Kingsward Quests

  • Kingsward is a level 59-60 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will walk in from Ardent Domain or City Core.
  • There are 3 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. The Academy, Tower of Dawn, and The Armory
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Golem Foundry Dungeon – /setwaypoint 6228 7852
    — Entrance to Empyrean Core Dungeon – /setwaypoint 5824 8699
    — Entrance to Return to Empyrean Core Dungeon – /setwaypoint 5791 8674
    — Entrance to Triumph of the Dragon Queen Raid – /setwaypoint 5715 8759
    — Entrance to Grim Awakening Raid – /setwaypoint 4534 8621

Below is a guide for all 68D or 71G quests in Kingsward. The defiant and Guardian questline splits up halfway through the zone, leaving Defiants and Guardians with different amounts of quests.
This guide starts with the 35 Main Shared Quests, then lists the 8 Defiant quests and the 11 Guardian Quests, before finishing off with the 25 Carnages.

For the Kingsward rares go here
For the Kingsward puzzle go here
For the other Kingsward cheevos go here

Quest Cheevos

There are 68 or 71 quests in Kingsward, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.

Taming A Beast
A Reckoning

35 Main Quests

He's Not Monstrous, He's My Brother


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776 (Eastern Holdings)
This quest will lead you into Kingsward, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Ardent Domain.

Talk to Pyrhus Zan near the Academy

There are 2 main routes into Kingsward, it doesn’t matter which you take, just head straight to Pyrhus Zan, hand in the quest and grab the portal that is next to him.
/setwaypoint 4689 8525

This quest will count towards the Kingsward quest cheevo.

Defiant only quest

The In-Laws


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753 (Eastern Holdings)
This quest will lead you into Kingsward, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Ardent Domain.

Speak with Pyrhus Zan near the Academy

There are 2 main routes into Kingsward, it doesn’t matter which you take, just head straight to Pyrhus Zan, hand in the quest and grab the portal that is next to him.
/setwaypoint 4689 8525

This quest will count towards the Kingsward quest cheevo.

Guardian only quest

Uniform Appearance


The quest is picked up from Pyrhus Zan in The Academy
/setwaypoint 4689 8525

Try your disguise on one of the Awakened

When you pick up the quest you will be instantly given a buff called ‘Awakened Glamour’. This buff will transform your appearance so you look like one of the Awakened. This buff will last 5mins, you can speak to Pyrhus Zan again to reapply it.

Head north into the Academy and find Belvis Ferran at /setwaypoint 4552 8375

Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Evander Tollis in the Academy Courtyard’

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4535 8290

Note: After completing this quest, the Awakened Glamour buff will now be permanent whenever you are in the Academy area.

Connecting the Dots

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pyrhus Zan in The Academy at /setwaypoint 4689 8525
TO COMPLETE: Find the 3 of the teleporters in Kingsward

Find the Academy Teleporter — /setwaypoint 4686 8516 (It won’t tick off if you are transfigured!)
Find the Royal Gardens Teleporter — /setwaypoint 6774 8063
Find the Armory Teleporter — /setwaypoint 5504 8263

Hand in the quest to Pyrhus Zan in The Academy at /setwaypoint 4689 8525

Moment of truth


The quest is picked up from Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Meet with Master Orenzo at the Academy

Go into the domed building, called the Ark of Truth, in the south west of the Academy, and find Master Orenzo at /setwaypoint 4397 8368
Hand in the quest.

Salvarola the Great


The quest is picked up from Master Orenzo in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4397 8368

Witness Salvarola’s holovid message to his followers

Click Salvarola’s holovid in the middle of the room at /setwaypoint 4396 8350

Hand in the quest to Master Orenzo in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4397 8368

The Vanquished


The quest is picked up from Master Orenzo in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4397 8368

Find the refugee’s encampment

Go out of the Academy area and find the encampment in the south west at
/setwaypoint 4615 9034

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Zeda Mistella’

Talk to Zeda Mistella at
/setwaypoint 4622 9041

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Bradrin Grubber’

Talk to Bradrin Grubber in the encampment at /setwaypoint 4617 9045

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Refugee’s Offering’

Bradrin Grubber will give you the Refugee’s Offering when you talk with him, take it!
The Refugee’s Offering item will go straight into your quest log bag.

