Abyssal Precipice

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Abyssal Precipice


Location: Iron Pine Peak
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 2839 1730

Number of Standard bosses: 3
Level of Standard bosses: 48-50
Number of Expert bosses: 5
Level of Expert bosses: 52

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: No – You will need 3 people

A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

Boss 1 - Kaler Andrenos - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

  • Stay out the bad circle on the floor – the bad will deal damage and knock players up into the air, which may even throw you off the cliff. The circle is where the ice pillar will spawn.
  • Abyssal Mealstrom – The boss will randomly target a player and apply a debuff that will pull nearby players to that player and deal damage – Low level groups should spread out.
  • Icy Explosion – The boss will drop an ice pillar in the fight area – He will then cast ****** and all players will need to Line of Sight the boss – Low level groups can tank the boss in the tunnel entrance and then use the nearby rocks to LoS, this is much easier!
Kaler Andrenos

Boss 2 - Icetalon - Expert Mode

Phase 1

  • Touch of Storms – Channeled cast where Landrac will lift a random player skywards and then knock them back – All players can stand with their backs against the cliff at /setwaypoint 1096 1147
  • Add Summon – Landrac wil summon 3 bird adds – Kill them with Aoe/Cleave

Phase 2

  • Icetalon will be summoned when Landrac reaches 20% – You can continue to DPS and hopefully kill Landrac before Icetalon reaches the platform and needs to be tanked.
  • Ripping Talons – Icetalon will randomly charge a player and place a damaging DOT on them, this can be cleansed off.
  • Grievous Wound – Icetalon places a bleed on the tank that only stops when the tank reaches 100% health, be sure to have a strong healer!
  • Icetalon will continue with the knock back from the first phase.

The loot from the boss will be in a chest in the middle of the platform, don’t forget to grab it!


Boss 3 - Majolic the Bloodwalker - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

DPS the boss to 50% health and then he will transform into his true form, while he is transforming you will need to move away as there will be an AoE around him.

  • Blood Contagion – A dot placed on players, cleanse it ASAP
  • Blood Crystal – A random player will be encased in a crystal, DPS should target the crystal and break it ASAP, especially if your healer is in there! – Low level groups may want to use 2 healers on this fight for this reason.
Majolic the Bloodwalker

Boss 4 - Renthar - Expert Mode

Be sure the whole group moves into the right side of the cave before you pull, or you will end up locking players out.

  • Cave In – Ground AoE – Quickly move out of it.
  • Charge – Ranthar will charge at the player who is furthest away from him and deal a lot of damage. The best way to mitigate this is to tank him on the left side and have a specific player stand to the far right to absorb this charge. Low level groups may need their furthest player to change to tank or heals so they stay alive. The rest of the group stands in the middle of the room, spread out if possible to reduce the threat of the AoE.

Boss 5 - Calyx the Ancient - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

When you approach Calyx there will be a few minutes of roleplay before you can actually get down to the killing. Many groups will go to Calyx before boss 4 and activate the roleplay, then go back and kill boss 4 so the roleplay is over and done when they get back to Calyx.

  • The tank should position Calyx in the centre of the room.
  • The rest of the group can shimmy into the small alcove at /setwaypoint 901 1119
  • Using this setup will get you a quick kill (as long as you have good heals) but will not award you the cheevos, for that you will need to play properly!


  • Tank moves Calyx to the middle of the room, the rest of the group should spread out around Calyx, it is much easier to be ranged in this fight!
  • 3 lasers will beam out from Calyx at 12 o clock, 4 o clock and 8 o clock – The lasers will spin in an anti-clockwise direction – The raid needs to move constantly will the lasers to avoid being hit.
  • Ground AoE – Calyx will randomly place a ground AoE under a player, that player will need to move out to avoid damage, after a few ticks the AoE will then freeze anyone caught inside it, this can easily kill a player when the laser beam then hits them cos they can’t move!
  • Frozen Wrath – A casted ability, when finished it will reduced everyone’s health to 20% – Get the tank back up first and then everyone else.
  • Jagged Ice Shield – Calyx places a shield on himself that will reflect damage – This can be purged.
Calyx the Ancient

Defiant Quests

These quests are available in Abyssal Precipice and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.

