Trillian’s Letters to the Ascended – Page 3

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This book can be collected by Defiants and Guardians.

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.

Book Blurb

A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.

Book Text

The other day I was making space in the shed to stockpile some wood that I recently chopped, and I found my old gear. Layer upon layer of heavy armor with runes engraved, mystical fragments and all sort of trinkets attached to it. The bloody thing is so infused with power that I usually cover it with a couple of old rugs to avoid its pulsating light to keep me up all night.

How does someone wear all those things into battle to begin with? Wearing a chainmail is enough to make you think an Elementalist is messing with you with gravitational spells, it snags every strand of hair that enters in contact with and don’t you dare be a fool like me to go to the depths of a damned volcano wearing metal all over you. I thought I was going to melt back then and there.

Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll keep to my comfy pants.

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