Burning: Nela Valcuthren
Burning: Nela Valcuthren (26)
Who knew that a life of highway robbery could be more exciting than a Grinding Equipment Safety Inspector?
This is a Burning artifact set containing 8 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Moderate.
Mathosia > Stonefield
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
This set can be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: Faded Cache
Credits the Cheevo:
Burning Stonefield
Artifacts in this set:
Thrill of the Chase
Mine Closure Depression
Secret Rib Cage Hideout
Undead Invisibility Charm
Crime Pays
Outlaw Workout
Amazing Armored Pants
None Notice Her Eyes
Mine Closure Depression
Secret Rib Cage Hideout
Undead Invisibility Charm
Crime Pays
Outlaw Workout
Amazing Armored Pants
None Notice Her Eyes
For a full list of collectible artifacts you can visit the Artifacts List.