Timeline and State

State of the Game - Common Questions

How busy is it?

— EU & NA – You will find levelling zones to be quite empty, but main cities have players in them.
— Players are funnelled towards the more active shards, these are Typhiria for EU and Deepwood for NA.
— Population is low, with most group activities happening during peak times, you will need to be sure to match the peak time of your cluster to your own play times.

Can I find groups?

— NA & EU – There are PUG groups forming in chat during peak times for both Raids and Dungeons (Level 70).
— To find groups of players while you are levelling, you can join Instant Adventures! Open World questing is pretty much always solo play.
— At end game, there are often DRR/Crift groups each evening, as well as players calling out VP events and Xarth Mires.

Are there active guilds?

— NA & EU – There are a few large guilds with one or more regular raid groups as well as groups for open world content such as raid rifts. There are also scatterings of smaller guilds that may band together for group content or that purely PUG for group content.

Is there new content coming?

— There has been no content for a long long time. As far as we know, there are no proper developers working on the game. New content is highly unlikely.

Is the old content still playable?

— Every dungeon, raid, puzzle, open world zone, artifact collection etc is still there and is still in a very playable state.
— Some limited time mounts, pets, minion cards and wardrobe are currently unavailable. There are still PLENTY of these items available to collect that will keep you busy for a long time!

What about the old Raids and Dungeons?

— All the old Raids and Dungeons are still accessible, the only Raid that was ever ‘removed’ is the original HK, this was turned into a level 65 version HK which is still playable.
— Groups (for high level chars) sometimes form in chat to run old Raids or Dungeons as players attempt cheevos or just want the wardrobe unlocks from them.
— A lot of the low level Raids/Dungeons can be soloed once you reach high level.

How is the levelling experience?

— Levelling in open world is pretty much going to be solo play all the way to 70. However you can join instant adventures to group up with other players and battle as a team. You can also try your luck in the level chats to piece together a dungeon group, this can be successful, especially during peak times.
— Asking questions in chat is usually met with helpful people who will try to help you out.

How is the in game economy?

— Due to a well known exploit that is being used by a small % of players, the economy is very broken. The exploit is used by players to earn infinite amounts of platinum, thus these players have hundreds of thousands of plat and have used that plat to increase the prices of everything on the Auction House or traded.
— New players will be unable to buy REX from other players, as the price is now in the hundreds of thousands. A fresh player is only able to hold 5k plat!
— Thus new players will need to be mostly self sufficient, levelling up their own craft skills and keeping trading with other players to a minimum.
— The plus side, is that new players can easily make a bunch of plat by selling materials and artifacts at the now ridiculously inflated prices.
— To be able to participate in the hugely inflated economy, you will need to at least have your account restrictions unlocked so you can hold more plat, this means a small purchase with real money, to get to 1500 loyalty points. Or you can slowly purchase loyalty shards from other players.
— Note: Even players who do not use the exploit are still sitting on lots of plat, partly due to the inflation, but also due to longer term players having nothing left to spend it on, so it just builds up.

How is Shard Stability?

— EU – The EU shards are fine, there is an occasional crash every few weeks or so, this is usually resolved quickly.
— NA – The NA shards are more unstable, with some shards going down multiple times a week, mostly for an hour or two, but occasionally a shard can be down for 24hrs+, especially if it happens over the weekend. Usually this will only effect one or two shards at a time, but sometimes the entire cluster will go down.

What about purchasing and support?

— Buying items directly from the rift store works fine, and you buy packs from the glyph website too. Some players experience issues with using steam wallet.
— The Rift Store is extremely outdated, there are a bunch of items on there (especially gear) that just shouldn’t be there anymore. So be careful not to waste your money! Ask in the chats for players opinions about what is worth it to buy, you may also find the Cadrift purchasing page helpful.
— Support Tickets are being answered, but sometimes players are left waiting for an answer for weeks. If you have an issue that you think may require support to fix, write the ticket asap! While you wait, have a look at the Cadrift tech help page, maybe something there will help.
— Forums – The official Rift Forums are gone. They were deleted without warning on the first week of February 2022. We know they went down for ‘security reasons’, meaning the old forums were simply not safe to use anymore. Players had been complaining about this for a long time! We now have community forums over at the Ghar Station.
— There is an official Rift Discord run by Gamigo, and there are some CMs on there. However all they are able to do is post info about sales and “pass along your message to the team”. They do occasionally run competitions, but they no longer sponsor player led competitions.