Hand in the quest to Master Orenzo in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4397 8368

Wicked Garden


The quest is picked up from Raff Irinbon in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4416 8355

Collect Strongroots x8

Kill the Strongroot Lashers in the Menagerie, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 4484 9386
Loot the Strongroots from them.

Hand in the quest to Raff Irinbon in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4416 8355

Herb Hoarding

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Awakened Herb Bag in Menagerie at /setwaypoint 4670 8911
TO COMPLETE: Gather herbs in the Menagerie x14

Find the herbs in the Menagerie, like this one at /setwaypoint 4495 9176
There are a few different types of herbs, you will find a good cluster of them around the water in the area.

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4535 8290



The quest is picked up from Bradrin Grubber in Menagerie
/setwaypoint 4617 9045

Defeat Skinflayer
Note: This quest is intended for 2 players, so low level players may find it difficult!

Skinflayer is a giant spider that you will find in the Menagerie at
/setwaypoint 4417 9145

Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Bradrin Grubber in Menagerie
/setwaypoint 4617 9045

Find the Forgotten

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Stung Corpse in Menagerie at /setwaypoint 4607 9127 (Or any of the other locations below)
TO COMPLETE: Search the areas listed, you need to click the ‘inspect the body’ in the window that pops up when you right click them.

Search among the trees
/setwaypoint 4628 9257

Search the road
/setwaypoint 4607 9127

Search the lakeshore
/setwaypoint 4512 9240

Search the mesa
/setwaypoint 4456 9164

Hand in the quest to Bradrin Grubber in Menagerie at /setwaypoint 4617 9045

Moving on Up


The quest is picked up from Master Orenzo in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4397 8368

Report to Mistress Inyra in the Academy

Go across the room and hand in the quest to Mistress Inyra in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4384 8329

Lambs to the Slaughter


The quest is picked up from Mistress Inyra in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4384 8328

Oversee the Prisoner Exchange
Save the prisoners

Find the prisoners at
/setwaypoint 4944 8515

Watch as the prisoners are exchanged

Then kill the Mutants to rescue the prisoners.

Hand in the quest to Mistress Inyra in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4384 8328



The quest is picked up from Bertrand Dimroot in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4408 8332

Retrieve the Holovid Crystals listed

Retrieve Canal Holovid Crystal
/setwaypoint 4972 8695

Retrieve Garden Entrance Holovid Crystal
/setwaypoint 5257 8781

Retrieve Upper Garden Holovid Crystal
/setwaypoint 5379 8325

Retrieve North Terrace Holovid Crystal
/setwaypoint 5585 8413

Hand in the quest to Bertrand Dimroot in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4408 8332

Lost in Transit


The quest is picked up from Argon Gianin in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4406 8331

Find the missing caravan

Find the missing caravan at
/setwaypoint 5791 8154

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Retrieve the missing shipment’

Find the missing shipment in the hedge maze at /setwaypoint 5801 8093

Right click the ‘magic fruit’ tray to retrieve the shipment.

Hand in the quest to Argon Gianin in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4406 8331

Hive Hunter

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Academy Honey Barrel in Royal Gardens at /setwaypoint 5445 8602
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Cultivated Vespid Hives x9

Right click the Cultivated Vespid Hives to destroy them, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5492 8523

Shiny and Mine

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pack of Alchemical Goods in Korolis Valley at /setwaypoint 5819 8127
TO COMPLETE: Gather the Polished Alchemical Equipment x12

Pick up the various Alchemical Equipment from the hedge maze area
/setwaypoint 5740 8123

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4535 8290

Rising Through the Ranks


The quest is picked up from Mistress Inyra in the Ark of Truth building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4384 8328

Speak to Master Gert at the Academy

Hand in the quest to Master Gert in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4631 8335

Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog


The quest is picked up from Sonya Corrin in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4629 8357

Collect the items listed

Go into the building and up the slope to the first floor, here you will find 6 shelving units crammed full of collectable items.
/setwaypoint 4678 8364

About half of these items are correct for the quest, the other half are useless.
The quest items are sometimes slightly hidden away, tucked in corners or behind larger items.

