Hailol Mead to the Satyrs’
Go to the Satyrs in Feilbocan at
/setwaypoint 4935 5719
Right click the Empty Mead Keg to deliver the mead.
Unbearable Trials
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sir Bearington in Critter Glen at /setwaypoint 4744 5700
TO COMPLETE: Go to the feeding glen
Go to the feeding glen at /setwaypoint 4739 5626
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Sir Bearington’
Right click to talk with him.
Sir Bearington is hungry!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Feed him fish or honey?’
Click the fish and feed Sir Bearington. You will gain a temporary ability called ‘Feed Fish‘, target Sir Bearington and click the ability.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Head to the relaxation spot’
Go to the relaxation spot at /setwaypoint 4837 5599
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Sir Bearington’
Right click to talk with him.
Sir Bearington wants his fur combed or his back scratched.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Comb his hair or scratch his back?
On the nearby rock is a combing fork and a scratching rake.
Use the combing fork on Sir Bearington.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the play den’
Go to the play den at /setwaypoint 4891 5526
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Sir Bearington’
Right click to talk with him.
Sir Bearington wants to play with a ball or a doll.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Give him his ball or doll?’
Select the ball and give it to Sir Bearington.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Teeny Tiny Adventures
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Go to the Wild Fae Squirrel glen
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Squirrel Reins’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Fae Squirrel Reins’
Use them!
You will now be a super cute micro squirrel, able to run super fast!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the path to the Joust’
Continue along the path to
/setwaypoint 5028 5326
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Sabotage the food stores’
Find the food stores at
/setwaypoint 4601 5237
You will need to use the Fae Squirrel Reins again if your squirrel mount buff wore off.
You will be given a few special abilities. The 4th ability is ‘Sabotage’. Use the Sabotage while stood near the food.
I, Razorbeast
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Forlorn Boar in The Joust at /setwaypoint 4829 5210
TO COMPLETE: Steal a Wand of Enchantment
Grab the Wand of Enchantment from the altar in the camp /setwaypoint 4906 5284
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Transform Tuath’de Hunters x6’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Wand of Enchantment’
Find the Tuath’de Hunters in the specific marked spots, like this one at /setwaypoint 4982 5245
Use the Wand of Enchantment on the Hunters.
Hand in the quest to Forlorn Boar in The Joust at /setwaypoint 4829 5210
March to War
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Journey to The Joust
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drive back the Tuath’de forces x24’
When you first enter the instance, there is a crate of war supplies for you to pick up.
This will give you two temporary abilities, one is an AoE stun to use against the enemy, the other is a healing fae to place down when you need heals.
Follow the path south and help kill the baddies! Use the healer and stun abilities if you need to!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Tuath’de Commander’
Kill the Tuath’de Commander at the end of the path.
Leave the instance through the portal at the end.
Hand in the quest to Tasuil in Feilbocan at /setwaypoint 4886 5751
Harrowing of the Tuath'de
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Discover the path to the Hunting Ground
Head east out of Feilbocan to the marked spot at /setwaypoint 5210 5516
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the bridge to the Circles of Witchcraft’
Continue east to the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 5742 5197
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the Circles of Witchcraft’
Cross the bridge and continue north-east to the Circles of Witchcraft at
/setwaypoint 5763 4920
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Ritual of Unmaking’
Go to the Ritual of Unmaking at
/setwaypoint 5914 4811
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Tuath’de Ritualist’
Kill the Tuath’de Ritualist in the Ritual of Unmaking.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Ritual of Ending’
Go to the Ritual of Ending at
/setwaypoint 5724 4675
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Disrupt the Ritual of Ending’
Walk into the circle and watch Mael Salach walk through a portal.
Hand in the quest to Sacrificial Unicorn in Circles of Witchcraft at
/setwaypoint 5733 4666
Chain of Command
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tuath’de Orders, looted from Tuath’de in The Hunting Grounds at /setwaypoint 5387 5316
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tuath’de Directives x8
Kill more of the Tuath’de in The Hunting Grounds and loot the Directives from them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Kitten Craze
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wyrd Fae Shroom in The Hunting Grounds at /setwaypoint 5724 5210
TO COMPLETE: Confuse Tuath’de Hunting Cats x6
Witches Brew
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lonely Frog in Circles of Witchcraft at /setwaypoint 5617 4922
TO COMPLETE: Rescue Kidnapped Frog x8
End of Sacrifice
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tuath’de Altar in Circles of Witchcraft at /setwaypoint 5769 4850
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Tuath’de Altars x8
Find more of the Tuath’de Altars in the Circles of Witchcraft area and right click to destroy them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Mael Salach
The quest is picked up from Sacrificial Unicorn in Circles of Witchcraft
/setwaypoint 5733 4666
Enter the Wyrd Hut
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Lord Fionn’
Lord Fionn will now appear on the same platform, kill him!
Lord Fionn has a bunch of great spells to avoid, have fun!
You can exit the instance through the portal where you can in.
Hand in the quest to Tasuil in Feilbocan at /setwaypoint 4886 5751
Tuath'de Hijinx
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tome of Secrets in The Wyrd Hut at /setwaypoint 5893 4511
The book is at the top of the tree, up the slope. It is in the open world, not in the instanced version where the quest above takes place.