When was the last ... added to Rift?
  • Patch of any kind – 4th May 2022 – BP1 remake and event scheduling for the next 3 years.
  • Artifact Set – 25th March 2021 – 3 new carnival artifact sets were released.
  • Dungeon – 21st March 2019 – Enclave of Ahnket
  • Puzzle – 16th May 2018 – Confounding Contraptions
  • Warfront – 15th March 2018 – Tenebrean Prison
  • Raid – 25th October 2017 – The Bastion of Steel
  • Open World Zone – 20th July 2017 – Vostigar Peaks
  • Major Expansion – 16th November 2016 – Prophecy of Ahnket – Level cap was increased to 70
  • The last time there was ANY kind of content ‘added’ to the game was when the Battle Pass 1 was rerun from 4th May 2022 to 8th August 2022. This event ran its course and nothing else has been added or patched since. The 4th May 2022 patch was also when all the event scheduling was added for the next 3 years. This scheduling will run out at the end of 2024.

  • The last time there was ‘new’ content added to the game was the few small quests added to the CTA Budgies event on 13th April 2022.

  • The April 2022 Carnival event was the first time we had no 4 hour minion missions for a world event. They have still not managed to find the button to switch these on for any of the 4 seasonal world events.



July 2024
  • 2nd July 2024 – For a few weeks now the Instant Adventure queueing system has been bugged. It puts players in solo instead of adding them to a currently running group. Players are advised to ask in the world chats for an invite to specific Instant Adventures. If you are in IA and you see players asking for invite, click their name and invite them.
  • 3rd July 2024 – World Event –  Summerfest started. – No new items added – Summerfest 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on. – Dates show as 2022, it has not been updated.
  • 19th July 2024 – Gamigo has announced the EU shard Bloodiron will be closed on 30th September 2024.
June 2024
  • 4th June 2024 – Gamigo launches a full month of Corgi Celebrations, with various competitions. In game, the Corgi Rifts have been turned on! They had not been switched on for a long long time (we think 2016 was the last time). The Corgi rifts are, unfortunately, badly balanced, being very hard to complete ‘at level’, which is causing issues for levelling players and even for level 70s in the CIAs.
  • 11th June 2024 – Gamigo have made an attempt of fixing the ‘deleted NA shards issue’, the shards are back on the shard selection list and we can get to character selection to transfer characters off, however, if your character has mail or too much plat then it wont transfer automatically, and I imagine players that lead guilds would also find this inadequate. These players are advised to write a ticket instead, which should now be answered positively.
  • 18th June 2024 – Players are now able to log into the 3 closing shards and sort out their characters themselves to be able to transfer them to one of the remaining shards.
May 2024
  • 5th May 2024 – A lot of players missed the notice to move shards before they were closed. These players wrote tickets to CS to have their characters moved. CS were helpful for the first 2-3 weeks after the move, but have now started denying these requests, with no explanation or new method of resolution. Many players now have no access to the Characters left on the 3 closed NA shards. This is just awful customer service from Gamigo.
  • 14th May 2024 – The NA Shards have been transferred over to the OVH ISP.
April 2024
  • 1st April 2024 – Gamigo did not shut down Faeblight, Hailol and Seastone yet.. there has been zero communication.
  • 3rd April 2024 – Gamigo have now announced that the shard closures will happen on the 9th April after the usual Tuesday downtime.
  • 9th April 2024 – Faeblight, Hailol and Seastone have now been shut down. If you still have characters on these shards then you will need to write a ticket to have them moved.
March 2024
  • 11th March 2024 – Gamigo announces a Shard Merger for the NA shards. Faeblight, Hailol and Seastone will be removed on 25th March, leaving Deepwood, Laethys, Greybriar, and Wolfsbane remaining. Players should transfer their characters and guilds to the remaining shards before the old ones are shut down. This reduces the NA shards from 7 to 4. – Note: this date was extended to 1st April, and then to 9th April.
  • 22nd March 2024 – After a few months of no CTA events, Gamigo has manually turned on The Mech Week event. We do not know if they will become regular again.
  • 22nd March 2024 – Gamigo announces a test for server load (SLT).. anyone who participates will be given 7 days patron time. A whole new SLT region is opened up for players to create a character and play. However, with no link to our main accounts, we find ourselves with no bought souls, no loyalty perks and no bags! Most players realise this and promptly log off.
  • 29th March 2024 – The Gamigo CMs hosted a 2 hour party on the SLT shard. Around 250 players participated. There was some hide n seek, a quiz, a monster killing competition, and a fireside chat. During the chat, players were able to ask the CMs questions. The CMs pretty much confirmed that there was no active development happening or expected on Rift.
    As for the SLT test, during the party many players experienced lag and stuttering. Coupled with the 6hour cooldown bug and the general slowness of the SLT shard, we hope it gets a good tune up before we switch to this hosting with the live shards!
February 2024
  • 21st February 2024 – World EventCarnival event Started – No new items added – Carnival 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on – Dates show as 2022, it has not been updated.
January 2024
  • 24th January 2024 – Gamigo has reworked the official discord with a selection of new rules and restrictions.