You can mouseover each item to see its name and to see if it counts towards the quest.

The items switch to different places each time they are picked up, so they won’t be in the same spots for everyone. I have shown in the picture below where I found the items.
On my first run of the quest I used the solid colour circles, the second time is shown by the black circles. Some of the items respawned in the same spot.


Collect Sulfurides x4
Collect Enlarged Mucasoids x3
Collect Carbonic Magnesiates x3
Collect Intestinal Fluffs x4

Hand in the quest to Sonya Corrin in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4629 8357

Strange Brew


The quest is picked up from Natan Weeze in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4627 8357

Speak to a Master Chemist in The Academy

Find the 2 Master Chemists upstairs in Font of Wisdom building, I spoke to this one at
/setwaypoint 4649 8347

You will now need to help the Chemist create the Serum.

In front of the chemist, on the table is the ‘Alchemic Crucible’. Behind this you will see a Crate called ‘Enlarged Mucasoid’, a barrel called ‘Fruit Pulp’, and a purple vial called ‘Carbonic Magnesiate’

Click each item in the correct order as the chemist calls them out, when he says to turn the fire down, click the Alchemic Crucible.

So the order is..

Alchemic Crucible (table)
Enlarged Mucasoid (Crate)
Fruit Pulp (barrel)
Alchemic Crucible (table)
Alchemic Crucible (table)
Carbonic Magnesiate (purple vial)

Hand in the quest to Natan Weeze in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4627 8357

Removing the Shackels


The quest is picked up from Master Canto in the Font of Wisdom building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4659 8361

Use Experimental Serum on Awakened Sentinels instead of prisoners x4
Kill the transformed Awakened Sentinels x4

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Experimental Serum’

Find the Awakened Sentinels in the Font of Wisdom building, like this one at /setwaypoint 4666 8358

Use the Experimental Serum on the Awakened Sentinel and then kill the baddy that they turn into.

Hand in the quest to Master Canto in the Font of Wisdom building in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4659 8361

Spillage on the Sly

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fragile Vials in the Font of Wisdom building in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4658 8354
TO COMPLETE: Disturb unattended Volatile Potions x8

Right click the Volatile Potions, like this one at /setwaypoint 4676 8357

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Savage Beast


The quest is picked up from Master Gert in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4631 8335

Administer the elixir to the Raging Experiment

Go back to the Ark of Truth building and find the Raging Experiment on the upper floor at
/setwaypoint 4394 8333

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Elixir Injector’

Use the Elixir Injector on the Raging Experiment to calm him down!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Doctor Perfidus’

Find Doctor Perfidus at the entrance to the room at /setwaypoint 4400 8369
Right click to speak with him.

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4535 8290

The New Order


The quest is picked up from Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Load the Data Crystal into the Holovid Control Panel

Go to the Holovid in the Academy at
/setwaypoint 4593 8203

Right click it and watch the transformation play out.

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Hostile Takeover


The quest is picked up from Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Steal Elixir while the High Curators are debilitated x4

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Debilitating Toxin’

Go into the final domed building in the north of the academy called Crucible of Will.

Find High Curators, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4535 8125

Use the Debilitating Toxin on them and grab the Elixir nearby while they are debilitated.
Note: You need to stand behind the High Curators and quite close to them to use the Debilitating Toxin.

