New for 2023
There are no new wardrobe items for 2023
There are a LOT of costume items available!
Some of them are credit only purchases, but most can be bought with event currency.
All wardrobe unlocks are shared across your region (NA or EU) so you can buy them with alts (Even alts on another shard as long as they are the same region) and it will unlock on all your characters in that region.
Most of the items for sale will just unlock the wardrobe when you buy them, you won’t get an item in your bag, however a few of the wardrobe will be items in your bag that you can sell back for cost price. Be aware that the items you can sell back are also required for cheevos (for example: the pumpkin masks) these will need to be equipped (in your equipment screen not just your wardrobe) to credit the cheevo and then you wont be able to sell them back. You can still buy these items on alts and then send them to your main to equip them for the cheevo, they will stay bound to account after you equip them, so you can send them to all your alts to get all the cheevos on those chars too.
Some of these wardrobes will drop from the minion adventures, mostly the Grim prefix items (you can see a list of special minion loot on the main Autumn Harvest page). There is also a chance to loot the pumpkin heads from the minion adventures or during the Gloamwood instant adventures.

A quick note some of the costume items.
Some of the items come ‘wrapped’ while they are still wrapped you will be able to sell them back for event currency. The skin will not unlock and you wont be able to equip the item until you ‘unwrap’ it (right click). This then gives you the skin unlock and an equipable item, this item cannot be sold back to the store for event currency.
Some of the items will need to be equipped to credit a cheevo, once you have equipped for credit, you can then send to an alt or throw the item away.
5 Bundles
Demon Costume Bundle

Shoulders > Costume > Demon Costume Shoulderpads
Chest > Costume > Demon Costume Tunic
Legs > Costume > Demon Costume Leggings
Gloves > Costume > Demon Costume Gloves
Feet > Costume > Demon Costume Boots
Helmet > Costume > Demon Costume Cap

Pumpkin Plate Package

One Hand > Mace > Burning Pumpkin
Shoulders > Cloth > Pumpkin Plate Mantle
Chest > Plate > Pumpkin Plate Cuirass
Legs > Plate > Pumpkin Plate Greaves
Gloves > Plate > Pumpkin Plate Gloves
Feet > Plate > Pumpkin Plate Boots
Helmet > Costume > Devious Jack o’ Lantern Mask
Cape > Cloth > Pumpkin Plate Cape

Skull Knight Costume Bundle

Shoulders > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Shoulderpads
Chest > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Tunic
Legs > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Leggings
Gloves > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Gloves
Feet > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Boots
Helmet > Costume > Skull Knight Costume Cap

Spattered Doctors Garb

Chest > Costume > Spattered Doctor’s Coat
Feet > Costume > Doctor’s Boots
Helmet > Costume > Spattered Doctor’s Mask

Tuath'de Royal Vestments

Shoulders > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Mantle
Chest > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Robes
Legs > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Leggings
Gloves > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Gloves
Feet > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Boots
Helmet > Costume > Tuath’de Royal Crown

20 Back/Cape
Blackthorn Drape

Unlocks the appearance Blackthorn Drape
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Cape of the Harvest

Unlocks the appearance Cape of the Harvest
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Cape of the Underworld

Unlocks the appearance Cape of the Underworld
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Demonologist's Cloak

Unlocks the appearance Demonologist’s Cloak
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Drape of Torment

Unlocks the appearance Drape of Torment
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Gedlo Drape

Unlocks the appearance Gedlo Drape
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Ghostwing Cape

Unlocks the appearance Ghostwing Cape
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Infernal Tail (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Infernal Tail
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Mead Barrel Pack

Unlocks the appearance Mead Barrel Pack
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Molten Ascendance

Unlocks the appearance Molten Ascendance
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Pumpkin Monster Pack

Unlocks the appearance Pumpkin Monster Pack
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Purple Monster Pack

Unlocks the appearance Purple Monster Pack
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Raven Wings

Unlocks the appearance Raven Wings
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Succubus Wings

Unlocks the appearance Succubus Wings
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Wrapped Cape of the Infernal Scream (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Cape of the Infernal Scream (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Cape
Category: Cloth

Wrapped Sun Oracle Parchments (2020)

Unlocks the appearance Sun Oracle Parchments
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Wrapped Tormented Goblin Skull Pack (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Tormented Goblin Skull Pack
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

29 Helmets
Bronze Visage

Unlocks the appearance Bronze Visage
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Cyclopean Nightmare Helm (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Cyclopean Nightmare Helm
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Deathly Witch's Hat (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathly Witch’s Hat
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Demonic Clown Mask (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Demonic Clown Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Demonic Nightmare Helm (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Demonic Nightmare Helm
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Devious Jack O'Lantern Mask