December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
  • 17th October 2023 – Gamigo gives 10 days of patron to all players that log in over the next month. This is to celebrate Rifts 10 year anniversary of being on Steam.
  • 18th October 2023 – World Event –  Autumn Harvest started – No new items added – Autumn Harvest 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on.
September 2023
August 2023
  • 15th August 2023 – New CMArcahem has introduced themselves on the official discord.
July 2023
June 2023
  • 28th June 2023 – World Event –  Summerfest started. – No new items added – Summerfest 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on. – Dates show as last years, it has not been updated.
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
  • 14th March 2023 – News Article – Scott Hartsman admits they probably should have just spent the money on Rift and not downsized the dev team. 
February 2023
  • 15th February 2023 – Gamigo now require Steam players to link their Glyph account to their Steam account.
  • 21st February 2023 – Gamigo is granting 15 days of free Patron to anyone logging in until March 8th.
  • 22nd February 2023 – World EventCarnival event Started – No new items added – Carnival 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on – Dates show as last years, it has not been updated.
January 2023


December 2022
  • 5th December 2022 – CM gone – Emrakul has disappeared from the official discord. No announcement was made. This leaves Rift without a dedicated CM.. again.
  • 14th December 2022 – World EventFae Yule event started. – No new items added – Fae Yule 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on.
November 2022
October 2022
  • 10th October 2022 – Server Migration for EU, new IP address – Nothing has changed, it’s all just back end poking.
  • 12th October 2022 – World Event –  Autumn Harvest started – No new items added – Autumn Harvest 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on.
  • 31st October 2022 – Gamigo did a special gamigoween stream and covered all of their main games, including Rift! They spoke a little about Rift gameplay, though both CM’s were quite new so didn’t have an awful lot to say.
    Talk about Rift starts at 1:35:31 — The HIGHLIGHT of the stream: Emrakul’s cat appears at 1:40:57 — Talk about Rift finishes at 1:52:48
    Nothing new promised.. which was expected. They keep teasing ‘something happening in November’ but don’t say what it is. Cadrift predicts a rerun of Battle Pass 2.. or maybe just an extra sale for Black Friday…
September 2022
August 2022
  • 8th August 2022 – A New CMEmrakul introduced themselves on Rift Official Discord.
  • 10th August 2022 – A lovely article written on MassivelyOP about 10 awesome features of Rift.
  • 25th August 2022 – The Glyph Launcher turns purple!
July 2022
June 2022
  • 29th June 2022 – World Event –  Summerfest started. – No new items added – Summerfest 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on.
May 2022
  • 4th May 2022 – BATTLE PASS STARTS – Season 1 2022 – Flames of Corruption – Start Date = Wednesday 4th May 2022 – End Date = Monday 8th August 2022 -This is a remake of BP1, to allow players that missed it to get the rewards.
  • 4th May 2022 – Scheduling for future World events was hidden in the code, mined magnificently by Clowd, you can find the proposed dates for future World events on the Events guide page.
April 2022
  • 1st April 2022 – Gamigo publishes a blog post about the expected Q1 update, finally some news! — In the post, it is stated that an update in APRIL will add quests and items to the Budgie CTA, a reset of BP1 allowing players who have already done it to do it again!, and the Carnival event.
  • 11th April 2022 – A new CM! Kruskay has introduced themselves on discord.
  • 13th April 2022 – World EventCarnival event – No new items added – Carnival 4 hour minion adventures were not switched on.
  • 13th April 2022 – CTA Budgies started – A few new daily quests were added to the event.
  • 13th April 2022 – A bunch of other stuff was added behind the scenes which was picked up by clowds datamining. Find the official Patch notification here.
  • 27th April 2022 – Gamigo updated the Glyph Launcher, you can see the announcement for the new version of Glyph here.
March 2022
  • 25th March 2022 – Goodbye CM’s – Gamigo fired our last point of contact for Rift, Vilya. There was no warning and no announcement. Many other employees were also fired, including CM’s from other Gamigo Games, Developers and PM’s.
February 2022
  • 1st February 2022 – Something NEW! – A patch has arrived! This included a small update to the Call To Action Hellbugs event, including a new pet and 6 new quests! The small patch was datamined by the Ghar Station.
  • 10th February 2022 – A suggestions channel was added to the Rift Official Discord, many players added their suggestions.
  • 10th February 2022 – Laceberry and Hyades introduced themselves as new GM’s for Rift on the Rift Official Discord.
January 2022
  • 20th January 2022 – A teaser for an upcoming Hellbug event, the first we have had in years!
  • 20th January 2022 – Gamigo ran a Valentines Dimension contest, this originally started on the forums but was later moved to the discord.
  • 31st January 2022 – Rift Forums Down – The last DEV post on the forums was made by Vilya, a simple maintenance warning. Less than a week later, the Rift Forums were taken down with no warning or explanation from Gamigo. Other games under Gamigo also lost their forums. Vilya did eventually make a post in the Rift Official Discord saying that the take down was intentional and there is no ETA as to when they will be back up.


