Unstable: Snow Demons
Unstable: Snow Demons (33)
At certain times of the night, during certain times of the year, small mischievous Demons roam the Iron Pine Peaks causing all sorts of trouble. These are just some of the evils that the fabled Cloudbourne Ice Necklace can protect you from.
This is a Unstable artifact set containing 12 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Hard.
Mathosia > Iron Pine Peak
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
This set can be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: Gold Chest
The Currency: A Planar Nut
Credits the Cheevo:
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Artifacts in this set:
Blinking Snow Trickster
Icestorm Pixie
Ephemeral Pickpocket
Blue Prankster
Mischievous White Brownie
Fleet Footed Charlatan
Giggling Backstabber
Invisible Key Thief
Faerie Swindler
Dayblind Cheat
Blood Iron Bamboozle
Chancel Book Eater
Icestorm Pixie
Ephemeral Pickpocket
Blue Prankster
Mischievous White Brownie
Fleet Footed Charlatan
Giggling Backstabber
Invisible Key Thief
Faerie Swindler
Dayblind Cheat
Blood Iron Bamboozle
Chancel Book Eater
For a full list of collectible artifacts you can visit the Artifacts List.