Trillian’s Letters to the Ascended – Page 4

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This book can be collected by Defiants and Guardians.

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.

Book Blurb

A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.

Book Text

Truth be told, it has been rough lately. I miss the old crew. We were always fighting something grander, as if the world had always a new danger for when we were done with the last one, always travelling to new lands and exploring every corner of the world. But at some moment, that started to slow down, and we, the Ascended, lost purpose. I went on adventuring until our once mighty battalion was just but a couple of guild members… Until at some point, I grew too old.

I have been in these four walls doing my daily chores for what it seems an endless time. Detached from the rest, isolated. At least I have Torstein accompanying me, but there is a limit to how much conversation you can make with a horse.

And I’ve been wondering, was retiring the right choice? I might be already out of service, but while I was adventuring and looking for the greater, did I miss out on many of the landscapes and small things that Telara has to offer? Wasn’t being in the company of my old pals what pulled me in to keep on doing the most unbelievable jobs?

If you find these letters, I’m no longer in that old shack in the forest. I needed to stay home for a while, let sink in, but now I have a new purpose.

I might not travel in full armor anymore, but I will explore Telara and find a guild to call home.

Keep Telara safe for me, Ascended.

Trillian Lockwert, the Runeforger

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