Cheevos can be found in H > Chronicles > Queen’s Gambit
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Main Quests and Bosses Rare Mob Chests Artifacts Sinister Presence
Number of bosses: 3
Level of Chronicle: 60
Number of players: This Chronicle can be complete with one or two players.
A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this chronicle.
This guide is designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
When you enter the Chronicle you will be given an instanced quest sticky. Follow the quest objectives to progress through the chronicle and complete it.
Main Quests and Bosses
That'll Awaken You
Pick up the quest ‘Kaaz Boom’ from Atrophinius at the start of the Chronicle.
The quest requires you to destroy 10 of the Volatile Chemicals throughout the Chronicle. These Vials can be found around the trash mobs along the paths. When hit they will explode, causing damage and knockback to nearby mobs (Including yourself!). You will need to target them and hit them with a single target spell, most AoEs will not work on them.
Upon Completion of the quest you will be given the option to choose a reward of 100 Notoriety for… Qaijiri, Caretakers, Achyati, Survivors, Hailol, or Empyreal Alliance.
Go Go Golem
Pick up the quest ‘Awakened Golems’ from Atrophinius at the start of the Chronicle.
Kill 12 Awakened Golems as you make your way through the Chronicle.
Upon Completion of the quest you will be given the option to choose a reward of 100 Notoriety for… Qaijiri, Caretakers, Achyati, Survivors, Hailol, or Empyreal Alliance.
Volatile Situation
You will need to be sure that every Volatile Chemical you destroy is hitting a few baddies.
An easy way to do this is to go in and round up the baddies and then bring them to the Volatile Chemicals before you then hit the Volatile Chemicals to make them explode.
You can then DPS down the baddies and move on to the next pack.
Abido Kyo
As a level 70 you can just blitz this boss straight down.
Shock Blast – This dude has a big ray gun, get out of it!
Steel Whirl – A bad AoE around the boss, move out! The boss will be immune while this is active.
Och and Krok
As a level 70 you can just blitz these two straight down.
The bosses health bars should be kept roughly equal or bad things will happen.
Och casts ‘Focused Shard‘ which needs to be interrupted.
Krok will cast a circle shield around himself. You will need to be stood inside the circle to be able to damage either boss.
Try to stay out of the red on the floor.
Och Blocker
Ensure to always rupt the Focused Shard spell that Och casts.
As a level 70 you can just blitz this boss straight down.
Charged Shard – A purple crystal will appear on the platform. You need to line of sight it behind the central pillar or it will kill you!
Terra Burst – A 3 second interruptible cast – Fires missiles at you.
Healing Aura – Cast by Tasuil – Get in it to stay healthy!
Translocate – Inyr’Kta will teleport to the other side of the pillar
Earth Boils – Painful shards with a red AoE around them.. Stay out the red!
Terra Busted
Be sure to interrupt Terra Burst every time it is cast.
Upon Completion of the Chronicle (Queen’s Gambit) you will be given the option to choose a reward of 300 Notoriety for… Qaijiri, Caretakers, Achyati, Survivors, Hailol, or Empyreal Alliance.
Rare mob
There is no cheevo for looting the chest.
The chest can be found in many different locations throughout the Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit Chronicle.
There is a path from behind the 4th boss that takes you back towards the entrance of the Chronicle. The chest is often along this path, as well as a few artifacts!
Chest Loots include: Crystallized Insight (PAXP)
Collecting all the artifacts in the Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit Chronicle does not grant a cheevo.