Hand in the quest to Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Noted Potables

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Book of Failed Experiments in the Crucible of Will building in the Academy at /setwaypoint 4533 8124
TO COMPLETE: Replace Alchemical Formulae with Sabotaged Formulae x6

Find that Alchemical Formulae all around the Crucible of Will building, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4535 8135

Right click them to replace them with Sabotaged Formulae.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

It's a Sabotage


The quest is picked up from Evander Tollis in the Academy
/setwaypoint 4535 8290

Speak to Perfidus’ Bodyguards in The Academy

Go back into the Crucible of Will building and head up the slope to the middle floor.
Go across the room to find the slope to the next floor up and speak to Perfidus’ Bodyguards in front of the large door at
/setwaypoint 4544 8084

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tamper with a Volatile Combuster’

Go back into the middle floor and find a Volatile Combuster, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4532 8129

The guards will come running into the room and Evander Tollis will appear at the bottom of the slope for you to hand in the quest at
/setwaypoint 4555 8104

Now's the Time


The quest is picked up from Evander Tollis in the Crucible of Will building, middle floor
/setwaypoint 4555 8104

Deal with Doctor Perfidus

Continue up the slope to the second floor, you can now just right click the doors to get through.

Here you will find Doctor Perfidus, and behind him is Terrik!
Right click to speak with Doctor Perfidus.

You can now attack Doctor Perfidus, at around 10% health he will run away.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Elixir on Terrik Conti’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Serum Injector’

Use the Serum Injector on Terrik Conti (The bad one in the same room)

You can now continue all the way up to the top floor and find the friendly Terrik Conti at
/setwaypoint 4513 8109
Hand in the quest.

Finishing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Taming a Beast’

No Way Out


Defiants pick up this quest from Terrik Conti on the top floor of the Crucible of Will building
/setwaypoint 4513 8109

Watch the events unfold

Watch what happens

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Put Terrik out of his misery’

Kill Terrik.

You can get out of the building using the entrance at the back.
/setwaypoint 4549 8112
This back entrance will take you along a large vine that goes all the way down to the floor outside.

Defiants hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Note: Even though this quest is handed in in Eastern Holdings it will still count towards your Kingsward quests cheevo.

Defiant only quest

Chaos Unleashed


Guardians pick up this quest from Terrik Conti on the top floor of the Crucible of Will building
/setwaypoint 4513 8109

Watch the events unfold

Watch what happens

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Put Terrik out of his misery’

Kill Terrik.

You can get out of the building using the entrance at the back.
/setwaypoint 4549 8112
This back entrance will take you along a large vine that goes all the way down to the floor outside.

Guardians hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Note: Even though this quest is handed in in Eastern Holdings it will still count towards your Kingsward quests cheevo.

Guardian only quest

Defiant and Guardian split!

At this point in the questline, Defiant and Guardians split up into different quest areas.
Below you will find the remainder of the shared quests, and then the Defiant Quests and the Guardian Quests.
Some of the quests, especially pick up quests, are the same for both factions, these will be duplicated in both sections to keep you on track!

More Shared Quests

Status Report

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Battle Plans in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6227 7783
TO COMPLETE: Speak with the personnel listed

There are many copies of the correct personnel, you can go to any of them to tick off the quest.

Speak with the Training Sergeant
/setwaypoint 6171 7878

Speak with the Artillery Engineer
/setwaypoint 6084 7986

Speak with the Construct Mechanic
/setwaypoint 6123 7887

Speak with the Armory Scoutmaster
/setwaypoint 6236 8042

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6227 7781

Dawn Treaded

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dawnkeeper Missive (Scroll on the floor) in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6104 8051
TO COMPLETE: Find the Discarded Dawnkeeper Banner

Find the Discarded Dawnkeeper Banner at /setwaypoint 5891 7912
Right click it to examine it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Stained Dawnkeeper Blade’

Find the Stained Dawnkeeper Blade at /setwaypoint 5767 8024
Right click it to examine it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Chained Dawnkeeper Corpse’

Find the Chained Dawnkeeper Corpse at /setwaypoint 5731 7550
Right click it to examine it.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Brevane Unchained

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Korolis Slaver’s Key, looted from Awakened Slaver in Korolos Valley at /setwaypoint 5694 7564
TO COMPLETE: Unlock the chains of Brevane Slaves x8

Find the Brevane Slaves in the northern part of Korolis Valley, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5704 7528

Right click the padlocks on the chains to unlock them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Fringe Fortifications

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Brevane Signpost in The Armory at /setwaypoint 5903 7954
TO COMPLETE: Scout out the three locations

Scout out the defense point – /setwaypoint 6589 8033
Scout out the Armory entrance – /setwaypoint 6108 8033 (Any of the 3 Armory spots will do)
Scout out the fallen tower – /setwaypoint 6750 7713

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Shoddy Surveillance

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Surveillance Console in Arakhosian Hinterlands at /setwaypoint 6746 7721
TO COMPLETE: Read the units

Click the Remote Surveillance Unit at each location.