December 2021
November 2021
  • During Quarter 3 of 2021 MGI (Gamigo’s Parent Company) released an Interim Report detailing to investors about finances. In this report we read the line ‘For our successful game RIFT, which did not have any updates for a longer period, we will have a first great update also in Q1’22.’ This line of text got all the players very excited!
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
  • 21st January 2021 – BATTLE PASS STARTS – Season 6Typhoon of Doom – Start Date = 21st January 2021 – End Date = 25th March 2021
  • 28th January 2021 – Gamigo opened up an official Rift Discord.
  • 29th January 2021 – Planar Incursions was added to the PTS – This was up for a few weeks of testing – This included the new portal in Planetouched Wilds and was supposed to be bringing lots of new open world content, new factions to farm rep for, new currencies and a whole new tier of active upgrade gear, which would prepare us for T3. It was in a very unfinished state and awfully balanced. The portal and NPCs (with no quests) made it to the live shard (we believe accidentally).


December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
  • 3rd September 2020 – BATTLE PASS STARTS – Season 5Legion of Corpses – Start Date = 3rd September 2020 – End Date = 29th October 2020
August 2020
  • 13th August 2020 – BATTLE PASS ENDS – Season 4Vein of Glory – Start Date = 18th June 2020 – End Date = 13th August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
  • 18th June 2020 – BATTLE PASS STARTS – Season 4Vein of Glory – Start Date = 18th June 2020 – End Date = 13th August 2020
May 2020
  • 20th May 2020 – New ContentCrab Critter boss is added to the game.
  • 28th May 2020 – BATTLE PASS ENDS – Season 3Frozen Waters – Start Date = 2nd April 2020 – End Date = 28th May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
  • 16th January 2020 – BATTLE PASS ENDS – Season 2Tendrils of Blight – Start Date = Wednesday 28th August 2019 – End Date = Thursday 16th January 2020 


December 2019
  • 12th December 2019 – World EventFae Yule event started.
  • 12th December 2019 – Eternal Weapon Upgrade Path is nerfed, Reduced the number of cosmic particles required for Eternal Weapon Upgrades and related achievements.
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
  • 28th August 2019 – BATTLE PASS STARTS – Season 2Tendrils of Blight – Start Date = 28th August 2019 – End Date = 16th January 2020 
  • 28th August 2019 – Opie’s Artifact Stashes will now attempt to give you an artifact that you have not collected yet, when possible.
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
  • On 11th April – BATTLE PASS STARTSSeason 1Flames of Corruption – Season one ran from the 11th April 2019 to the 17th July 2019
March 2019
February 2019
  • 6th February 2019 – Removed Legendary Hits from bosses in Bastion of Steel, Tartaric Depths and Intrepid Rise of the Phoenix.
January 2019


