Quest Pick Up
Quests can be picked up in Meridian, Sanctum or Tempest Bay.
The quests are the same regardless of where you pick them up.
Be aware that one of the questgivers in Sanctum (Karania) wanders around a bit!

/setwaypoint 6122 5231

/setwaypoint 7380 3078

/setwaypoint 12943 11579
There are 4 daily quests giving a total of 65 Chaos Motes per character per day.
Remember you can do the quests on as many alts as you want! Completing the quests on alts will give you Chaos Motes on alts, which you can use to buy account bound items such as the wardrobe skins, saving your Chaos Motes on your main for bind on pickup items such as the mounts.
Exploitation of Fear
Complete an expert dungeon through LFG
Press I to open up the dungeon LFG window. Queue up for any expert dungeon that rewards a ‘Proclamation of Heroism’. You can queue solo or in a group.
Complete the dungeon.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Not in Uniform
Win a Warfront
Press K to open up the PVP window and queue up for a warfront.
Win it!
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
Become What You Hate
Collect Mech Components x30
During the Mech Week event there will be special zone events to complete.
Closing Rifts, destroying footholds, and killing invasions during this zone event will drop the Components you need to complete this quest.
Rewards 20 Chaos Motes
Attacking the Defenders
Defeat Volt-1
During the Mech Week event there will be special zone events to complete.
Volt-1 is the boss from this zone event.
Rewards 15 Chaos Motes
The Defender of the Elements Zone Event
You can buy a lure to summon the zone event from the CTA quartermaster.
The zone event you need for 2 of the quests is called Defender of the Elements.
This event occurs in Vostigar Peaks, Silverwood, Freemarch, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.
It will show up on YARET in green text as its a special event.

Wardstones, outposts, and invasions give 1 Mech Component each.
Rifts give 2 each, one at stage 3 and another at stage 5.
BE AWARE: You need to be mentored!
BE AWARE: You need to loot the Mech Components from the corpses, they DO NOT appear in your Rift loot bag.

In the store there is a lure that will summon the zone event! The lure has unlimited uses.
You can find this near the bottom of the Call to Action event shop in the Lure section.

These events are full of beautiful mechs, be sure to kill them slowly so you can see them! (and to allow other peeps to tag and loot aswell!)
There is also a very small chance of having one of the Mech Mounts drop during the events. (Can confirm that Black Empyreal Walker does drop)
LOOT – These events drop unique dimension items and costume. You can see a list of loot drops on the call to action main page.

Items to buy with Chaos Motes or Credits.
8 Mounts For Credits or Chaos Motes
Please note some of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find credit only mounts. When you buy these mounts they will unlock on every character on your account
From the Vendor in Meridian/Sanctum/Tempest Bay: You can find a selection of single character mounts for event currency.
Meridian Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 6123 5227
Sanctum Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 7379 3080
Tempest Bay Mount Vendor ‘Mari’: /setwaypoint 12946 11576
Be very careful when buying mounts – Some of them are bind on pick up and others are bound to account. Make sure you buy them on the correct character!
Credit Prices: Prices shown may be for Patrons. Players without a Patron sub will pay slightly more (Patrons get 10% discount on store credit prices).
Mount Name | Credits | Event Currency |
Black Empyreal Walker | 2700 | 850 |
Blue and Gold Empyreal Walker | 850 | |
Faewood Infinity Walker | 3150 | |
Golden Empyreal Walker | 2700 | 850 |
Infinity Walker | 3150 | 1000 |
Red and Iron Empyreal Walker | 2700 | |
Red and Silver Empyreal Walker | 2700 | |
Woodland Empyreal Walker | 2700 |
Red and Silver Empyreal Walker

Woodland Empyreal Walker

10 Pets
The pets from the quartermaster and the Rift store are the same.
The pets are all bound to account.
You can buy them on an alt and send them to your main if required.
Bleep the Holosquirrel


Hawk Vox

Legion Servitor

Mark I

Mark II

Mark III


Pwny 2.0



Buying all these pets will grant you the ‘GOTT4 C4TCH TH3M 4LL’ cheevo.
This will reward you with the ‘Pack of Squirrels 2.0’ companion pet

The Minions from the quartermaster and the Rift store are the same.
Minion cards are region wide, so you can buy these with an alt if required.
Minion Card: Carpophorus

The stats of this card at max level are..
Air 7
Hunting 18
Minion Card: MH-06

The stats of this card at max level are..
Air 12
Diplomacy 12
Artifact 12
Minion Card: Mk 2 Siege Tank

The stats of this card at max level are..
Air 15
Hunting 10
Assassination 7
Minion Card: R23-JK

The stats of this card at max level are..
Air 12
Fire 12
Water 12
Diplomacy 12
Harvesting 12
Dimension 12
Costume unlocks are region wide so feel free to buy all these with alts!
BE AWARE: the costume unlocks are consumable, you will unlock the costume but you will not have an item to sell back like in other areas of the Rift store..
Temporal Agonizing Blade

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Agonizing Blade
Slot: One Hand
Category: Sword

Temporal Agonizing Scanner

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Agonizing Scanner
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Totem

Temporal Agonizing Spire

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Agonizing Spire
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Staff

Temporal Banded Energy Beacon

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Banded Energy Beacon
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Hammer

Temporal Banded Energy Shield

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Banded Energy Shield
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Shield

Temporal Banded Pulverizer

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Banded Pulverizer
Slot: One Hand
Category: Mace

Temporal Banded Tablet

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Banded Tablet
Slot: Off Hand
Category: Totem

Temporal Energizing Blade

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Energizing Blade
Slot: One Hand
Category: Sword

Temporal Esteemed Blaster

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Esteemed Blaster
Slot: Ranged
Category: Gun

Temporal Esteemed Grinder

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Esteemed Grinder
Slot: One Hand
Category: Axe

Temporal Frenziedal Energy Glaive

Unlocks the appearance: Temporal Frenziedal Energy Glaive
Slot: Two Handed
Category: Two Handed Sword

Dimension Items
You can find info about all the dimension items on Dimensionaddicts.com
Planar Beacon: Defender of the Elements

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the Defender of the Elements Zone Event.
Rune Unsocketing Apparatus

You can buy a Rune Unsocketing Apparatus once a month per region (NA/EU)
Change Log
2nd September 2022 – Event live – Full check of shop, no new items. No new quests seen.
26th May 2022 – Event live – Full check of shop, no new items. No new quests seen.