Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2
I should have guessed there would be more than one chapter.

These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 3. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 2
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 3
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 4
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 5
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 6
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 7
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 2 - Page 8