December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
  • 22nd October 2018 – GAMIGO BUYS TRION/RIFTTrion Worlds disbanded on October 26 – And promptly fired the vast majority of the Trion staff. – Holyroller made a post on the forums detailing what we knew on 24th October. There was little to no communication from Gamigo.
  • 28th October 2018 – World EventAutumn Harvest event started. – The instanced Autumn Harvest area was disabled for this event due to numerous bugs, it wont be back. Questgivers are now only in capital cities.
September 2018
August 2018
  • 1st August 2018 – The last four days of the Daily Login Rewards Calendar have been updated, including a random mount on the 21st day.
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
  • 25th April 2018 – Mystic Archer – Arrows are now only visible to the archer who cast the ability to place them
March 2018
February 2018
  • 14th February 2018 – Eternal Weapon Upgrade Path is nerfed, reducing the amount of dungeons, rifts, etc required! They tried to reduce particles too but couldn’t make it work.
  • 14th February 2018 – Rare missions have been disabled in the Minion system. (Remember they were credit only missions that you had to shuffle (for free) past!)
  • 20th February 2018 – Levelling the minion Wicket is no longer a step in the upgrade paths for Eternal Weapons.
  • 28th February 2018 – Ascend a Friend will no longer populate your friends list. (this was causing huge lag for many players) (this change was reverted in the next patch due to bugs)
January 2018


December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
  • 14th September 2017 – Heroes of Telara Discord was created by Seshatar, this discord later changed hands and is now run by Clowd and a small team of moderators.
August 2017
July 2017
  • 20th July 2017 – New Zone4.2 Celestial Storm – Vostigar Peaks zone was added to the Celestial lands.
  • 20th July 2017 – NEW RAID TDNM – Prophecy of Ahnket – Tartaric Depths – TDNM – A level 70 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
  • 21st July 2017 – World Event –  Summerfest started.
June 2017
May 2017
  • 10th May 2017 – Starfall Prophecy has a name change to Prophecy of Ahnket.
  • 10th May 2017 – NEW RAID IRotP – Prophecy of Ahnket – Intrepid: Rise of the Phoenix – A level 70 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini bosses (Golems)
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
  • 7th February 2017 – NEW RAID TDEM – Prophecy of Ahnket – Tartaric Depths – TDEM LFR – A level 70 – tier 0.5 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
January 2017
  • 18th January 2017 – NEW RAID QF – Prophecy of Ahnket – The Queen’s Foci – A level 70 – tier 0.5 – 10 man raid with 1 boss


December 2016
November 2016
  • 16th November 2016 – Rifts Third Expansion4.0 Prophecy of Ahnket – Previously called Starfall Prophecy
  • 16th November 2016 – Salvaging was removed from the game. Runebreaking and Salvage Artifacts remains.
  • 17th November 2016 – All hostile unicorns have been replaced by alicorns.
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
  • 18th May 2016 – NEW RAID CoA – Nightmare Tide – The Comet of Ahnket – A level 65 – tier 3 – 10 man raid with 6 bosses.
April 2016
  • 13th April 2016 – SOUL PACK – Ascended Soul Pack released – The Frostkeeper, Mage + The Maelstrom, Primalist + The Runeshaper, Cleric + The Shadeborn, Rogue + The Warchanter, Warrior
  • 13th April 2016 – Daily Rewards Calendar created.
  • 13th April 2016 – Account wide ignore! All characters on an account now share a universal ignore list. When a character is added to that list, that user’s entire account is ignored.
  • 13th April 2016 – Purple Lips were finally fixed!
  • 13th April 2016 – Quest shares now go to the whole raid, no need to swap to all 4 groups to share a quest!
  • 13th April 2016 – Increase to PAXP – The second tier of planes of Nature, Cinder, Storm, Steam, Dusk, and Dust, are added. Planar Attunement cap has been increased from 1427 to 1709
  • 14th April 2016 – World EventCarnival event started.
March 2016
  • 7th March 2016 – RIFT IS 5! – Rift began its EPIC 5th anniversary celebrations.
  • 10th March 2016 – Riftgrate GoneRiftgrate, Rifts biggest guide website made it’s final farewell post and stopped being updated.
February 2016
  • 10th February 2016 – Currency cap for non-patron increased to 5000 plat
  • 17th February 2016 – Buy Artifacts – Credit prices were added to every artifact set to allow you to purchase a random artifact from that set.
January 2016


