Sanctum is the Capital city for Guardians
There is 1 portal in the area
Thontics Row – This area is where world event vendors/activities will be during world events.
Plaza – The entrance area, with some world event activities.
PVP Area – PVP quests and vendors for PVP gear.
Sanctum of the Vigil – Here you will find the 6 planar vendors, the Ascended Powers merchant, Saga storylines. Dungeon quests and weeklies for level 50 raids.
Crafting Area – All of the crafting trainers, Adventure gear merchant, as well as a Bank and Auctioneer.
The Village – Guild quests, Stylist, mount vendor and Dungeon quests.
This guide is for the Guardian Quests in Sanctum.
For the Defiant quests in Meridian, click here!
Sanctum Quests
The Holy City of Sanctum
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Rhamm Dragonbane in Sanctum (on the bridge) at /setwaypoint 7308 3051
TO COMPLETE: Seek out Lila Medows in Tavril’s Plaza
Continue across the Bridge and hand the quest in to Lila Medows, who is stood right in front of the statue /setwaypoint 7354 3050
The Abbots of Sanctum
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lila Medows in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7354 3050
Speak with Eldain Diomid – /setwaypoint 7403 2991 – Crafting area
Speak with Olaf Bladstrom – /setwaypoint 7429 2934 – PVP area
Speak with Onida Windkeiss – /setwaypoint 7546 3022 – The Village
Speak with Howakan Farlight – /setwaypoint 7441 3134 – Thontic’s Row
Each of the NPCs you need to speak with are marked on your map with a blue speech bubble
When you have spoken to them all, hand in the quest to Cyril Kalmar in the Sanctum of the Vigil (ground floor of the central tower) /setwaypoint 7513 3049
Secrets and Artifacts
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Teldre in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7371 3050
TO COMPLETE: Find the Artifacts listed
The 3 artifacts you need to pick up are all marked on your map. These artifacts have a very quick respawn rate! Pick them up, but don’t add them to your collection until after you complete the quest.
Find the Feather of the Messenger – /setwaypoint 7531 3118
Find the Plot to Kill Orphiel – /setwaypoint 7513 2968
Find the Abyssal Book of Names – /setwaypoint 7473 3005
When you have all 3 artifacts in your bags, go up the slope to the middle floor of the Sanctum tower and hand in the quest to Fenric Duboard – /setwaypoint 7469 3004
You can then right click each artifact to pop them into your collection and then hand in the collection to Fenric Duboard.
Highlands Research
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Remun Smorkov in Tavril Plaza at /setwaypoint 7358 3068
QUEST: To Delve is to Know
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7515 3047
TO COMPLETE: These are the first quests of the Soul Saga Questline (even though it is not marked as a Saga Quest, it will be a few quests in)
This quest is available to pick up from level 17.. but I HIGHLY recommend you ignore it till you hit level 60 and are able to complete the whole questline all the way through.
You will find a full guide to the Soul Saga Quests here
Thontic's Blessing
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cabalist Elsu in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7450 3047
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Annette Kostral in Argent Glade
Go back to Argent Glade, you can use the portal, hand in the quest to Annette Kostral /setwaypoint 6021 3122
Omen Sight
Sight Beyond Sight
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7457 3040
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Abstaffar the Mysterious about purchasing Omen Sight
Go into the alcove on the bottom floor of the Tower in Sanctum.
Speak with Abstaffar the Mysterious at /setwaypoint 7474 3006
Buy the Omen Sight ability from Abstaffar the Mysterious
The ability costs 12k Planarite. Planarite is earned by killing planar invasions, rifts, footholds or zone events.