QUEST: Faceless Threats (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5997 5134 (top floor)
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Faceless Man in Abyssal Precipice

Enter the Abyssal Precipice Dungeon and find the Faceless Man near the entrance at
/setwaypoint 1024 937
Hand in the quest

QUEST: Deep Touched Technology (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Abyssal Precipice at /setwaypoint 1024 937
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed – When you grab the item, the mob next to it will become active, be ready to kill!

Collect the Ethian Core
/setwaypoint 928 994

Collect the Unstable Sourcestone
/setwaypoint 1046 1083

Deep Touched Source Canister
/setwaypoint 921 1197

When you pick up the Last item, the Faceless Man will appear right next to you so you can hand in the quest. You can also hand it in at the entrance.

QUEST: Strange Seekers (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Abyssal Precipice at /setwaypoint 1024 937
TO COMPLETE: Collect the Abyssal Notebook

Kill the baddies, then a few NPCs will spawn and have a good chat.
These NPCs will then stand where the book was and be neutral to you. When you are ready, kill them and loot the book from their corpses. 

The Faceless Man will then appear behind you so you can hand in the quest straight away, you can also hand in the quest back at the entrance or further into the dungeon, but no reason to wait!

The Faceless Man will also offer the first quest for the Defiant version of the Abyssal Saga
You can find a full guide to the Abyssal Saga questline here.

Guardian Quests

These quests are available in Abyssal Precipice and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.

QUEST: A Mountain of Secrets (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in The Lodge of the Planes (Sanctum) at /setwaypoint 7608 3107
TO COMPLETE: Find Alaric in Abyssal Precipice

Enter the Abyssal Precipice Dungeon and find Alaric near the entrance at
/setwaypoint 1021 937
Hand in the quest

QUEST: The Book of Sunken Dreams (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alaric in Abyssal Precipice Dungeon at /setwaypoint 1021 937
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed

Sunken Dreams Chapter One
/setwaypoint 979 985
This chest will drop an AoE on you when you loot it, be sure to move out of it!

Sunken Dreams Chapter Two
/setwaypoint 992 1157
This chest will create a knock back after you loot it, move away quickly or be thrown off the cliff!

Sunken Dreams Chapter Three
/setwaypoint 967 1217
This chest will turn you into a bunny!… and then set the wolves on you!

When you have looted all 3 Chapters, your quest objective will change to ‘Use the Fire of Thedeor’

Go into the cave and then down the left tunnel to the area when the 4th boss is on expert mode. Here you will find the very large Fire of Thedeor.
Right click the Fire of Thedeor to use it and a bunch of NPCs will spawn and start chatting.
Kill them and then use the fire again to complete the quest.

A Messanger of the Vigil will spawn next to the fire so you can hand in the quest in straight away.

QUEST: Sword of Thedeor (Normal mode Abyssal Precipice)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Magnus Lucklum in Abyssal Precipice Dungeon at /setwaypoint 1022 937
TO COMPLETE: Survive Thedeor’s first test

Go up the slope behind the first boss at /setwaypoint 1055 1102

Enter the clearing to find the sword at /setwaypoint 1103 1121

Right click the sword to have a short conversation with it and then kill all the baddies that spawn, there are quite a few of them, and then one big one at the end!

When everything is dead a Messenger of the Vigil will spawn next to the sword so you can hand in the quest in straight away.

Achievements Available

Conqueror: Abyssal Precipice

Complete the 3 cheevos listed

Achiever: Abyssal Precipice

Complete all the cheevos in Abyssal Precipice

Rapid Assault: Abyssal Precipice

Finish Abyssal Precipice on expert difficulty within 40 minutes of first combat

Expert: Abyssal Precipice

Defeat all the bosses in Abyssal Precipice on expert difficulty

Abyssal Precipice

Defeat the 3 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode

Kaler Andrenos
Melting Ice

Ensure to LoS the boss during the Icy Explosion mechanic. Kill the boss quickly!

Flying Feathers

Kill Landrac slowly so that at least 7 of the bird adds spawn and you can DPS them down. They spawn 3 at a time.

Majolic the Bloodwalker
There will be Blood

You will need at least 3 players for this cheevo.
Get the boss to low health and then stop DPS and wait for 2 players to be encased in a blood crystal, don’t break them out, kill the boss instead!

The Sky is Falling

Cave In – Ground AoE – Quickly move out of it.

Calyx the Ancient
Take No Prisoners

Be sure to move out of the ground AoE quickly

Perfect Execution

Ensure none of your group get hit by the laser beams!

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