Read the western unit
/setwaypoint 6572 7731

Read the central unit
/setwaypoint 6818 7668

Read the eastern unit
/setwaypoint 7008 7741

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Brevanic Bind

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Still Cocoon in The Breach at /setwaypoint 4344 8487
TO COMPLETE: Free Brevane Scouts from Writhing Cocoons x5

Find the Writhing Cocoons all over The Breach, like this one at /setwaypoint 4297 8487
Right click them to free the Brevane Scouts.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Ringleader of Rock

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pulsing Core, looted from Animated Stones in The Breach at /setwaypoint 4284 8573
TO COMPLETE: Kill the Pulsing Stone Hulk

Find the Pulsing Stone Hulk on the eastern edge of The Breach at /setwaypoint 4270 8403
Kill him!

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

8 Defiant Quests -- 36-43

Sea Change


Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 8114 8773

Speak with Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Note: This quest will not count towards your Kingsward quests cheevo.

Defiant only quest

Secret Hope


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Find the secret palace entrance

Make your way to the secret entrance at
/setwaypoint 5713 8764

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tell Casimar what you know’

Right click Prince Casimar to talk with him

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Path of Princes
/setwaypoint 5715 8769

Defiant only quest

Operation: Liberation


Defiants pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Path of Princes
/setwaypoint 5715 8769

Enter the Tower of Dawn Understructure

You will gain a temporary ability called ‘Debilitate’, this allows you to control the prince as he accompanies you through the tower, use the Debilitate ability on your target to encourage the prince to help you kill it.

Go through the archway and down the tunnel at /setwaypoint 5734 8760
Enter the portal

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rescue General Batua’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Casimar’s Comlink’
If Prince Casimar runs off and doesn’t come back, you can use Casimar’s Comlink to summon him again.

Continue through the cave staying on the ground level for now, find General Batua in the cage at /setwaypoint 5854 8764

Right click the beast cage door to rescue General Batua.
General Batua will run off and go up the slope to the upper levels of the tower.

Go up the slope at
/setwaypoint 5792 8708
to meet up with General Batua.

Hand in the quest to General Batua in the Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5837 8735
Lower section (Enter from Kingsward at /setwaypoint 5734 8760)

Defiant only quest

Special Forces


Defiants pick up this quest from General Batua in the Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5837 8735, lower section (Enter from Kingsward at /setwaypoint 5734 8760)

Get past the guards and into the palace

General Batua will join you and you will gain another temporary ability called ‘Gallent Charge’

Continue up the slope and fight your way all the way up!

Go up the spiral staircase and find Prince Casimar in the next room.

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5833 8717
Lower section (Enter from Kingsward at /setwaypoint 5734 8760)

Defiant only quest

Gate of Opportunity


Defiants pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5833 8717
Lower section (Enter from Kingsward at /setwaypoint 5734 8760)

Open the gates to the Tower of Dawn

Click the Gate Lever at
/setwaypoint 5877 8737

Go through to the next room and drop down on the right where the Ivy is.

This will put you in the upper section of the Tower of Dawn.

Here you can grab the Tower of Dawn portal that will bring you back this upper section, if you need to go back down to the lower section of the Tower of Dawn then you will need to take the portal back out to Kingsward and go through the tunnel/portal at the base of the tower.

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5863 8716
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Defiant only quest

Retaking the Palace


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Guard the Militia

Go into each of the small rooms and kill all the baddies while the militia recapture the flags, keep an eye on the militia and help them attack all the baddies on the way, just rushing to the room wont help here!