Buy the ability and it will go into your bags, you then need to right click it to learn the ability.
You can find the learned ability in your ability book under Ascended Powers.
Turn on your Omen Sight ability, you will notice that you now have the Omen Sight buff which will last for a full hour.
You will also notice some swirly mist effect all around the edge of your screen.. if you find this annoying you can turn this off in Settings > Video > Advanced > Fullscreen FX tick box.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hear the Prophecy of Beauty, Time and Sand’
Speak to 3 NPCs with Omen Sight turned on to hear the Prophecies.
Hear the Prophecy of Beauty from Shyla the Fallen at /setwaypoint 7508 3049
Hear the Prophecy of Time from Orphiel Farwind at /setwaypoint 7546 3067
Hear the Prophecy of Sand from Messanger of Omens at /setwaypoint 7458 3127
Hand in the quest to Fayne Doran in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7457 3040
The Prophecy of Sand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7457 3040
TO COMPLETE: Discover the Gildstone Prophecy Sliver
Go to the Tempest Plains area in Shimmersand and find the entrance to the Gilded Prophecy raid at /setwaypoint 7099 6901
You will find two portals here, be sure you go into the right one, hover over them to read the mouseover, you want the one that says ‘Gilded Prophecy’ not ‘Intrepid Gilded Prophecy’
You need to have Omen Sight turned on to see them!
Walk into the ‘bubble ‘ to enter the raid instance.
Gilded Prophecy is 10 man instanced raid content at level 50, you wont be able to solo it until you reach at least level 65.
Leave the instance, or use Soul Recall to exit.
Hand in the quest to Fayne Doran in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7457 3040
The Drowned Halls
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7513 3049
TO COMPLETE: Enter the Drowned Halls using Omen Sight
Go to Scarwood Reach and find the Drowned Halls entrance at /setwaypoint 3076 4133
You will find two portals here, be sure you go into the right one, hover over them to read the mouseover, you want the one that says ‘The Drowned Halls’ not ‘Intrepid The Drowned Halls’
You need to have Omen Sight turned on to see them!
Walk into the ‘bubble ‘ to enter the raid instance.
The Drowned Halls is 10 man instanced raid content at level 50, you wont be able to solo it until you reach at least level 65.
Leave the instance, or use Soul Recall to exit.
Hand in the quest to Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum of the Vigil at /setwaypoint 7513 3049
Sanctum PvP Quests
It is unlikely that you will find a PvP match before you hit level 65, so don’t worry about picking up these quests until then.
These Guides will be added at a later date
Dungeon Quests
These quests will be available to pick up when you reach a certain level.
The Realm of the Fae
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in The Lodge of the Planes in Sanctum (Pub in the East) /setwaypoint 7608 3107
TO COMPLETE: Talk with Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum
Go to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the Vigil in Sanctum (Ground floor near the throne) /setwaypoint 7515 3052
Talk with her
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Fae Rift Well’
Go to the Dungeon entrance and enter!
If you are low level and have no group then you can just ignore this quest till you get a group or are much higher level.
The Crown of Twyl
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the Vigil in Sanctum (Ground floor near the throne) /setwaypoint 7515 3052
TO COMPLETE: Burn the Crown of Seasons in the Brazier of Winter’s End
Realm of the Fae is a 5 man Dungeon, you can try to get a group together at low level, or wait till you are higher level and solo it.
Introduction Quests
These quests will automatically be given to you when you reach a certain level.
Introduction: Dimensions
PICK UP: The quest is automatically granted when you reach level 8
TO COMPLETE: Journey to Argent Glade and meet Toia Hajme

