Original Server Lists
North American Servers
Lotham PvP
Faeblight RP
Sunrest PVP-RP
Belmont PvE
Aedraxis PvE
Spitescar PvP
Seastone PvP
Rocklift PvE
Keenblade PvE
Dayblind PvP
Deepstrike PvP
Greybriar PvE
Shatterbone PvE
Deepwood PvE
Reclaimer PvP
Dimroot PvE
Byriel PvE
Stonecrest PvP
Snarebrush PvP
Silkweb PvE
Gnarlwood PvE
Briarcliff PvP
Harrow PvP-RP
Wolfsbane PvE
Faemist PvP
Shadefallen RP
Tearfall PvP
Estrael RP
Alsbeth PvE
Corthana PvE
Regulos PvP
Perspice PvE
Molinar PvP
Crucia PvE
Freeholme PvP
Emberlord PvP
Laethys PvE
Atrophinius PvE
Ashstone PvP
Kaleida PvP
Plutonus PvE
Todrin PvP
Akylios PvE
Endless PvE
Epoch PvP
Neddra PvP
Kelpmere PvE
Hammerlord PvE
Nyx PvP
Amardis PvP
Greenscale PvE
Arcanis PvE
Rasmolov PvP
Galena PvE
Asphodel PvP
Carrion PvP
Threesprings PvE
Millrush PvE
European Servers
EN Blightweald PvE
EN Cloudborne PvP
EN Steampike PvE
EN Sagespire PvP
EN Icewatch PvE
EN Shivermere PvP
EN Argent RP
EN Riptalon PvE
EN Bloodiron PvP
EN Firesand PVP-RP
EN Whitefall PvP
DE Brutwacht PvE
DE Trübkopf PvP
DE Rhazade PvP
DE Spross-Passage PvE
DE Immerwacht PvE
DE Feenring PvP-RP
DE Akala RP
FR Brisesol PvE
FR Rubicon PvP
FR Cestus PvE
FR Tempête RP
EN Overlook PvE
EN Scarhide PvP
EN Sparkwing PvE
EN Imperium PvP
EN Mordant PvP
EN Maidenfalls PvP
EN Quarrystone PvE
EN Tahkaat PvE
EN Heatherfield PvP
EN Cinderon PvP
EN Refuge PvE
EN Quicksilver PvE
DE Brutmutter PvE
DE Felsspitze PvP
DE Granitstaub PvE
DE Zareph PvP
FR Centius PvP
FR Phynnious PvP
FR Grimnir PvP-RP

Made by Doranbolt
Anvil of the Storm Cache

On 28th August 2019 players were given an apology for all the recent downtime in the shape of a reward cache called ‘Anvil of the Storm Cache’
The reward cache is found in the claim box in the upper right of the rift store.
The reward cache contains….
- 6500 Celestial Remnants – Looted straight away by the character that opens the Anvil of the Storm Cache. Make sure you open the cache on a character that needs Celestial Remnants.
- Rare Captured Intel Cache -Bound to Account – Contains 1000 Intel (end game currency)
- 10 Individual Reward Charges -Bound to Account – 2 packs of 5 IRC – You can find out about IRC here.
- A Storm Cell – Bound to Account – For upgrading T2 quality gear.
- A Tenebrean Engine – Bound to Account – Used to upgrade LFR and T1 Raid gear.
- A Trove of Mounts – Bound to Account – Like the day 21 calendar reward, this trove can give any mount from a huge list but won’t give you one that you already have from that list.
- A Pack of Fireworks – Bound to Account – Contains fireworks from the summerfest world event.
Inside the ‘Anvil of the Storm Cache’ there is also a special bonus cache for EU players, to compensate for the recent shard merges called the ‘Merged Essence Rewards’
- 15 Day Patron Pass – Auto consumes when you crack the box open.. Make sure you use this to its full advantage!
- Mystery Box: Wonders of Alittu – Bound to Account – Contains 4-6 dimension items not found anywhere else.
- Mystery Box: Imperial Wonders – Bound to Account – Contains 4-6 dimension items not found anywhere else.
- Mystery Box: Landquarium Wonders – Bound to Account – Contains 5 dimension items not found anywhere else.
- Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities – Bound to Account – Contains 5 dimension items not found anywhere else.
- Regulos Broodling Supply Crate x5 – Bound to Account – Contains a variety of items and a chance for the Regulos Broodling Mount
- Planar Essence Removal Device x4 – For removing Essences from your focus so you can upgrade them or move them to another focus.
- Challenger’s Mark x3 – Looted straight away by the character that opens the cache, these go into your currency tab – Level 70 PVP currency
- Tenebrean Engine x3 – Bound to Account – Used to upgrade LFR and T1 Raid gear.
- Storm Cell x2 – Bound to Account – For upgrading T2 quality gear.