(1) Guard militia while they recapture the south wing banner.
(2) Guard militia while they recapture the west wing banner.
(3) Guard militia while they recapture the north wing banner.

Be sure to kill the main bad guy on the platform in each room as these count as separate carnage quests.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

The End of Salvarola


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn
/setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Meet up with Casimar and Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room

Head into the room with the big elevator at /setwaypoint 5783 8753

Stand on the elevator and let it take you up to the throne room entrance stairs

Go up the stairs into the throne room.

Here you will find Casimar and Isabella.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Prince Casimar’

Right click Prince Casimar to talk with him.

You now get to kill Salvorola!

This can be a difficult fight for a low level player, I find it easier to ONLY DPS Salvorola, ignoring the adds, and to kite Salvorola in a big circle around the room so neither he nor the adds can hit me!

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in the Tower of Dawn throne room at
/setwaypoint 5860 8711

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘A Reckoning’

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

City Eternal


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room
/setwaypoint 5857 8711

Celebrate the return of Casimar and Isabella


Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room at
/setwaypoint 5859 8707

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

Beyond The Breach is a breadcrumb quest that leads you into Ashora, you can find it at the bottom of this page.

Investigate the Core is a breadcrumb quest that leads you into the Empyrean Core dungeon, you will find this on the Empyrean Core Dungeon guide page.

11 Guardian Quests -- 36-46

The Plan Unfolds


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Speak with General Batua in the Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to General Batua in Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7869 7751

Note: This quest will not count towards your Kingsward quests cheevo.

Guardian only quest

Constructing a Distraction


Guardians pick up this quest from General Batua in Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7869 7751

Locate the royal armory near the Tower of Dawn

Go to Guard Captain Barish in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6350 7865
Hand in the quest.

Guardian only quest

Suspicious Arrest


Guardians pick up this quest from Guard Captain Barish in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6350 7865

Follow Isabella’s Guard

WARNING: Escort quest!
Takes around 1 minute 45 seconds

Isabella’s Guard will appear near the questgiver, follow him as he takes you around the Armory.

This is a very slow walk! The guard will lead you to Princess Isabella at /setwaypoint 6227 7781

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6227 7781

Guardian only quest

Fateful Revelations


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Reveal your mission to the Princess

Right click Princess Isabella to speak with her.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Guardian only quest

Hope Restored


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Activate the Royal Constructs

There are 4 locations where you can do this, I choose the one at /setwaypoint 6459 7943

Right click the command console to activate the Royal Constructs

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring the Royal Constructs to a rally point’

The Royal Constructs will now follow you, go to one of the 3 rally points marked on the map, I went to /setwaypoint 6325 7826

If you go too quick then you will lose them, be sure they are right behind you the whole way, especially as you go up slopes!! If you lose them, then click the command console again to respawn them.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Guardian only quest

Battle Preparations


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Train the Command forces

Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 6304 7807 to the upper level of the Armory.
There are 3 marked locations, each one has a holovid that runs a simulation of a battle.

When you click the holovid the simulation will start and your ability bar will be replaced with 3 special abilities.

Train the Command forces against Constructs
/setwaypoint 6360 7712

Click the Holovid to start the simulation.

Use ‘Battle Order: Call for Spellcasters’ on the Construct that spawns

Train the Command forces against a group of Soldiers
/setwaypoint 6361 7779

Click the Holovid to start the simulation.

Use ‘Battle Order: Call for Constructs’ on the group of Soldiers that spawns

Train the Command forces against Spellcasters
/setwaypoint 6361 7860

Click the Holovid to start the simulation.