December 2015
  • 9th December 2015 – NEW RAID MoM Second Half – Nightmare Tide – The Mind of Madness – A level 65 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 9 bosses.
  • 9th December 2015 – Affinity was added to the game.
  • 9th December 2015 – All mounts can be taught to swim underwater with the Underwater Mount Training item
  • 10th December 2015 – World EventFae Yule event started.
November 2015
  • 5th November 2015 – NEW RAID MoM First Half – Nightmare Tide – The Mind of Madness – A level 65 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 9 bosses.
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
  • 15th July 2015 – Saga QuestNightmare Saga Questline is released – This will be released in 3 parts over the next few months.
  • 15th July 2015 – Shard Vault added to bank, available to buy for credits.
  • 15th July 2015 – NEW RAID IGP – Nightmare Tide – Intrepid: Gilded Prophecy – A level 65 – Tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
  • 15th July 2015 – Tiered Raid Difficulty – IGP and RoF now have the option to change the difficulty level; Introduction, Normal and Hard Mode.
  • 15th July 2015 – Harvest Anything! – You no longer need to be a specific level in Mining, Foraging, or Butchering to be able to gather those materials. This change did not effect Fishing, which still needs to be levelled up zone by zone.
  • 15th July 2015 – Silver Tier Loyalty added.
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
  • 14th April 2015 – NEW RAID IHK – Nightmare Tide – Hammerknell Fortress – A level 65 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 11 bosses.
  • 14th April 2015 – NEW WARDROBE SYSTEM – A massive upgrade to our Wardrobe System will save the appearance of all of the items you acquire, and let you use them whenever you like! We have also included weapon wardrobes that will allow you to tie your weapon appearances to each wardrobe set.
  • 14th April 2015 – Zone specific queues for Instant Adventures were removed.
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015


December 2014
November 2014
  • 6th November 2014 – NEW RAID MS – Nightmare Tide – Mount Sharax – A level 65 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses
October 2014
  • 22nd October 2014 – Minions were added to the game.
  • 22nd October 2014 – Rifts Second ExpansionNightmare Tide expansion3.0 Nightmare Tide – Increased the character max level to 65.
  • 22nd October 2014  – NEW RAID RoF – Nightmare Tide – The Rhen of Fate – A level 65 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
  • 22nd October 2014 – Sidekicking added
  • 22nd October 2014 – Minimap location icons related to quests and NPCs will now show a depth arrow. An up arrow will display if the location is above you, and a down arrow will display if the location is below you.
  • 30th October 2014 – World EventAutumn Harvest event started.
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
  • 7th May 2014 – SOUL PACKDream Soul Pack released – The Arbiter, Mage + The Oracle, Cleric + The Physician, Rogue + The Liberator, Warrior
  • 13th May 2014 – NEW RAID BoB – Storm Legion – Binding of Blood LAETHYS – A level 60 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 1 boss. – Part of a group of 4 BoB raids.
  • 21st May 2014 – NEW RAID BoB – Storm Legion – Binding of Blood MAELFORGE – A level 60 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 1 boss. – Part of a group of 4 BoB raids.
  • 21st May 2014 – Shard Switching Improvements – You can now teleport to a different Shard by yourself without having to group with somebody on that Shard!
April 2014
  • 15th April 2014 – NEW RAID BoB – Storm Legion – Binding of Blood AKYLIOS – A level 60 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 1 boss. – Part of a group of 4 BoB raids.
  • 15th April 2014 – NEW RAID BoB – Storm Legion – Binding of Blood GREENSCALE – A level 60 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 1 boss. – Part of a group of 4 BoB raids.
  • 15th April 2014 – Unstable Artifact Thieves added
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014


December 2013
November 2013
  • 5th November 2013 – Iron Pine Peak has a level change, taking it from a level 50 zone to a level 27-35 zone.
  • 5th November 2013 – New ZoneUnderwater area added off the west coast of Ember Isle.
October 2013
September 2013
  • 18th September 2013 – NEW RAID IG – Storm Legion – Infinity Gate – A level 60 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 3 bosses.
  • 18th September 2013 – Tutorial quests added for new players + Help Tip Encyclopedia added to menu.
  • 18th September 2013 –Gloamwood is no longer quite so gloomy.
August 2013
  • 9th August 2013 – Respawning & using Porticulums now work while visiting another shard
July 2013
June 2013
  • 12th June 2013 – Rift goes Free to PlayNo trials. No tricks. No traps.
  • 12th June 2013 – New ZoneDendrome is added to the game.
  • 12th June 2013 – NEW RAID GA – Storm Legion – Grim Awakening – A level 60 – tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
  • 12th June 2013 – Loyalty – the Loyalty system is added to the game
  • 17th June 2013 – WarfrontsTwo new warfront modes added, Domination: The Black Garden, and Domination: Karthan Ridge
May 2013
April 2013
  • 9th April 2013 – The Dimensionaddicts site is born, run by Kitasia, this site is a trove of information for all the budding dimension builders!
March 2013
February 2013
  • 7th February 2013 – Dwarves – Attention Dwarves, the buffet is now open! Dwarven racial ability, Density, has been removed. Replaced with Dwarven Breakfast – Restores 8% health and mana per second over 13 seconds
  • 13th February 2013 – Love Bug – Telarans everywhere are being smitten by the Love Bug, a completely harmless disease resulting in such symptoms as ‘butterflies in the tummy’. — This was later removed from the game due to pandemic levels of love!
  • 27th February 2013 – Planar AttunementPlanar Attunement Tier 3 and Planar Attunement of War Tier 2! The Planar Attunement level cap has increased to 1079.
January 2013
  • 9th January 2013 – Cross-Shard Group Invites! – You can now invite characters from other shards to join your group.
  • 9th January 2013 – Fall Damage is gone! – Taking damage from falling should be slightly more survivable.
  • 16th January 2013 – Tutorial Zones – The Tutorial Zones of Mathosia and Terminus have had their Questlines Streamlined to get new characters into Freemarch/Silverwood more quickly.


