Vachir Altan: Champion

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Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7406 2886
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 6003 5127 height = 966

Book Blurb

This book tells the story of Vachir Altan, a Bahmi and the first Champion.

Book Text

Vachir Altan, the Bahmi Warrior, was the first to bear the title of Champion. He originally came to renown for his battle with Crucia’s whelp Arconis, known as the Bane of Kerenton. Though the local human population viewed Vachir with suspicion when he rode into town, the Warrior ignored their furtive glances and within hours, entered the dragon spawn’s lair in the ruins of Castle Kerenton.

He bull-rushed the wyrm with reckless abandon, and the two fought an epic battle across the once-great stronghold. In the end, Arconis lay dead in the courtyard, Altan’s great blade impaled in his throat. “Start a fire. We feast tonight,” was all Vachir said to the townsfolk. That evening he enjoyed the hospitality of the people of Kerenton, but by morning he was gone, and many more tales of his exploits are told throughout Telara.

While Vachir’s disciples are numerous among the Bahmi of the Canyons, the duchy of Kerenton has also produced its share of blue-skinned Champions, who brashly rode forth from native borders. No matter whence they hail, all Champions seek to overcome the impossible through mastery of the blade.

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