Twisted: Inyra’s Ascension Ceremony
Twisted: Inyra’s Ascension Ceremony (60)
In this timeline the Ascended fail to locate the Awakened splinter group. Mistress Inyra gains enough volatile chemicals and pure pheromone extract to ensure her Ascension. These are the artifacts of her ceremony.
This is a Twisted artifact set containing 5 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Easy.
Chronicles > Hive Kaaz'Gfuu
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
This set can be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: Remarkable Coffer of Goods
Artifacts in this set:
Inyra's Ceremonial Gloves
Inyra's Ceremonial Dress
Inyra's Ceremonial Cape
Inyra's Ceremonial Tiara
Inyra's All-knowing Speech
Inyra's Ceremonial Dress
Inyra's Ceremonial Cape
Inyra's Ceremonial Tiara
Inyra's All-knowing Speech
For a full list of collectible artifacts you can visit the Artifacts List.