December 2012
  • 6th December 2013 – Character movement speeds increased.
  • 12th December 2012 – NEW RAID EE – Storm Legion – Endless Eclipse – A level 60 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses
  • 12th December 2012 – ConquestConquest returns for level 60
  • On 13th December – World EventFae Yule event started.
November 2012
  • On 13th November – Rifts First Expansion – Storm Legion – Level Cap increased to 60
  • 13th November 2012 – SOUL PACKStorm Soul Pack released – The Harbinger, Mage + The Defiler, Cleric + The Tactician, Rogue + The Tempest, Warrior
  • 13th November 2012 – NEW RAID TotDQ – Storm Legion – Triumph of the Dragon Queen – A level 60 – Tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
  • 13th November 2012 – NEW RAID FT – Storm Legion – Frozen Tempest – A level 60 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 4 bosses and one mini boss.
  • 13th November 2012 – Dimensions added to the game
  • 13th November 2012 – Upgradeable items/gear added.
  • 13th November 2012 – Capes added!
  • 13th November 2012 – Guild level cap increased to 25.
October 2012
  • 12th September 2012 – Deeps’ DepotThe original Rift Store – Released to allow players to purchase the upcoming Storm Legion expansion from in the game.
  • 12th September 2012 – Guardians and Defiants set aside their differences and start to fight the Planar threats together!
  • 12th September 2012 – Added ‘Ascended Resurrection’, an out-of-combat resurrection ability available to all Callings at level 1
  • 13th September 2012 – World EventAutumn Harvest event started.
  • 17th October 2012 – World Event – Tempest Rising – The start of the lead up to the Storm Legion expansion
  • 17th October 2012 – You may now equip items of any armor type in your Wardrobe
  • 17th October 2012 – Huge changes to all souls, as well as changes to all stats.
  • 17th October 2012 – Planar Attunement is now shared between all characters on your account!
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
  • 27th June 2012 – World Event –  Summerfest started.
  • 27th June 2012 – CONQUESTConquest is added to Rift!
  • 27th June 2012 – NEW RAID PF – Rift – Primeval Feast – A level 50 – tier 3 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and a puzzle like encounter at the start.
  • 27th June 2012 – Mentoring added
  • 27th June 2012 – Barbershop NPCs added to Meridian and Sanctum
  • 27th June 2012 – Experience locking has been removed
May 2012
April 2012
  • 18th April 2012 – NEW RAID ID – Rift – Infernal Dawn – A level 50 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 8 bosses.
  • 18th April 2012 – Fishing and Survival skills added to the game.
  • 18th April 2012 – Guild Finder tool added.
  • 18th April 2012 – Leaderboards added.
  • 18th April 2012 – Seal Slot added.
March 2012
February 2012
  • 1st February 2012 – Marriage!In game weddings now available.
  • 1st February 2012 – Combined Level 50 Expert Dungeons to a single difficulty tier.
  • 1st February 2012 – Goodbye PVP Souls – PvP-specific Souls have been converted into a Planar Attunement-based character enhancement.
  • 1st February 2012 – Mercenary system added to warfronts, you may now be placed on the opposite factions team.
  • 1st February 2012 – Preset Builds added to Character Creation.
  • 1st February 2012 – Added a new ‘Lock XP‘ checkbox to the Interface.
  • 1st February 2012 – Crafting will now use items directly from your bank
  • 14th February 2012 – Rift had 21,879 couples get married in game, setting a world record for most online marriages in a 24hour period.
    You can find the information for this world record here!
  • 22nd February 2012 – World EventCarnival event started.
January 2012