Use ‘Battle Order: Call for Foot Soldiers’ on the Spellcaster that spawns

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Guardian only quest

Warrior Princess


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in The Armory
/setwaypoint 6227 7781

Rendezvous with Princess Isabella at Halcyon Gates

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Halcyon Gates at /setwaypoint 6183 8576

Guardian only quest

Battle for the Bridge


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Halcyon Gates
/setwaypoint 6183 8576

Advance to Bridge Control Point Alpha

Go to Bridge Control Point Alpha at
/setwaypoint 6115 8628

You will be given the same 3 Battle Call abilities as the ‘Battle Preparations’ quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Beta’

Attack the baddies using your abilities, there is a large group of them so be sure to use the Constructs ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Gamma’

Advance to the next flag and use the Foot Soldiers ability against the Spellcasters

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Delta’

Advance to the next flag and find the next big group of defenders, use the Constructs again to get rid of them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness Casimar and Isabella’s reunion’

Go to the end of the bridge in front of the large doors at /setwaypoint 5910 8725

Watch the reunion play out.

Go in the gates and you be teleported into the upper tower area.

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5863 8716
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Guardian only quest

Retaking the Palace


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Guard the Militia

Go into each of the small rooms and kill all the baddies while the militia recapture the flags. Keep an eye on the militia and help them attack all the baddies on the way, just rushing to the room wont help here!

(1) Guard militia while they recapture the south wing banner.
(2) Guard militia while they recapture the west wing banner.
(3) Guard militia while they recapture the north wing banner.

Be sure to kill the main bad guy on the platform in each room as these count as separate carnage quests.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn at /setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

The End of Salvarola


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Tower of Dawn
/setwaypoint 5861 8717
Upper section (Enter through the Tower of Dawn portal)

Meet up with Casimar and Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room

Head into the room with the big elevator at /setwaypoint 5783 8753

Stand on the elevator and let it take you up to the throne room entrance stairs

Go up the stairs into the throne room.

Here you will find Casimar and Isabella.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Prince Casimar’

Right click Prince Casimar to talk with him.

You now get to kill Salvorola!

This can be a difficult fight for a low level player, I find it easier to ONLY DPS Salvorola, ignoring the adds, and to kite Salvorola in a big circle around the room so neither he nor the adds can hit me!

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in the Tower of Dawn throne room at
/setwaypoint 5860 8711

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘A Reckoning’

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

City Eternal


Guardians pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room
/setwaypoint 5857 8711

Celebrate the return of Casimar and Isabella


Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in the Tower of Dawn throne room at
/setwaypoint 5859 8707

Shared quest (Picked up at different points)

Beyond The Breach is a breadcrumb quest that leads you into Ashora, you can find it at the bottom of this page.

Investigate the Core is a breadcrumb quest that leads you into the Empyrean Core dungeon, you will find this on the Empyrean Core Dungeon guide page.

25 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Cleansing Kingsward’ in Kingsward
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Nest
PICK UP: You will find them in Menagerie at around /setwaypoint 4502 9170
TO COMPLETE: Kill Skinflayer Gnar in the Menagerie x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Tidal Forces
PICK UP: You will find them in Menagerie at around /setwaypoint 4512 9251
TO COMPLETE: Kill Menagerie Karkauids in Menagerie x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Exterminator
PICK UP: You will find them in Menagerie at around /setwaypoint 4436 9408
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vespid Pollinators x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Against the Herd
PICK UP: You will find them in Menagerie at around /setwaypoint 4540 9354
TO COMPLETE: Kill Goretusk Razorbeasts in Menagerie x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Dead Awakened
PICK UP: You will find them in Royal Gardens at around /setwaypoint 4943 8636
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened in Royal Gardens x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fire Fight
PICK UP: You will find them in Royal Gardens at around /setwaypoint 5444 8597
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firewing Drones in Royal Gardens x12