Unlocks the appearance Devious Jack O’Lantern Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Farmers Hat

Unlocks the appearance Farmers Hat
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Flaming Dragon Skull Visage

Unlocks the appearance Flaming Dragon Skull Visage
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Foolish Jack O'Lantern Mask

Unlocks the appearance Foolish Jack O’Lantern Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Frightening Jack o' Lantern Mask (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Frightening Jack o’ Lantern Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Goofy Jack O'Lantern Mask

Unlocks the appearance Goofy Jack O’Lantern Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Green Budgie Mask

Unlocks the appearance Green Budgie Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Horned Visage

Unlocks the appearance Horned Visage
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Mummy Lord Mask

Unlocks the appearance Mummy Lord Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Mummy Mask

Unlocks the appearance Mummy Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Orphiel Mask (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Orphiel Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Plague Crow Mask

Unlocks the appearance Plague Crow Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Primal Visage of Courage (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Primal Visage of Courage
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Shadeforged Skull

Unlocks the appearance Shadeforged Skull
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Smiling Jack O'Lantern Mask

Unlocks the appearance Smiling Jack O’Lantern Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Soul Reaper's Cowl (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Soul Reaper’s Cowl
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Stormforged Skull

Unlocks the appearance Stormforged Skull
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Tenebrean Golem Mask

Unlocks the appearance Tenebrean Golem Mask
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Tenebrean Lord Headdress

Unlocks the appearance Tenebrean Lord Headdress
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Tideforged Skull

Unlocks the appearance Tideforged Skull
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Wrapped Akvan Nightmare Mask (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Akvan Nightmare Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Wrapped Crocheted Fox Mask (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Crocheted Fox Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Wrapped Harvest Skull Helm (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Harvest Skull Helm (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

Wrapped Knitted Fox Mask (2019)

Unlocks the appearance Knitted Fox Mask (Equip for cheevo)
Slot: Helmet
Category: Costume

8 One-Handed Weapons
Burning Pumpkin

Unlocks the appearance Burning Pumpkin
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Deathwalker's Rimed Broadsword (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathwalker’s Rimed Broadsword
Slot: One Hand
Category: Sword

Ghastly Bludgeon

Unlocks the appearance Ghastly Bludgeon
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Grim Blade

Unlocks the appearance Grim Blade
Slot: One Hand
Category: Sword

Grim Smasher

Unlocks the appearance Grim Smasher
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Hag's Smoldering Bludgeon

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Smoldering Bludgeon
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Mace of the Harvest

Unlocks the appearance Mace of the Harvest
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Sand-Worn Architect Terminator

Unlocks the appearance Sand-Worn Architect Terminator
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

11 Two-Handed Weapons
Deathwalker's Rimed Corseque (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathwalker’s Rimed Corseque
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Polearm

Deathwalker's Rimed Stormcaller (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathwalker’s Rimed Stormcaller
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Staff

Ghastly Khopesh

Unlocks the appearance Ghastly Khopesh
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Two Handed Sword

Ghastly Staff

Unlocks the appearance Ghastly Staff
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Staff

Grim Zweihander

Unlocks the appearance Grim Zweihander
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Two Handed Sword

Hag's Gloamsword

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Gloamsword
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Two Handed Sword

Hag's Poleaxe

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Poleaxe
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Two Handed Axe

Hag's Pyrestaff

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Pyrestaff
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Staff

Spiked Smasher

Unlocks the appearance Spiked Smasher
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Hammer

Staff of the Pumpkin

Unlocks the appearance Staff of the Pumpkin
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Hammer

The Reaper

Unlocks the appearance The Reaper
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Polearm

4 Ranged Weapons
Deathwalker's Rimed Warbow (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathwalker’s Rimed Warbow
Slot: Ranged
Category: Bow

Ghastly Reach

Unlocks the appearance Ghastly Reach
Slot: Ranged
Category: Bow

Grim Shot

Unlocks the appearance Grim Shot
Slot: Ranged
Category: Bow

Hag's Thornwood Bow

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Thornwood Bow
Slot: Ranged
Category: Bow

4 Offhands & Shields
Deathwalker's Rimed Bulwark (2018)

Unlocks the appearance Deathwalker’s Rimed Bulwark
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Shield

Ghastly Bulwark

Unlocks the appearance Ghastly Bulwark
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Shield


Unlocks the appearance Grimstone
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Shield

Hag's Thornwood Barrier

Unlocks the appearance Hag’s Thornwood Barrier
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Shield