December 2011
November 2011
  • 16th November 2011 – New Zone: Ember IsleA level 50 zone
  • 16th November 2011 – NEW RAID RotP – Rift – Rise of the Phoenix – A level 50 – tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini bosses (Golems)
  • 16th November 2011 – Planar AttunementSecond tier of Planar Attunement unlocked
October 2011
September 2011
  • 28th September 2011 – Planar Attunement – The Planar Attunement system was added to the game
  • 28th September 2011 – Chronicles – The first Chronicles, The Ceremony of Attunement, HK, ROS, and GSB were added.
  • 28th September 2011 – Veteran Rewards – Rewards based on the amount of time you have subscribed to the game, this would later be turned into the Loyalty system.
  • 28th September 2011 – Master ModeDarkening Deeps had master mode added.
August 2011
  • 3rd August 2011 – PVP RiftsPVP Rifts are added to the game.
  • 3rd August 2011 – Looking for Group tool goes cross-shard
  • 3rd August 2011 – The Water Saga added
  • 3rd August 2011 – NEW RAID DH – Rift – Drowned Halls – A level 50 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
  • 3rd August 2011 – The Ancient Wardstone mechanic has been removed
  • 3rd August 2011 – Added a button that allows you to “take all attachments from all mail items” in your inbox.
  • 17th August 2011 – Need vs. GreedAdded a new group loot setting, ‘Need vs. Greed’, which only allows characters to roll Need on equipment types that match their calling.
  • 24th August 2011 – Half-Birthday Event!
July 2011
June 2011
  • 21st June 2011 – NEW RAID HK – Rift – Hammerknell Fortress – A level 50 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 11 bosses.
  • 21st June 2011 – The first twisted artifacts added
  • 21st June 2011 – Added a ‘Useable Only’ checkbox to the Auction House search to limit results to items you can actually use.
  • 21st June 2011 – Free In-Game Character Transfers – Move your characters between selected shards once a week, free of charge!
  • 23rd June 2011 – Guild banks added, on a few selected shards first and then to everyone.
May 2011
  • 9th May 2011 – Looking for Group tool to form Dungeon, Rift, and Quest groups added.
  • 9th May 2011 – Wardrobe! – The original wardrobe system was added to the game.
  • 9th May 2011 – Level 50 Crafting Rifts added.
  • 9th May 2011 – NEW RAID GP – Rift – Gilded Prophecy – A level 50 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
  • 9th May 2011 – Omen Sight and Quantum Sight now available to buy with planarite
April 2011
  • 16th April 2011 – NEW RAID RoS – Rift – River of Souls – A level 50 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini-bosses (Foci) – This raid was released after a 2 week long build up event.
March 2011
  • 1st March 2011 – Game Release – After 5 years of creation and extensive Alpha and Beta testing, Rift was released to the world.
  • 1st March 2011 – NEW RAID GSB – Rift – Greenscale’s Blight – A level 50 – Tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses
  • 10th March 2011 – You can now link locations in chat! 
  • 30th March 2011 – Rift events no longer track player contribution against other players.

With the Forums down, you can find the old Rift Patch notes on the wayback machine..

Rift Patch notes pages 1-25…
1 – 4/11/19 to 12-18-19
2 – 7/31/18 to 4/4/19
3 – 2/28/18 to 7/27/18
4 – 9/12/17 to 2/21/18
5 – 3/30/17 to 9/6/17
6 – 11/09/16 to 3/29/17
7 – 7/6/16 to 11/4/16
8 – 2/17/16 to 6/29/16
9 – 10/1/15 to 2/11/16
10 – 6/3/15 to 9/30/15
11 – 1/14/15 to 5/27/15
12 – 8/13/14 to 1/7/15
13 – 4/30/14 to 8/9/14
14 – 12/18/13 to 4/23/14
15 – 8/8/13 to 12/11/13
16 – 4/17/13 to 8/7/13
17 – 11/20/12 to 4/10/13
18 – 8/1/12 to 11/13/12
19 – 5/2/12 to 7/26/12
20 – 1/24/12 to 4/27/12
21 – 10/14/11 to 1/18/12
22 – 8/3/11 to 10/14/11
23 – 5/18/11 to 7/28/11
24 – 3/17/11 to 5/18/11
25 – 2/24/11 to 3/12/11

Note: The dates are MM/DD/YY

You can find the Rift YouTube channel here.

on Twitch