CARNAGE: Carnage: Ravenous Terrors
PICK UP: You will find them in Royal Gardens at around /setwaypoint 5462 8508
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ravenous Terrormaws in Royal Gardens x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Cutting Away The Overgrowth
PICK UP: You will find them in Royal Gardens at around /setwaypoint 5637 8490
TO COMPLETE: Kill Satyrs in Royal Gardens x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Small Thieves
PICK UP: You will find them in Korolis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5805 8121
TO COMPLETE: Kill Boglings in Korolis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Rock Hide, Sharp Horn
PICK UP: You will find them in Korolis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5671 8329
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rockhide Tramplers in Korolis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Abominations
PICK UP: You will find them in Korolis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5781 8031
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened and their experiments in Korolis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Slaying the Slavers
PICK UP: You will find them in Korolis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5707 7579
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened Slavers in Korolis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fierce Creatures
PICK UP: You will find them in Korolis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5852 8429
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fierce Terrormaws in Korolis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Prophet Haurbauk
PICK UP: You will find him in Tower of Dawn (Upper) at /setwaypoint 5923 8833
TO COMPLETE: Kill Prophet Haurbauk

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fleshrender Vlade
PICK UP: You will find him in Tower of Dawn (Upper) at /setwaypoint 5766 8794
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fleshrender Vlade

CARNAGE: Carnage: Palace Defender
PICK UP: You will find him in Tower of Dawn (Upper) at /setwaypoint 5830 8646
TO COMPLETE: Kill Palace Defender

CARNAGE: Carnage: Gnarly Problem
PICK UP: You will find them in Arakhosian Hinterlands at around /setwaypoint 6765 7728
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gnar in Arakhosian Hinterlands x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Vhar Away
PICK UP: You will find them in Arakhosian Hinterlands at around /setwaypoint 6627 7779
TO COMPLETE: Kill Hinterland Vhar in Arakhosian Hinterlands x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutation Infestation
PICK UP: You will find them in Arakhosian Hinterlands at around /setwaypoint 6943 7773
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mutants in Arakhosian Hinterlands x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Prison Break
PICK UP: You will find them in the Academy at around /setwaypoint 5441 8195
TO COMPLETE: Kill Academy Prison Guards in the Academy x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Cloudstrike
PICK UP: You will find them in the Academy at around /setwaypoint 5415 8139
TO COMPLETE: Kill Royal Cloudstalkers in the Academy x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Strike Back
PICK UP: You will find them in the Academy at around /setwaypoint 5366 7821
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackclaw Strikers in the Academy x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Designed To Kill
PICK UP: You will find them in The Breach at around /setwaypoint 4336 8463
TO COMPLETE: Kill Architects in The Breach

CARNAGE: Carnage: Clearing The Breach
PICK UP: You will find them in The Breach at around /setwaypoint 4299 8493
TO COMPLETE: Kill Freshwater Clampjaws in The Breach x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Stone To Dust
PICK UP: You will find them in The Breach at around /setwaypoint 4283 8573
TO COMPLETE: Kill Earth Elementals in The Breach x8

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

Beyond The Breach


Pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in the Tower of Dawn throne room (Take the Portal into Tower of Dawn and use the elevator to get up to the throne room)
/setwaypoint 5861 8707
This quest will lead you into Ashora, you can pick it up after you have completed the storyline in Kingsward.

Meet up with the Brevane Scout

Go back down the elevator to get out of the Tower of Dawn throne room.

Head into Ashora through the large gateway at /setwaypoint 4012 8305 and find the Bravane Scout at /setwaypoint 3557 8023

Oh dear, he appears to be dead already!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search the scout’s corpse for clues’

Right click his corpse.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Architect Assassin’

An Architect Assassin will attack you, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Jurrgond in Nurjak Vostra, Ashora
/setwaypoint 3522 8036

Notes for Completionist..

  • Guardians may find that the ‘Retaking the Palace‘ quest doesn’t tick off completionist even though they have completed it.
  • Completionist has 10 extra quests listed that you wont be able to pick up. These quests are given to players who take a level 65 vial. These players will find themselves in an instanced version of the Tower of Dawn with a few training quests to complete.
    The quests are: Cunning and Fury, Dexterity and Discipline, Intelligence and Discipline, Strength and Discipline, Wisdom and Discipline, Measure of a Cleric, Measure of a Mage, Measure of a Primalist, Measure of a Rogue, and Measure of a Warrior.
  • Completionist will say you have 20/21 quests when you hover over it but only list the 10/11 quests above as incomplete.. I don’t know why it does this!
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