TO COMPLETE: Collect una’s Ivory Comb
Loot the comb from Mael Salach’s Strongbox at /setwaypoint 5890 4497
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Fae Infused Clay’
Collect the Fae Infused Clay at /setwaypoint 5883 4490
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Una’s Memento’
Kill the nearby ‘Tuath’de Caretaker’ and loot Una’s Memento from him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Perform the Infusion ritual’
Drop back down to the ground, click the ‘Altar of Spirits’ at /setwaypoint 5838 4487
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Queen Una’s Facsimilie’
Collect Queen Una’s Facsimilie from the top of the Altar at /setwaypoint 5838 4487
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stab the Queen Una’s Facsimilie’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Queen Una’s Facsimilie’
Click the quest ability to ‘stab’ it.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The quest is picked up from Tasuil in Feilbocan
/setwaypoint 4886 5751
Note: This quest does count towards the Scatherran Forest quests cheevo, even though it is handed in in Alittu.
Attend the Coronation
Attend the Coronation will complete as you stand near Tasuil.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report to Cyril’
Go back to the city of Alittu and find Cyril in the main building at
/setwaypoint 4086 6441
Note: You may need to walk quite close to get Cyril to appear for you.
Hand in the quest to Cyril in Alittu at /setwaypoint 4086 6441
26 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Murder is Magic’ in Scatherran Forest
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Corrupted Sentinels
PICK UP: You will find them in Critter Glen at around /setwaypoint 4352 6135
TO COMPLETE: Kill Forest Sentinels x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Beasts of Ahnket
PICK UP: You will find them in Critter Glen at around /setwaypoint 4375 6104
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ahnket Bears, Leopards, and Panthers x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Glen Critters
PICK UP: You will find them in Critter Glen at around /setwaypoint 4756 6012
TO COMPLETE: Kill critters possessed by Ahnket x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Sylvan Squirrels
PICK UP: You will find them in Critter Glen at around /setwaypoint 4955 5976
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sylvan Squirrels x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: River Leaflings
PICK UP: You will find them in Critter Glen at around /setwaypoint 5217 5857
TO COMPLETE: Kill River Leaflings x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Sylvan Moths
PICK UP: You will find them in Tower Grove at around /setwaypoint 4687 6424
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sylvan Moths x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Tuath’de Invaders
PICK UP: You will find them in The Encroachment at around /setwaypoint 5237 5957
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at The Encroachment x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Satyr Recruits
PICK UP: You will find them in The Encroachment at around /setwaypoint 5316 6168
TO COMPLETE: Kill Satyr Recruits at The Encroachment x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wickwing Vespids
PICK UP: You will find them in The Encroachment at around /setwaypoint 5505 6368
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wickwing Vespids x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Manifest Magics
PICK UP: You will find them in Wyredode at around /setwaypoint 5216 6491
TO COMPLETE: Kill Manifest Magics x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Baleful Spirits
PICK UP: You will find them in Wyredode at around /setwaypoint 5179 6582
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baleful Spirits x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Corrupted Unicorns
PICK UP: You will find them in Wyredode at around /setwaypoint 5331 6813
TO COMPLETE: Kill Corrupted Unicorns at Wyredode x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blackthorn Blooms
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackthorn Fall at around /setwaypoint 5723 5927
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackthorn Blooms x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fallen Trees
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackthorn Fall at around /setwaypoint 5822 5883
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackthorn Treants and Gnarlwoods x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blackthorn Rhinos
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackthorn Fall at around /setwaypoint 5780 5772
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackthorn Rhinos x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Legends of the Fall
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackthorn Fall at around /setwaypoint 5775 5541
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at Blackthorn Court x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blackthorn Fae
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackthorn Fall at around /setwaypoint 5845 5559
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackthorn Fae x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fallbound Leaflings
PICK UP: You will find them in The Joust at around /setwaypoint 4849 5596
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fallbound Leaflings x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wildwood Leopards
PICK UP: You will find them in The Joust at around /setwaypoint 5042 5352
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wildwood Leopards x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Warmongers
PICK UP: You will find them in The Joust at around /setwaypoint 5008 5268
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at The Joust x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Hunting Tuath’de
PICK UP: You will find them in The Hunting Grounds at around /setwaypoint 5387 5316
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at The Hunting Grounds x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: River Basilisks
PICK UP: You will find them in The Hunting Grounds at around /setwaypoint 5516 5272
TO COMPLETE: Kill River Basilisks x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wild Boars
PICK UP: You will find them in The Hunting Grounds at around /setwaypoint 5708 5123
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wild Boars x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wyrdspinners
PICK UP: You will find them in Circles of Witchcraft at around /setwaypoint 5668 5027
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wyrdspinners x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood and Sacrifice
PICK UP: You will find them in Circles of Witchcraft at around /setwaypoint 5776 4852
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at Circles of Witchcraft x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mosstoe Troll
PICK UP: You will find one in Circles of Witchcraft at around /setwaypoint 5879 4753
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Mosstoe Troll (There are a few of these around, use /target mosstoe to help find one)
Notes for Completionist..
- No notes required as all quests should be ticked off nicely once you finish the zone!