You will find Toia Hajme in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6102 3218
You should hand in this quest and do the follow up quests when you first reach Argent Glade, you should hopefully be over level 8 by then!
Your First Small Dimension
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Toia Hajme in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6102 3218
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Toia Hajme in Argent Glade

This quest will award you with a dimension key when you hand it in.
A dimension is Rifts player housing, a small instanced slice of the world for you to do whatever you like with!
The next few quests will show you how to enter and place objects inside your dimension.
Key to Dimension: Sanguine Shores
Right click the key to collect it. The Key will be added to your list of dimension keys.
You start the game with 2 dimension slots, the key will automatically activate and take one of those if they are still empty! If you happen to have already bought yourself some dimensions then don’t worry, the next few quests can be completed in any dimension, it doesn’t have to be Sanguine Shores.
Placing Dimension Items
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Toia Hajme in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6102 3218
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Gartyn Hejme in your dimension

To enter your dimension, open up the dimension UI, default key is [ (the square open bracket next to letter p)
Click the key to teleport into the dimension instance.
Be sure to stand somewhere ‘safe’ before you teleport in, when you leave the dimension later you will teleport back to where you were stood!

In your bag you will find ‘Gartyn’s Amphora’ you need to place this dimension item into your dimension.
Left click the item in your bags and drag it out of your bags, then left click again where you would like to place the item in your dimension. A spot just in front of your character is perfect.
Once you place the Amphora down a quest NPC will appear next to it, called Gartyn Hejme. Hand in your quest to him.
You will receive a bag of dimension items as a reward, you can use these to decorate your new dimension!
Gartyn Hejme will then offer you the next quest.

Removing Dimension Items
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gartyn Hejme in your dimension (follows on from the previous quest)
TO COMPLETE: Pick up Gartyn’s Amphora from your dimension.
Left click the Amphora to select it and then use the ‘pick up’ tool (or just press 5)
If you cannot select the Amphora then you may not be in build mode, click the spanner in the middle of the dimension UI to enter build mode.
If you accidentally move your Amphora to somewhere that you cannot see/reach then open up your dimension items list (top left corner of dimension UI) and select the Amphora from the list.

To leave your dimension you can click the little door in the dimension UI
There will also be a little door just under your map, you can right click this too to leave.
You can now hand in the quest to Toia Hajme in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6102 3218
Introduction: Instant Adventure
PICK UP: The quest is automatically given to you when you reach level 10
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Sergeant Heilig in Argent Glade

You can find Sergeant Heilig near the Argent Glade portal at /setwaypoint 6034 3143
Speak toSergeant Heilig about Instant Adventures
Instant Adventures are a group levelling option.
You can find out more about Instant Adventures in the Levelling guide.
If you are a new player to the game then I highly recommend you do not join the Instant Adventures and instead enjoy the questline!
Once you have spoken to Sergeant Heilig you can then hand in the quest and pick up the Weekly Quest to complete 30 Instant Adventures. You should try to get this quest done each week, and then exit IA once you are done!
Introduction: Mentoring
PICK UP: The quest is automatically given to you when you reach level 15
TO COMPLETE: Use Set Ascended Mentor Level from the portrait menu.
Right click your portrait and select ‘Set Ascended Mentor Level’ from the menu.
You will only have this option if you are out of combat, stood still and not in Instant Adventures!
Click OK to mentor down and the quest will auto complete.
Make sure you right click your portrait again and select to clear your mentor level before you continue questing!
You can find more information about mentoring on the Mentoring and Sidekicking guide.

Advanced Lessons: Soul Tree
PICK UP: The quest is automatically given to you when you reach level 13
TO COMPLETE: Talk to *your class trainer* in Sanctum of the Vigil in Sanctum
Different classes will need to speak to their own class trainer for this quest.
The trainers are on the top floor of the Sanctum tower.
For Rogues, speak to Pandothiel Majenthe – /setwaypoint 7484 3064
For Primalists, speak to Yeke of the Wilds – /setwaypoint 7449 3050
For Clerics, speak to Niles Twellend – /setwaypoint 7455 3036
For Mages, speak to Elija Teefus – /setwaypoint 7455 3065
For Warriors, speak to Regina Penthe – /setwaypoint 7483 3035
Watch the short video and then hand the quest in to your class trainer.
Introduction: Group Finder
PICK UP: The quest is automatically given to you when you reach level 17
TO COMPLETE: Learn about Looking For Group from Mitch in Sanctum
In the Pub at the back of Sanctum you will find Mitch
/setwaypoint 7595 3118
This quest will explain the LFG system for dungeons.
Have a read of the information and then hand in the quest to Mitch
Your First Minion
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cheque Gui in Mariel-Taun’s Village at /setwaypoint 7581 3077
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Stofie next to Cheque Gui in Sanctum
Stofie is right next to the quest giver, hand in the quest to him.
This quest will give you your first Minion Card.
You can find a guide to the minion card system here.